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Books in Prohyptikon Value Classics series

  • The Call of Cthulhu

    H. P. Lovecraft, Colin J. E. Lupton

    Paperback (Prohyptikon Publishing Inc., July 7, 2010)
    One of the feature stories of the Cthulhu Mythos, H.P. Lovecraft's 'the Call of Cthulhu' is a harrowing tale of the weakness of the human mind when confronted by powers and intelligences from beyond our world.
  • The Prince

    Niccolo Machiavelli, Colin J.E. Lupton

    Paperback (Prohyptikon Publishing Inc., Aug. 9, 2013)
    A new edition of the highly exalted and infamous discourse containing observations and instructions on the significance of a rise to power. For nearly half a millennium, its logical and direct analysis of diplomacy, war-craft, and human nature has commanded a wise ruler in all who read it. No collection of political philosophy and history is complete without it.
  • Anthem

    Ayn Rand, Colin J.E. Lupton

    Paperback (Prohyptikon Publishing Inc., May 13, 2011)
    Equally reviled and loved in a surprising polarization of opinion, the world-renowned American political philosophy writer Ayn Rand's controversial dystopian novella paints one of the grimmest imaginable futures in a world engaged in total war against the individual. Equality 7-2521 was born with a curse, the desire to think and to question; and if that was not bad enough in the cold, collectivist brotherhood of the City, he had a gift for math and science, and lived in the transgression of seeing himself as other than We. Robbed of his dream to be a Scholar by the Council of Vocations, who are only too eager to crush the seed of individuality out of Equality 7-2521, they assigned him to the profession of Street Sweeper to toil in the silent suffering for the common good. Tiring quickly of his mundane existence far below his talents, his curiosity takes over his better judgement; and while this curiosity leads him to find love, lost science, and self-determination, it costs him everything he knows. Escaping only with his life, his love, and his simple discovery, he builds a new life for himself as an individual beyond the control of the City in the Uncharted Forest, where he uncovers the greatest of all truths once lost in time: the Ego.
  • At the Mountains of Madness

    H. P. Lovecraft, Colin J.E. Lupton

    Paperback (Prohyptikon Publishing Inc., Aug. 29, 2010)
    A feature story of Lovecraft's celebrated Cthulhu Mythos, "At the Mountains of Madness" is the story of an expedition deep into the barren wastes of Antarctica, where a discovery so horrific and impossible is made that the survivors dare not report the truth until they must to save the lives of another expedition.
  • The House on the Borderland

    William Hope Hodgson, Colin J.E. Lupton, Carmina M. Dragomir

    Paperback (Prohyptikon Publishing Inc., April 17, 2009)
    A new edition of Hodgson's seminal genre-breaking novel, The House on the Borderland is the story of two English Gentlemen vacationing in the loneliest recesses of the Irish countryside, who stumble upon a strange, frantic journal in the scattered ruins of an ancient house clinging desperately to the edge of a forbidding, endless pit that has remained taboo to the suspicious local villagers for generations. It contains the memoires of the former resident, struggling to maintain his sanity as he is besieged by vicious demons, transported forward in time to the end of the universe, and even forced to watch his own death. Bringing readers far beyond the outer reaches of human perception and back with its unique, fluid style of impressionistic, pathological Weird Fiction, it is no small wonder that this is the novel that most strongly influenced H.P. Lovecraft's direction and style.