Describes the history of the American flag, from its design in the eighteenth century through a stamp being made of the American flag at the World Trade Center following the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Discusses the events leading up to the Mexican-American War, highlights of the war itself, the peace treaty that ended the war, and the effects of that treaty on both Mexico and America.
Describes the history of the Statue of Liberty, from Edouard Laboulaye proposing the idea in 1865 through its reopening to the public in December 2001 after a brief closure due to the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Uses primary source documents, narrative, and illustrations to recount how the mid-nineteenth century California gold rush affected Americans and immigrants and how it shaped history.
Describes the history of the White House, from its design in 1792 through its reopening to the public in 2003 after a brief closure due to the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Uses primary source documents, narrative, and illustrations to recount the history of the industrial revolution in the United States, as society changed from reliance on agriculture and trade to modern manufacture.