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Books in Pioneer Brides of the Oregon Trail series

  • Western Brides: Trinity's Loss: A Sweet and Inspirational Western Historical Romance

    Indiana Wake

    (Independently published, Sept. 7, 2017)
    Trinity Pruitt, was as excited as any 20 year old, heading out on a new adventure for a new life with her mother, Beth, and father, Michael, along the Oregon Trail. The excitement dulled somewhat through the weeks of hardship, exhaustion, dust and barren land. Until something happened to quell the excitement, hopes, and dreams, of the girl forever. Now, with an end to the life they expected to lead out west, what was left other than to just survive? Dillon Goodman, saw her, with her mother and father sat beside the fire in the ring of wagons. The picture of perfection. He had to get to know her, but was a little shy to talk to her, until that dreadful day. Now with only a plot of land and a dream, can Dillion do what is needed to win over Trinity? Or will she fall for the handsome and rich Kirby Thornhill? Son of the biggest landowner, and most powerful man in the area, Bart Thornhill. Will Dillon risk life and limb to ride the dangerous bucking bronco, Thunder, against Trinity’s wishes? Will Kirby Thornhill get his way and claim Trinity for himself, like everything else he ever wanted? Find out in the exciting new sweet and inspirational western romance book by bestselling author Indiana Wake. This book is a complete stand alone story about those brave men and women who headed west along the Oregon Trail.
  • Western Romance: Charlotte's Wedding: A Sweet and Inspirational Western Historical Romance

    Indiana Wake

    Paperback (Independently published, Oct. 4, 2017)
    Charlotte’s world collapsed when she lost her beloved Matthew on the Oregon Trail. She must survive for her beloved daughter but can she keep her dreams alive? Life on the trail and in the West is not easy for Charlotte and her daughter, Katie, but she is determined to keep her husband's dreams of a better life alive. Marlon lost his wife and months later, decided to take his young son, Clay, west to make a new life. While on the Oregon Trail, he could not ignore newly widowed Charlotte’s determination to continue and he comes up with a plan that could help them both. A marriage of convenience. A partnership to look after each other until they are fully settled in Oregon. But will Charlotte agree? After successfully building a house and beginning to farm the land, Charlotte realizes she has feelings for Marlon. When she broaches the subject with him it does not go well. After a serious accident, true feelings are suddenly exposed, quietly, but were they heard? Could Marlon ever love a woman like Charlotte, or is she just a handy worker to help him get on, until he’s settled enough to manage without her? What’s worse, now she’s told him how she feels, will he use it against her? Find out in Indiana Wake’s new, sweet, clean, inspirational western romance Charlotte’s Marriage. This is a standalone book about those who headed west on the Oregon Trail. Other journeys on the trail can be found in: Carrie’s Trust Trinity’s Loss Josie’s Dream Polly’s Choice Join the Pioneer Brides of the Oregon Trail, meet new friends and old as they overcome hardships to find love and a new life. All books are sweet and inspirational and suitable for all ages.
  • Western Brides: Josie's Dream: A Sweet and Inspirational Western Historical Romance

    Indiana Wake

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 20, 2017)
    John Shepherd lost the love of his life on the Oregon Trail. Now, struggling along with young baby daughter, Suki Shepherd, he relies on the women of the towns’ kindness, to look after Suki while he builds a home for them both. Josie Lane, a teenager, newly orphaned on the Oregon Trail found herself almost a slave to the family that rescued her. Working for no pay, but a roof over her head and food in her belly, she saw no means of her life ever changing. Yet within a couple of years she was given a new option in life. Stay where she was, or work as a housekeeper for a single man and care for his young baby. Baby Suki was a dream to care for. John Shepherd not only gave her a place to stay but paid her as well! He let her continue to do laundry and her dreams of a family of her own were getting closer. Could this dream get any better, or will it come crashing down around her? Find out in Indiana Wake’s new, sweet, clean, inspirational, historical, western romance Josie’s Dream. This is a standalone book about those who headed west on the Oregon Trail. Other journeys on the trail can be found in: Carrie’s Trust Trinity’s Loss Join the Pioneer Brides of the Oregon Trail, meet new friends and old as they overcome hardships to find love and a new life. All books are sweet and inspirational and suitable for all ages
  • Western Brides: Polly's Choice: A Sweet and Inspirational Western Historical Romance

    Indiana Wake

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 27, 2017)
    Polly Lane lost almost everything. The Oregon Trail took her mother and her father, left buried out in the wilderness. Then her new found, and only true love, Travis Hurst, left to head onto California and the gold mines. “I’ll be back for you as soon as I can.” When as soon as I can, had reached ten months, Polly knew he wasn’t coming back. Gavin Swain, saw her sat on a straw bale at the local dance, and he knew he never needed to look at another woman as long as he lived. However, after finding out her heart was promised to another, he decided to just be friends, even though he wanted more. After the return of the promised one, Travis Hurst, Gavin figured his love was lost until he found something wasn’t quite right about Travis. Now with the news of the cad in hand, how could he possibly tell? Gavin wanted to be first choice, not the fall back choice. Now she’s leaving with Travis, it looks like he was neither. Will Polly find out in time about Travis the cad? Or will she leave, only to find out later the mistake she’s made? Find out in Indiana Wake’s new, sweet, clean, inspirational western romance Polly’s Choice. This is a standalone book about those who headed west on the Oregon Trail. Other journeys on the trail can be found in: Join the Pioneer Brides of the Oregon Trail, meet new friends and old as they overcome hardships to find love and a new life. All books are sweet and inspirational and suitable for all ages.
  • Western Brides: Carrie's Trust: A Sweet and Inspirational Western Historical Romance

    Indiana Wake

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 15, 2017)
    Carrie Easter had traveled the Oregon Trail to serve as a Doctor alongside her brother, Joseph. The small surgery would be perfect for the two of them. However, Bart Thornhill, the local land owner and entrepreneur has other ideas about who should be looking after the people in the small, new, town. Daniel Macey, traveled the Oregon Trail with Joseph the previous year. He listened to Joseph’s stories and descriptions of his sister, Carrie, and was eager to meet her. However, at first sight, his heart gave into her beauty and courage and he fell instantly in love. Then, out of the blue, tragedy strikes, and Carrie has no reason to go on. The only man that can help her, is the one that has no trust in her. Will Carrie stay and struggle on or run away and start again? Will Daniel tell her his feelings or show her his doubts in her ability as a Doctor? Find out in Indiana Wake’s new, sweet, inspirational western romance.