Henry Dunant
Pam Brown
(Exley Publications Ltd, Dec. 31, 1989)
A rare excellent illustrated book from the series "People Who Have Helped the World", conceived & edited by Helen Exley. This is an illustrated hardcover published in Great Britain in 1988 about the founder of the Red Cross, Henry Dunant. Dunant's book "A Memory of Solferino", described the horrors of one of the bloodiest battles of the last century, in which he not only nursed the dying, but organized local volunteers to assist. His extremely moving book became the impetus for people throughout the world to help him to found the Red Cross. This organization grew to not only care for the war wounded, but also to aid prisoners of war, missing persons, help in natural disasters, blood donations and first aid. It is now the largest humanitarian movement in the world with members in almost 150 countries and this book on his life will inspire YA readers & adults to find other ways to change the world for the better. A heroic tale.