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Books in Meet the Missionary Series series

  • Finlay and Julia Graham: Missionary Partners

    Johnnie Human, Ronald Hester

    Hardcover (Broadman Press, )
  • Donald Orrs: Missionary Duet

    Lee Holloway, Richard Wahl

    Hardcover (Baptist Sunday School Board, June 1, 1983)
    Profiles the lives of Don and Vi Orr, music missionaries in Cali, Colombia.
  • Oz and Mary Quick: Taiwan Teammates

    William N. McElrath

    Hardcover (Baptist Sunday School Board, June 1, 1984)
    A biography of Dr. O.J. and Mary Quick, missionaries to Taiwan, with emphasis on how they became missionaries, the work they do, and the people with whom they work.
  • Harley Shields Alaskan Missionaries

    Kathryn W. Kizer, Jack Woodson

    Hardcover (Baptist Sunday School Board, June 1, 1984)
    A biography of Alaskan missionaries, Harley and Martha Shields, with emphasis on how they became missionaries and on their work with the Eskimos.
  • Hattie Gardner: Determined Adventurer

    Judy Latham, Richard Wahl

    Hardcover (Broadman Press, Oct. 1, 1982)
    Introduces a woman who spent her life as a missionary in Nigeria after hearing God's call to go there.
  • Two Nichols Spent for Missions

    Jester Summers

    Hardcover (Baptist Sunday School Board, Aug. 1, 1982)
    Follows the adventurous career of a missionary couple to China and later Indonesia.
  • Ed Taylor: Father of Migrant Missions

    Lou Mishler Heath, Jack Woodson

    Hardcover (Baptist Sunday School Board, Oct. 1, 1982)
    A biography of a mill worker, who became a church pastor and eventually developed a ministry of migrant workers.
  • Patterson's Missionary Publishers

    Janet T. Hoffman, Richard Wahl

    Hardcover (Baptist Sunday School Board, June 1, 1984)
    A biography of an American couple who became missionaries to Mexico, combining a career in mission work with one in printing and publishing.
  • Jovita Galan: Unselfish Teacher

    Lou Sherrill, Dick Wahl

    Hardcover (Baptist Sunday School Board, June 1, 1986)
    Examines the life of a home missionary in Texas, including her call to missions and the work she did there.
  • The Shoemakes: God's Helpers

    Elsie Rives

    Hardcover (Baptist Sunday School Board, Oct. 1, 1986)
    Relates how Howard and Dorothy Shoemake accepted the call to become missionaries in Latin America and describes their work there and the people whom they help.
  • Vena Aguillard Woman of Faith

    Marsha Barrett, John Ham

    Hardcover (Baptist Sunday School Board, June 1, 1983)
    A biography of a Louisiana woman who turned her back on marriage and an "easy" life to devote herself to spreading the word of God in the United States.
  • The Ross Hannas: Living, Laughing, Loving

    Wayne Grinstead, John Ham

    Hardcover (Broadman Press, Oct. 1, 1986)
    Discusses the lives and work of Ross and Betty Jane Hanna, home missionaries in Arizona.