All You Want to Know About Hell: Three Christian Views of God?s Final Solution to the Problem of Sin
Steve Gregg
(Thomas Nelson, Nov. 12, 2013)
Were you aware that three entirely different views of hell have been held by Christians throughout history? We have all heard the "traditional" view--that hell is a place of everlasting torment for the lost. But most have never heard that Christians from the earliest centuries also held other views--including the view that, in hell, sinners are annihilated and cease to exist, on the one hand, and the view that sinners are brought to repentance and restored to God, on the other. All You Want to Know About Hell explains and critiques the three views on hell, presenting all the biblucal arguments for and against each view. The author does not espouse any one view, but present the evidence for each for the reader to decide for him/herself. Features include: Complete coverage of the three views on hell Clear explanation of how each is biblically defended by its advocates An easy and interesting read for laypeople, pastors, and scholars alike