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Books in Little Lights series

  • Lottie Moon: What do you need?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, May 20, 2015)
    Lottie Moon had little to occupy her mind beyond school lessons, dresses and pranks (oh, and skipping church whenever she could). However, one day things change for Lottie. Find out how the naughty little rich girl gives her life to mission work in China. Today she is one of the best remembered missionaries in America with millions of dollars having been raised by her memorial Christmas offering.
  • Little Lights Box Set 2

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, May 20, 2016)
    These five beautifully illustrated hardbacks continue the Little Lights series and cover the lives of David Livingstone, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Eric Liddell and Mary Slessor.
  • Amy Carmichael: Can brown eyes be made blue?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, July 20, 2011)
    The true story of Amy Carmichael and her looking glass. Out of the mirror two eyes peep. A young girl wonder if God has answered her prayer. Amy wants a new look. She wants blue eyes now and not brown. When Amy sees that the brown eyes are still there, tears begin to fall. 'Why hasn't God answered my prayer?' she storms.But God knows that there are other children with brown eyes who needs Amy's help. Amy learns that God always answers prayer - and He always does what is best.
  • Charles Spurgeon: Who Is the Greatest?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, Nov. 8, 2019)
    Charles Spurgeon preached from the Bible in a way that ordinary people could understand. He even acted out Bible passages and would pace back and fore dramatically! He was a great preacher, but he knew that it was God who was behind this. It was God who made Spurgeon great.
  • John Knox: Who will save you?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, May 20, 2015)
    John Knox was a bright young lad who grew up to be a strong fighter for freedom and liberty. He had a gentle but fiercely loyal heart and became a stalwart defender of the reformed faith. He thundered the truth that neither good works, popes or priests can save you from sin - but Christ alone. This fiery Scot refused to give in to religion or royalty - it was the Bible, the Word of God that was his standard.
  • Gladys Aylward: Are you going to stop?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, July 20, 2013)
    Story of how Gladys Aylward was called by God to go to China as a missionary. As a girl she had always wanted to be taller and to have blonde hair. On arriving in China she realises that the people there all have dark hair and are generally not so tall. Her missionary work is simply described and her escape from the Japanese army, leading many orphan children over the mountains to safety. Told simply for younger children.
  • C.S. Lewis: Can you imagine?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, July 20, 2013)
    Story of C S Lewis' life, how he dreamed up stories about different worlds as a boy, experienced sadness and had to go to boarding school. His writing and his questions about God and then his faith and trust in God - all told simply for younger children.
  • Corrie Ten Boom: Are all of the watches safe?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, July 20, 2011)
    Tells the true story of Corrie Ten Boom and little Dutch watch shop. While she mends watches she is constantly watching out for danger to ensure that her friends in the secret room are safe. Tells the story of God who is the only one who can keep us safe.
  • George Müller: Does money grow on trees?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, May 20, 2012)
    George Müller - Does Money grow on trees? What would you do if you needed some money? Would you pick some of a tree in the garden?Of course you wouldn't - because money doesn't grow on trees. You have to work for it. Sometimes you have to work hard.George Müller didn't like to work and tried to get his money in other ways. He would cheat and steal and was eventually thrown in prison. Find out how God changed George from a thief to someone even children could trust.
  • Mary Slessor: What is it like?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, May 20, 2012)
    Mary Slessor was a fiery young red head who lead a tough life. From the slums of Dundee in Scotland she travelled to the wild jungles of Africa. Wherever she went she shared the good news of Jesus Christ. What was it like to work in a jute mill in Dundee or to work amongst warrior tribes in Africa? It was hard work, it was dangerous - but it was an adventure to be working for God.
  • Hudson Taylor: Could somebody pass the salt?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Library Binding (CF4Kids, May 20, 2012)
    Hudson Taylor - Could somebody pass the salt?What would you do if someone forgot to give you any lunch and you weren't allowed to ask for it?Young Hudson Taylor's story of a missing bowl of soup is an amusing tale from his childhood. In the end Hudson gets his soup - but that isn't all. Hudson Taylor learns about the country of China. One day he will go there by himself to tell the people of China about the Lord Jesus.
  • Martin Luther: What should I do?

    Catherine MacKenzie

    Hardcover (CF4Kids, Nov. 20, 2013)
    The true story of Martin Luther and the Reformation. At the boarding school in Eisenach, Martin and his friends had to sing for their supper. Martin spent a lot of time thinking about how to get to heaven - he thought that he had to pray for hours on end, eat very little, work very hard and study a great many good books, in order to have his sins forgiven. However, as he began to read God's Word for himself, he discovered that the answer was not in doing these things, but by putting his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.