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Books in Home Remedies, Natural Remedies, Aromatherapy, Homesteading, How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs series

  • Homemade Repellents: 31 Organic Repellents and Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bugs, Prevent Bug Bites, and Heal Bee Stings

    Daniel Beaumont

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 1, 2016)
    In the last few decades, people all across the planet have come to a realization – many of the products that we use everyday are made from harmful manmade chemicals. This extends to the repellents that we use for insects and other pests. While effective at thwarting off nature’s critters, the long term effects of some early manmade pesticides and herbicides are just coming into the light. We have seen the harmful effects from years of these dangerous manmade chemicals. From an increase in cancer rates to a shocking rise in the number of reported cases of autism, our modern world has provided great wonders that all too frequently are harmful for our body. The insect and bug repellents that are being sold today are wholly unnecessary. There long existed proven methods to repelling pests that do not rely on harmful chemicals. Using common ingredients from nature and around your home, this book serves as a guide for creating sprays and ointments that will keep bugs away from you and your home, without you having to worry about the after effects. The methods to repel insects in this book absolutely work. I have tested them myself and refined their formulas many times over the last five years. I come to you now with an answer, one that will solve repelling outdoor pests while still being an entirely natural solution. Start reading today and protect yourself from both harmful manmade chemicals and nature’s pests. In This Book You Will Find: • A brief overview of the benefits of natural bug and insect repellents. • Natural and proven methods of repelling bugs, insects, arachnids, and other critters. • Formulas that have been used personally, by me, and been tweaked for years to produce the best possible results. • 31 proven methods for repelling just about every type of bug or insect. • Tips for how to secure your home from nature’s infestations. Hope to see you inside! - Daniel Beaumont