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Books in History for Kids series

  • History for kids: Ancient Egypt

    Dinobibi Publishing

    Paperback (Independently published, June 20, 2019)
    For thousands of years now, Egypt has mystified and intrigued people from all walks of life, ranging from archeologists and other experts to regular folks who just have a healthy curiosity. Something about the ancient megalithic structures the Egyptians left behind draws us in and piques our curiosity. The idea that these supposedly primitive people accomplished such impressive feats of engineering so long ago is a testament to human resolve and ingenuity.Not only did ancient Egypt prosper and achieve greatness during its time, but this civilization also impacted the world that came after it in many ways. The imprint left behind by the Egyptians comes as no surprise since their history roughly spans a period of three-thousand years. Ancient Egypt lasted much longer than many other famous civilizations and empires. The history of ancient Egypt is so vast and important that the pursuit of knowledge about this civilization has spawned relevant scientific disciplines such as Egyptology. Let Dinobibi guide you through that story and put many things about ancient Egypt in perspective by chronologically exploring the civilization’s history as well as many aspects of society and life. Let’s discover how and why ancient Egypt prospered and how this majestic civilization shaped the world well beyond its region.
  • Renaissance: History for kids: A Captivating Guide to a Remarkable Period in European History

    Dinobibi Publishing

    Paperback (Independently published, July 25, 2019)
    The time of rebirth between the 14th century and the 17th century in Europe is known as the Renaissance period.We can still see many of the influences today, and many pieces of writing and art still exist from that period. Artists like Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael, scientists like Galileo, Kepler and Sir Isaac Newton, and writers like Shakespeare lived, created, invented, and discovered during the Renaissance. Architecture and music evolved, humanism came to light, and exploration flourished.Let Dinobibi guide you through a discovery of the Renaissance and the liberal arts, sciences, and ideas of the time that paved the way for our modern life. These influences are clear across developments in science and technology, the political climate, and art and literature.
  • Mongolian Empire: History for kids: A captivating guide to a remarkable Genghis Khan & the Mongol Empire

    Dinobibi Publishing

    Paperback (Independently published, Aug. 10, 2019)
    Most people believe the Mongolian Empire was a small tribe known for looting, robbing, and pillaging. The Mongols used to be little more than nomads prowling the harsh and often barren steppes of Mongolia, but this all changed when a great leader, Genghis Khan, took control. The Mongols were innovative and creative in everything they did beyond just warfare. They owed their successes to their military tactics and impressive art of war, which relied heavily on incredible horsemanship, archery, and other fighting skills. But they also created an immersive world full of ideas, inventions, and art.The Mongolian Empire was a state built by folks who knew how to keep up with the times. The Mongols put to use many ideas and technologies of the day and were very much capable of making these things work for them. Adversity usually gives birth to strength, and the Mongols are a fine example of this principle in practice. Let Dinobibi guide you through a discover of the story of the Mongol Empire, a great testament to how empires rise and fall, exemplifying a process that has been part of the human experience for millennia.
  • History for kids: Ming Dynasty: A captivating guide to the ancient history of Ming Dynasty

    Dinobibi Publishing

    Paperback (Independently published, July 11, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating history of ancient Ming Dynasty, China, then keep reading..China is one of the longest settled areas of the world; therefore, inventions, art, culture, and society have changed multiple times and in many ways from the beginning of Ancient China to now. The Ming Dynasty, only one dynasty of twelve dynasties in China, advanced trade expansion, inventions, art, and culture.The Ming Dynasty lasted for 276 years, with more than ten Emperors influencing the government and social structure to help formulate the Chinese culture and economic power we see today. The Ming Dynasty shows periods of extreme growth, wealth, and poverty due to wars, natural disasters, and greed. The dynasty was fraught with power struggles from by and from emperors, whether by force or pure ignorance. Eventually, the Ming Dynasty came to a halt due to spying, power grabs, and disinterest in the throne, allowing a new era to enter and gain more domination of surrounding countries and trade. Let Dinobibi guide you through a discovery of this amazing dynasty, its ups and downs, successes and turmoil, through dozens of emperors, battles, and the construction of one of the most important structures of the known world- The Great Wall of China.Let get the book now to learn more about Ming Dynasty
  • History for kids: Roman Empire

    Dinobibi Publishing

    Paperback (Independently published, June 17, 2019)
    Through innovations in everything from military tactics to daily life to politics, ancient Rome undoubtedly belongs to that special club of civilizations that have left an irreversible mark on our world. Indeed, the legacy of Rome is so deeply engraved into the foundations of today’s Western civilization that we can hardly go through a single week without experiencing that legacy in at least some minor way. The many ways in which Rome has influenced today’s world become quite clear once we learn about its history.That history spans over a millennium and tells an incredible story of a country that emerged from a single city to become one of the greatest empires the world has ever known. At its peak, the Roman Empire was home to as many as 70 million people, which constituted around a third of the world’s population at that time. The Romans controlled most of the known world and essentially held the entire Mediterranean and far beyond, deep into Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.Let Dinobibi take you on a fun journey to learn more about Roman Empire. The Roman tale will teach you not just about a thousand years of European history but also about the world today.
  • History for kids: Incan Empire: History of the Incan Empire and Civilization

    Dinobibi Publishing

    Paperback (Independently published, July 11, 2019)
    Explore the Captivating History of the Incas!The Inca Empire was the largest and one of the most prosperous empires in the Americas. The empire started in 1438 and ended when they were conquered by the Spanish. Even with no formal written language, the Incas managed to build a giant empire that stretched along much of the western coast of South America. The Incas had to conquer all sorts of terrain, often rugged, and make it livable. Apart from just fascinating us, learning about such isolated cultures can give us a new perspective on life. This book will teach you about the origins of the Incas and how they managed to build such a huge country. That’s just the beginning, however, and you will find that the entire story of the Incas is fascinating and, as is always the case with history, can teach us many valuable lessons. Let Dinobibi guide you through a discovery of the Incas who have left us with not only artifacts and structures of their civilization, but also many mysteries and questions about their origins and the things they did while their empire stood strong. Get the book now and learn more about the Incan Empire
  • Greek Mythology: History for kids: A captivating guide to Greek Myths of Greek Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters

    Dinobibi Publishing

    Paperback (Independently published, Oct. 16, 2019)
    Captivating Stories of the Ancient Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and MonstersGreek mythology provides us with some of the greatest stories. The amazing stories about Zeus and the other gods and goddesses hanging out in Mount Olympus are exciting and imaginative. The colorful characters in Greek mythology are loved by many to this day. Even some of the stories people write today are inspired by Greek myths! Let Dinobibi guide you through a discovery of the names of the gods and goddesses and what they were known for, stories about heroes fighting monsters, and the reason why learning about why mythology still matters. Download the book now and learn more about Greek mythology
  • Road to Independence: History for kids: American Revolution: a captivating guide to the American revolutionary War and the United States of America's struggle for independence from Great Britain

    Dinobibi Publishing

    Paperback (Independently published, Nov. 13, 2019)
    Explore the Captivating History of the American RevolutionIn an era where political discourse is becoming increasingly polarized, it is worth reflecting on the circumstances of America’s foundation.When the British colonists in America got tired of Great Britain’s rule, they rebelled against it. This difficult period was the American Revolution. The colonists fought against their country of origin, England, and demanded their independence in the Revolutionary War. Once these colonies gained freedom, they came together to form the independent country of the United States.Because of these strong men and women, the United States was formed as a democracy, a place where people were able to believe whatever religion they chose, and a place allowing for prosperity of all. Founding Fathers and their brilliance created the United States and gave it the foundation it still sits on.History shapes the present, and young learners must know about these important periods that formed the land in which they freely live in today.Let Dinobibi guide you through a discovery of this fascinating period of the road to independence documented through the American Revolution and the rise of the American RepublicSo if you want to learn more about the American Revolution, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • Romans Ruled: Fun poems for kids about Ancient Rome

    Paul Perro

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Nov. 2, 2015)
    A great collection of entertaining and educational poems for kids, telling amazing stories all about the Ancient Romans. Written in a modern, lively style, these poems are fun to read but also historically accurate. The stories include Romulus and Remus , Spartacus, Hannibal, Boudica, Pompeii, and many more. Charmingly illustrated, this book will appeal to children between the ages of 7 and 12 who are studying or interested in ancient history, as well as to parents of younger children looking for an alternative to the usual bedtime story picture books.
  • Grade 4 History Workbook: Famous Inventors Edition

    Baby Professor

    Paperback (Baby Professor, June 28, 2015)
    It is important that young children understand how the modern conveniences were formed in order to raise awareness and appreciation to the people who invented them. This book contains essential facts on the people who have have invented some of the most useful devices today. You know your child needs this copy so grab one today!
  • History for kids: History of Religion

    Dinobibi Publishing

    Paperback (Independently published, June 26, 2019)
    Understanding other religions is a great way to bridge the gap between those different cultures and understand more about them. More often than not, we find that despite all the differences in practice and teaching, the majority of our diverse world’s faiths work toward the same common goals at their very essence. As such, religion can be a common tongue and a way to demonstrate that we’re not all that different.Throughout the world, people of different cultures have come up with their own ideas and their own unique ways of interacting with a God or multiple gods. Once upon a time, the most common form of worship was polytheism which simply means a belief in multiple gods as opposed to just one. Civilizations such as the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, and others believed in hundreds or even thousands of gods. Every important aspect of life had some sort of deity that was in charge. Together, these many gods kept the world in working order and harmony.There have been thousands upon thousands of religions, both big and small, throughout history. Let Dinobibi guide to four of those religions, which are still prevalent today and have left a great impact on the world. As we explore the history and teachings of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Confucianism, we will visit many distinct cultures, all of which have given their own unique approach, not just to faith, but to living on this planet and being human.
  • Grade 1 History: Learning And Discovery For Kids

    Baby Professor

    Paperback (Baby Professor, June 16, 2015)
    This is American and World History 101 made easier to remember. Each major historical event is presented in clear language that makes is easier to read and comprehend. Even big words like ratify are succinctly explained. If you're looking for a material that would help improve your child's grades in the subject, then you've stumbled on gold. Secure a copy while you still can!