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Books in Graphic Myths and Legends series

  • Hercules: The Twelve Labors

    Paul D. Storrie, Steve Kurth

    Paperback (Graphic Universe TM, Aug. 1, 2007)
    Famous for his superhuman strength, Hercules is the most popular hero in Greek mythology. The son of Zeus―king of the gods―and a mortal mother, Hercules faces the wrath of Zeus's wife Hera, who resents her illegitimate stepson and vows to bring him misery. With her magical powers, she tricks Hercules into performing a series of twelve seemingly impossible labors, each one a test of his strength, courage, cunning, and fighting skill. Is Hercules strong enough to foil her scheme? For this exciting retelling of the twelve labors, author Paul Storrie consulted the classic work The Age of Fable (1859), by American Thomas Bulfinch, and Edith Hamilton's Mythology (1942), both of which are considered the best resources about on ancient myths and legends. Artist Steve Kurth also relied on historical research to accurately bring to life the world of ancient Greece.
  • Perseus: The Hunt for Medusa's Head

    Paul D. Storrie, Thomas Yeates

    Paperback (Graphic Universe ™, Jan. 1, 2009)
    Could a monster whose very look turns men to stone be a challenge too perilous even for the son of Zeus? King Polydectes has designs on Perseus' mother, Danaë. But first the king must get rid of young Perseus once and for all. So Polydectes hatches a plan to trick the young hero into performing an impossible task―slay the snake-haired Gorgon monster Medusa, whose very look turns men to stone. Yet, as the son of Zeus, king of the gods, Perseus has many powerful allies. Will Perseus' strength and courage―and the favor of the gods―allow him to do the impossible?
  • Tristan & Isolde: The Warrior and the Princess

    Jeff Limke, Ron Randall

    Paperback (Graphic Universe TM, Jan. 1, 2009)
    From an ancient legend comes a love story for all time. Strong and brave, Tristan is the nephew of King Mark of Cornwall and one of his finest English knights. Mark sends Tristan to Ireland to bring home the king’s bride, the princess Isolde. While in Ireland, Tristan slays a dragon and wins Isolde’s hand for his uncle. But through a twist of fate, Tristan and Isolde fall in love on the voyage back to Cornwall. Will Tristan and Isolde each do their duty as a loyal knight and a promised bride? Or will they follow their hearts and risk many dangers to be together?
  • Yu the Great: Conquering the Flood

    Paul D. Storrie, Sandy Carruthers

    Paperback (Graphic Universe TM, Jan. 1, 2008)
    This graphic novel tells the legend of Yu the Great, a Chinese hero from the twenty-first century B.C. Some scholars believe Yu actually existed and that he founded the Xia Dynasty, the first Chinese empire described in historical records. Some later Chinese texts describe Yu as a kind and strong emperor whose engineering projects saved China from frequent floods. But in Chinese legend, as in this book, Yu is descended from the gods and born from a golden dragon. He saves China from floods by using magical soil to plug underwater springs, with the help of a tortoise, an owl, and a dragon.
  • King Arthur: Excalibur Unsheathed

    Jeff Limke, Thomas Yeates

    Paperback (Graphic Universe ™, Aug. 1, 2007)
    Young Arthur spends his days toiling as a squire--feeding the horses and hauling his big brother's armor. Around him, England is in turmoil, left without a king. But all that changes in one day, with one pull on the mysterious sword in the stone. Guided by Merlin the Magician, Arthur takes his place as the rightful heir to England's throne. He receives the sword Excalibur and wins the loyalty of the Knights of the Round Table. But can the young king win peace and freedom for England?
  • The Trojan Horse: The Fall of Troy

    Justine Fontes, Ron Fontes, Gordon Purcell

    Paperback (Graphic Universe TM, Aug. 1, 2007)
    For ten years, the battle raged. Thousands of ancient Greece's best warriors battled their enemies, the Trojans, in a desperate attempt to win back King Meneleus's beautiful wife, Helen. After a decade of fighting and thousands dead, the Greek forces suddenly fell back. Cautiously the Trojans ventured out of the city walls, where they discovered a giant wooden horse and a messenger. Should they accept this peace offering? Or is the gift horse too good to be true?
  • Jason: Quest for the Golden Fleece

    Jeff Limke, Tim Seeley

    Paperback (Graphic Universe TM, Jan. 1, 2008)
    Jason was born a prince of the kingdom of Argos. But when Jason was a child, his uncle Pelias stole the throne and sent Jason into hiding. Now a young man, Jason returns to claim his birthright. But Pelias only sneers. He demands that Jason prove himself by retrieving the priceless, magical Golden Fleece from the far-off land of Colchis. Jason accepts the challenge and gathers a ship full of Greek war heroes to aid him. But what deadly trials has Aeetes, King of Colchis, set for Jason? And what plans does the beautiful witch Medea have for the seeker of the Golden Fleece?
  • Theseus: Battling the Minotaur

    Jeff Limke, John McCrea

    Paperback (Graphic Universe TM, Aug. 1, 2008)
    Raised by his mother and tutor, young Theseus finally learns the truth of his birth: he is the son of King Aegeus, ruler of Athens. Armed with his father’s shield, he sets out to claim his birthright and face his greatest challenge―the Minotaur, a savage beast who is half-man, half-bull. To defeat the Minotaur, Theseus must enter the Labyrinth, a bewildering maze from which no one has ever escaped alive. Will Theseus succeed in his quest? Or will he suffer the fate of the Minotaur’s many other victims?
  • Isis & Osiris: To the Ends of the Earth

    Jeff Limke, David Witt

    Paperback (Graphic Universe TM, Aug. 1, 2007)
    Osiris is the greatest king and god of the Land of the Nile. He is a generous ruler, and the people love and worship him--along with his wife and queen, the goddess Isis. But Osiris's jealous brother Set has a terrible plan to get rid of Osiris forever and take his place on the Egyptian throne. Will Egypt suffer under an evil tyrant? Or can Isis use her magic and her love to save Osiris and conquer Set?
  • Guan Yu: Blood Brothers to the End

    Dan Jolley, Ron Randall

    Paperback (Graphic Universe ™, Jan. 1, 2009)
    From one of China’s most famous epics comes a righteous hero and god of war. Guan Yu, an ancient Chinese warrior, fights side by side with his blood brothers Liu Bei and Zhang Fei to squash the menacing Yellow Scarves. He defends his country and his honor, but his troubles are just beginning. All over China, opponents pose grave challenges, each one more trying than the next. Will Guan Yu prevail against the forces that threaten him? Or will the obstacles prove too much for even the brave warrior to handle?
  • Odysseus: Escaping Poseidon's Curse

    Dan Jolley, Thomas Yeates

    Paperback (Graphic Universe ™, Aug. 1, 2008)
    After finally winning the decade-long war against the Trojans, Odysseus, captain of the Greek Army, only has to guide his men back home, across the sea. Yet the journey will prove just as perilous as the battles they have just won, as they encounter the monstrous, man-eating Cyclops, the irresistible song of the siren, and the wrath of an angry Poseidon, god of the sea. Are he and his men destined to die at sea? Or can Odysseus's cunning, strength, and courage bring them safely home?
  • Beowulf: Monster Slayer

    Paul D. Storrie, Ron Randall

    Paperback (Graphic Universe TM, Aug. 1, 2008)
    Beowulf is a brave and mighty warrior, known to have the strength of thirty men. At home in Geatland, Beowulf hears about the terrible troubles of his father's friend, Hrothgar, the king of the Danes. Hrothgar's land is plagued by Grendel, a vicious monster who attacks the Danes by night. Beowulf sets sail to aid Hrothgar and the Danes. But is Beowulf strong enough to slay the monstrous Grendel? And even if he succeeds, what other dangers lie ahead for the warrior-hero?