Who Should I Listen To?
Kevin Johnson
(Bethany House Pub, Oct. 1, 1993)
We are surrounded by dozens of voices family, teachers, friends, media, even our own maturing body and brain telling us every day what to believe and what to do:"Whadja do to your hair?""Oooh, whata hunk!""Don't be such a nerd."With so many voices shouting at us, who do we listen to? Which are wrong? Which are right? The easy way is to give up and follow whichever voice is the loudest.THAT ISN'T THE ONLY WAY.God invites us to answer to His voice. He can help sort out the other voices, and show us truth from lies, good from bad, real from fake. So how do we hear His voice? By getting into the Bible God's Word and searching for His clear, compassionate voice speaking to us above the pressure-packed roar of the world.In forty-five devotional readings, Who Should I Listen To? provides Biblical responses to the conflicts junior highers encounter every day, with topics ranging from:Discovering God's view of us.Measuring entertainment.Choosing godly heroes.So get some earplugs and listen up!