How deep in the ocean do anglerfish live? How big are anglerfish? What is the anglerfish's lure and how does in attract prey? Learn all about these "black sea devils" and other frightening fish in this title.
What do giant isopods eat? Who discovered this creature? What is a crustacean's exoskeleton? Learn all about mysterious and unusual crustaceans, including the giant isopod, in this title.
Do morays attack humans with their razor sharp teeth? How does the moray move through the water? Learn all about giant morays and other eels in this title.
In which oceans do bluntnose sharks live? What color is the bluntnose shark? Learn all about these incredible creatures and other sharks in this title.
Do morays attack humans with their razor sharp teeth? How does the moray move through the water? Learn all about giant morays and other eels in this title.
What do giant isopods eat? Who discovered this creature? What is a crustacean's exoskeleton? Learn all about mysterious and unusual crustaceans, including the giant isopod, in this title.
How deep in the ocean do anglerfish live? How big are anglerfish? What is the anglerfish's lure and how does in attract prey? Learn all about these "black sea devils" and other frightening fish in this title.