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Books in Baker Street Readers series

  • All Quiet on the Western Front

    Erich Maria Remarque

    Hardcover (Baker Street Readers, Aug. 1, 2019)
    When Paul Buumer and his classmates join the army, nothing has prepared them for the death and destruction that they witness. Machine guns, huge artillery shells and poison gas create a nightmare world for these young men and their older comrades. For months and years attack is followed by counter-attack. Will any of Paul's friends survive long enough to return to their families and loved ones? Will there be a place for them at home, when peace finally comes? Can any of these soldiers make sense of the massive conflict in which they are involved? Baker Street Readers are retellings of literary classics in 64 pages, with illustrations. These books make classic stories available to intelligent young readers as a bridge to the full texts and to language students wanting access to other cultures.
  • Hamlet

    Helen Street, William Shakespeare, Charly Cheung

    Hardcover (Baker Street Press, July 1, 2021)
    One dark night, Hamlet sees a ghost. It is his dead father, who claims he was murdered by Claudius, the new king. But did Hamlet really see a ghost? And if so, was it telling him the truth? Hamlet plans to avenge his father by killing Claudius. But the man he stabs isn't Claudius, as he thinks, but his girlfriend's father. So the wrong man dies. So much tragedy, but there is more to come. Who else will die an untimely death? And who will live to tell the tale?
  • A Tale of Two Cities

    Gill Tavner, Charles Dickens, Karen Donnelly

    Hardcover (Baker Street Press, April 1, 2020)
    "It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done." Sydney Carton is a lawyer who has wasted his abilities and his life. Now he has to make a difficult choice about what is really important to him, which could be a matter of life or death. The French Revolution is running its violent course; lives are ruined as a new France is created. How did the gentle Doctor Manette and his daughter Lucie become caught up in France’s struggles? What is the real identity of the handsome Charles Darnay, who wins Lucie’s hand in marriage? And why does the shadow of La Bastille Prison hang over them all? The best of times and the worst of times. London and Paris. Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay. A story of contrasts and chaos. Can peace ever be restored in France? Can it ever be restored in the hearts of the people involved?
  • Macbeth

    William Shakespeare

    Hardcover (Baker Street Readers, May 1, 2019)
    What he hears will change everything. Egged on by his wife, he decides to kill in order to gain the Scottish crown. How many people will have to die in Macbeth's pursuit of power? With armies, ghosts and magic against him, will Macbeth survive in this tale of greed and betrayal? Getting the crown is one thing - keeping it is quite another. Baker Street Readers are retellings of literary classics in 64 pages, with illustrations. These books make classic stories available to intelligent young readers as a bridge to the full texts and to language students wanting access to other cultures.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Helen Street, William Shakespeare, Charly Cheung

    Hardcover (Baker Street Press, Jan. 1, 2019)
    What could be worse than falling in love with your enemy? Romeo, son of the Montagues, thinks he’s in love until he meets Juliet, the daughter of the Capulets, and discovers what true love really feels like. But their two families are bitter rivals, and no one must know about their passion and secret marriage. When Romeo kills Juliet’s cousin in a revenge-fuelled sword-fight, their dream of happiness seems doomed. Can the two families ever be reconciled so Romeo and Juliet can have a life together, or will their plans bring even more tragedy?
  • The Sign of the Four

    Tony Evans, Arthur Conan Doyle, Felix Bennett

    Hardcover (Baker Street Press, Nov. 1, 2020)
    When Miss Mary Morstan is invited to meet a secretive stranger, she asks Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to help her. Captain Morstan has disappeared from his hotel without a trace. Should Miss Morstan dare hope that her father is still alive? What horrible scene awaits the famous detective and his friend when they break down the door to Bartholomew Sholto's attic room? Who is the man with the wooden leg, and why is he so full of bitterness and hatred? Will Toby, the cleverest tracker dog in London, help Holmes and Watson solve one of their most difficult cases?
  • The Great Gatsby

    Sean Connolly, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sam Kalda

    Hardcover (Baker Street Readers, Sept. 1, 2018)
    Nick Carraway’s mysterious neighbour Gatsby gazes across the dark bay at a distant green light. As the summer unfolds, Nick is drawn into Gatsby’s world of luxury cars, speedboats and extravagant parties. But the more he hears about Gatsby – even from what Gatsby himself tells him – the less he seems to believe. Did he really go to Oxford University? Was Gatsby a hero in the war? Did he once kill a man? Nick recalls how he comes to know Gatsby and how he also enters the world of his cousin Daisy and her wealthy husband Tom. Does their money make them any happier? Do the stories all connect? Shall we come to know the real Gatsby after reading Nick’s account of that fateful summer?
  • Persuasion

    Jane Austen

    Hardcover (Baker Street Readers, May 1, 2019)
    Eight years ago, Anne Elliot was persuaded that her family's honour was more important than her own happiness. She has suffered ever since. Now the man she turned away has returned. Can Captain Wentworth forgive Anne, or will he be charmed instead by the beautiful Louisa? Will Anne be persuaded to marry her cousin, or will she find the strength to follow her heart? The extravagance of Anne's foolish father, the greedy plotting of false friends, and a near-fatal accident bring danger into Anne's safe world. Their hearts assailed by resentment, regrets and rivals, can Anne and Captain Wentworth now reach across the void that separates them to love each other again? Baker Street Readers are retellings of literary classics in 64 pages, with illustrations. These books make classic stories available to intelligent young readers as a bridge to the full texts and to language students wanting access to other cultures.
  • A Christmas Carol

    Gill Tavner, Charles Dickens, Karen Donnelly

    Hardcover (Baker Street Press, Oct. 1, 2018)
    ‘Bah, humbug! Fools wishing me a Merry Christmas should be forced to sit on cushions stuffed with holly leaves or boiled with their own Christmas puddings.’ Miserable old miser Ebenezer Scrooge hates Christmas. Can somebody so selfish, so harsh and so horribly lonely ever change his ways? In one terrifying night, poor Scrooge is haunted by four ghosts. Why do they show him visions of his past? Why do they show him other people enjoying Christmas? Why do they show him the deaths of a young boy and of a miserable old miser? Weep and laugh as you read this much-loved Christmas story. Will Scrooge always think that Christmas is ‘Humbug’, or will he learn to shout ‘Merry Christmas, one and all’?
  • Bleak House

    Gill Tavner, Charles Dickens, Karen Donnelly

    Hardcover (Baker Street Press, April 1, 2020)
    "It would have been far better if you had never been born." Esther, at 14, has never known love. Determined to live well, earn some love, and overcome the shadow of her birth, she takes her first steps into an unknown world. A family curse, a manipulating lawyer, poverty, and secrets threaten to destroy Esther’s world. Are the walls of Bleak House strong enough to protect her and her new friends from such powerful forces? The reader will be caught up in an unfolding mystery, full of surprises. Perhaps the biggest mystery of all is: Who is Nemo?
  • The War of the Worlds

    Eric Brown CBE QCVSA RN AFC DSc, H. G. Wells, Felix Bennett

    Hardcover (Baker Street Readers, Nov. 1, 2018)
    No one would have believed that planet Earth was being watched by creatures more intelligent than humankind.But planet Earth was not only being watched – soon it would be invaded by monstrous creatures from Mars who strode about the land in great mechanical tripods, bringing death and destruction with them. What can possibly stop an invading army equipped with heat-rays and poisonous black gas, intent on wiping out the human race? This is one man’s story of that incredible invasion, from the time the first Martians land near his home town, to the destruction of London. Is this the end of human life on Earth? Baker Street Readers are retellings of literary classics in 64 pages, with illustrations. These books make classic stories available to intelligent young readers as a bridge to the full texts and to language students wanting access to other cultures.
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

    Helen Street, William Shakespeare, Charly Cheung

    Hardcover (Baker Street Press, July 1, 2020)
    Mischief is in the air when the King and Queen of the Fairies quarrel and Puck is left in charge of the love potion. Four young people are lost in the woods on midsummer’s night. Will they find each other and true love, or will Puck’s meddling leave them broken-hearted and alone? A band of players prepares to entertain the Duke of Athens. But now that the fairies have made a donkey out of their leading man, will Quince and the others ever get to play their parts? Is there time to put everything right before this magical night is over?