Encouraging children to read about new places. Two short stories introducing young Irish boys and their questions about something that is Irish--through and through--Leprechauns. These charming stories will delight youngsters who will find reading more enjoyable each time they open a new book.
Two fun stories will be favorites for young readers. Whatcha-ma-callits and Whosa-ma-gidgets is a visit with two young girls who spend an afternoon making up hilarious words and descriptions for the world around them.The Tale of the Mexican Jumping Bean will introduce the readers to a friendly jumping bean that meets up with different animals and encourages them to join in the jumping and dancing fun.
(Standard Publishing Company, July 15, 1996)
This book hilights some of the greates miracles and teachings form Christ's ministry. Easy-to-read text, colorful illustrations, fun activities, and a thoughful devotion combine to give children a book they can enjoy again and again!.
An unhappy ten-year-old orphaned girl who goes to live in a lonely house on the Yorkshire moors discovers an invalid cousin and the mysteries of a locked garden.
A Cow and a Bear give us enjoyable stories. One will not give milk until she is happy with her surroundings and the bear has his own unusual way of getting what he has always wanted. Volume 6 of SHORT STORIES FOR YOUNG READERS will give the reader some enjoyable moments of fun.
The Baker household seems to be a magnet for homeless animals. Young Squeak becomes part of the household after an earthquake leaves her alone and unable to return to her home in the wall. The Baker household is a loving refuge (the animals call her Mrs. Cookiebaker since she loves to do just that. A fun short story for young readers.
Hunky Dory is a very unusual cow who gives milk only under certain circumstances. The Boy and the Magic Bear take the reader on an charming quest for something the bear has always wanted. Written for early grade readers, these enjoyable short stories will be a fun part of a child's reading experience.