In an attempt to rescue his little brother, Rush Keegan is forced to team up with the family ghost to confront the spirit of a deadly pirate who jealously protects his buried treasure from beyond the grave. Original.
Working at Mrs. Vailmon's mansion despite rumors about a ghost, Hadley becomes alarmed when she and Mrs. Vailmon see a strange, evil creature that grows stronger every day and poses a terrible threat. Original.
Dreaming of becoming a hero, Duncan is granted three wishes by the mysterious owner of the comic book store and wishes to become a superhero, but his new powers prove more than he can handle. Original.
Annie and Laura must combat two Egyptian mummies, remnants of an ancient cabal of witches, who are raising hell, and hundreds of rats, at a midwestern university. Original. TV tie-in.
Friends Emily and Julianna find themselves trapped in a bizarre winter wonderland when they are captured by a giant and encased inside a huge snow globe
Playing his favorite video game to the point that he loses interest in every other activity, Sam risks becoming seriously ill, until Cady intervenes and discovers that Sam has disappeared. Original.
Finding himself on a strange, haunted bus filled with blank-faced passengers, Joey barely escapes before the bus plummets over a cliff, and when Joey prepares for school the next day, the bus once again is waiting for him. Original.
Young Zeke visits an ancient Native American burial ground, where he pries a strange rock away from its resting place and unwittingly unleashes cannibal zombies. Original.
Wealthy, orphan snowboarder Dmitri learns that his trust fund money cannot save him from an encounter with a giant, snarling Sasquatch when an avalanche separates him from his friends. Original.
Plotting to scare Adam Ingram out of his wits, Nathan asks his friend Kendra to bring Adam to a reputed haunted house where he will play a practical joke, but when Kendra and Adam arrive at the appointed time, Nathan has disappeared. Original.
Inadvertently releasing a poltergeist every time he gets mad, Danny fears his life is falling apart and turns for help to his new friend, Abby, in order to put the ghost to rest. Original.
Trying to keep her nosy little brother away from her secret hiding place in the attic, Kim Chen tells him that there is a witch in the mirror, and when Kim is suddenly swept away into the world of the mirror, she fears there is no escape. Original.