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  • Amy Armadillo

    Dave Sargent, Pat Sargent

    eBook (, Feb. 21, 2012)
    "While Mama Armadillo is teaching her young ones how to catch grasshoppers, Amy, the very curious one, decides to follow a little raccoon. She gets lost and has to dig her own burrow and find her own food."
  • Bobby Bobcat

    Pat Sargent, Dave Sargent

    language (, Feb. 23, 2012)
    When Mama Bobcat finally allowed Daddy Bobcat to come home and help feed and care for the kittens, Bobby grew very fond of him. When Daddy Bobcat went on a hunting trip, Bobby slipped away from his mama and followed. Bobby Bobcat loved adventure. Things were okay until he decided to try and swim a raging river.
  • Buddy Badger

    Dave Sargent, Pat Sargent

    language (, Feb. 23, 2012)
    Buddy Badger learns that no matter how big and bad you are, the day will come when you’ll need friends.
  • Bill Buffalo

    Pat Sargent, Dave Sargent

    language (, Feb. 23, 2012)
    Little Bill Buffalo is different. The other young buffalo make fun of him because he is a different color. He learns that it’s not the color you are that’s important. It’s what’s inside you that counts.
  • Billy Beaver

    Pat Sargent, Dave Sargent

    eBook (, Feb. 23, 2012)
    Billy Beaver is shocked when his mother tells him that it is time for him to leave home and fend for himself. He soon finds himself alone in the woods. Scared but brave, young Billy struggles to conquer his fears.
  • Annie Anelope

    Dave Sargent, Pat Sargent

    eBook (nwapublishers, Feb. 21, 2012)
    Annie is a young antelope who loves everyone and everything. She is an optimist. She thinks every wild animal wants to be her friend. She is surprised to learn that a great big ole timber wolf has his eye on her, not because he wants her for a friend, but because he hasn’t eaten in several days and is so hungry!
  • Big Jake

    Dave Sargent, Pat Sargent

    eBook (, Feb. 23, 2012)
    Jake is a little mouse who is very curious. One day he is caught in the open by a chicken hawk.
  • Bingo the Black Panther

    Dave Sargent, Pat Sargent

    eBook (, Feb. 23, 2012)
    Bingo is a little black panther who is very good at everything. He always does his best. When his mama is teaching him to hunt for food, he learns to hug a tree limb and wait for his breakfast to come along. When it gets directly below, he drops on it. He earns the name Bingo because he always hits his mark!
  • Brutus the Bear

    Pat Sargent, Dave Sargent

    eBook (, Feb. 23, 2012)
    Brutus, an innocent naive young bear, finds a trotline of fish and a beehive full of honey. He says as he begins to eat, “How thoughtful of someone to leave this delicious food for me.” Brutus learned that Farmer John had a shotgun filled with rock salt.
  • Billy Goat

    Pat Sargent, Dave Sargent

    eBook (, Feb. 23, 2012)
    Billy is a young goat who loves to brag about how good he is at everything. He cannot stand to finish second, but in the end he learns he is respected and liked more when he plays by the rules.
  • Bessie Bush Baby

    Pat Sargent, Dave Sargent

    eBook (, Feb. 23, 2012)
    Bessie Bush Baby is an ornery little thing. Her loud, ear-piercing screams cause panic in the barnyard. She realizes that she has to control her constant teasing when she causes injury to Farmer John and Molly.
  • Buckshot Burro

    Dave Sargent, Pat Sargent

    eBook (, Feb. 20, 2012)
    Young Tyler tries to think of a way to gain favor with his dad. He wants a new pair of cowboy boots. A bobcat is creating havoc with the hens in the hen house. Exciting things happen when Tyler comes up with a trap to capture the bobcat.