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Books published by publisher Wings ePress, Inc.

  • A Quiet Street in El Paso

    Jim Daddio

    eBook (Wings ePress, Inc., Nov. 30, 2019)
    The city of El Paso, Texas is under siege. A Quiet Street in El Paso may be a fiction thriller but reads like today’s headlines. We read every day about the immigration problems, the wall, and about families being separated. Not to mention the endless stream of illegal drugs crossing the border from Juarez, Mexico.
  • Resurrecting Anastasia

    Roberta Olsen Major

    language (Wings ePress, Inc., Feb. 17, 2018)
    Emma is skating. She does her homework, puts in hours at her uncle’s roller rink, and still hangs out with the same kids she’s known since middle school. She’s living in the present and ignoring the future—until, one stormy night, the past comes back to haunt her.
  • Jacob's Oregon Trail Adventure

    Ellen Anthony

    language (Wings ePress, Inc, March 3, 2014)
    14-year-old Jacob Harding is traveling the Oregon Trail in 1850. Read his letters as he tells about why they're going, what they hope to find, and what he wants. Follow along as the Harding family faces disease, treacherous river crossings, and Indians. Share Jacob's secrets about his girl friend, a runaway slave, and his sister's birthday surprise. These fictional letters are historically accurate and reflect the living conditions, slang, and attitudes of the 1850s.
  • Desmoulins

    Katherine Pym

    eBook (Wings ePress, Inc., Dec. 29, 2017)
    Camille Desmoulins, a pamphleteer and journalist, and a man devoted to his wife, Lucile, harbors a malevolent secret. His quill carries poisoned ink. He writes with misdirected passion that leads to the destruction of lives who come in contact with his writings. Will he use his pen to kill?
  • The Onion Caper

    William O. Weldy

    language (Wings ePress, Inc., April 16, 2013)
    Young Cole Mckenna finds himself with a criminal record for stealing onions. He struggles to overcome the stigmatism by helping Officer Bradley with investigations of a burglary and later drugs in his small town high school. Along the way he discovers the dangers of police work when he’s almost killed.
  • We Are Eternal

    Bianca Orellana

    language (Wings ePress, Inc., Aug. 1, 2018)
    After eighteen-year-old Olive loses her father to a car accident, she begins a whirlwind romance with the boy who received his heart in a life-saving operation. But when his body suddenly rejects the new heart, Olive might lose everything, including the fragile connection she still has to her dad.
  • In The Blink Of An Eye

    Lynn Solte

    eBook (Wings ePress, Inc., Dec. 16, 2013)
    Until that peace-shattering night, Rachael’s life had been perfect. Nothing in the child's world could have prepared her for the pounding on the door, or the nightmarish events that would follow…
  • Shooting Star

    Michael Embry

    eBook (Wings ePress, Inc, April 5, 2011)
    Jesse Christopher finds out that it’s not easy being the new kid in school, no matter how well you play basketball. When discovered shooting hoops at a school playground by a high school coach, Jesse seems to be the missing piece to the puzzle for a team that aspires to win the Kentucky state championship.But Jesse faces an array of problems in his new environment as he tries to make friends in the classroom and become part of the school’s close-knit basketball team. Can Jesse overcome the obstacles and lead his team to a state high school basketball title?
  • George Washington Ate Here!

    Mike Ryan

    language (Wings ePress, Inc., July 30, 2017)
    Gordon Beckwith quits hockey to play other sports. He must earn good grades, win the affection of a shy classmate, and avoid a beating from a bully. He and his friends discover magic behind the town library. When evil is unleashed, Gordon enlists his hero George Washington. Will this be enough to save the Fourth of July?
  • The Almond People

    Joel Jurrens

    eBook (Wings ePress, Inc., March 29, 2017)
    What would you do for a miracle?Miracles are happening all over Calvin, Iowa. A strange cult known as The Almond People hands out magical blue necklaces, and within weeks the wearers of the talismans are healed of all their afflictions. The lame can walk; the blind can see. But there’s a catch …
  • Standing Room Only

    Megan Colombo

    language (Wings ePress, Inc., March 11, 2011)
    Natalie Goodman was a typical teenager, until she was in a horrific car accident that left her stunned, and in a wheelchair. Struggling to find her footing again, Natalie fights to come to terms with her injury and find a way to achieve normalcy in her life.Jayden Hurst is a young man on the verge of trouble. As the story begins, he finds himself with community hours that need to be served and a bad boy reputation that needs to be sustained.Natalie and Jayden meet and their journey together brings them both back from the edge of despair. With the good comes much bad though, and they’re both left wondering if it’s really worth the effort to be together.
  • The Teddy Bear Eye Club

    Suzanne M. Hurley

    eBook (Wings ePress, Inc, )