My Adventure at Summer Camp: Advanced
Janet Gingold
Perfect Paperback
(Windstorm Creative, Sept. 1, 2008)
For young authors and artists who have grown beyond classic My Adventures, these early reader / chapter books are intended for children ages eight to eleven. The familiar blanks in the story are still there, as are periodic open spaces for artwork, but now the topics are more detailed, the stories longer and the ideas more vast and varied. Just as classic My Adventures gave a child the feeling of publishing their own picture book, older creators will be inspired to hold their own real book in their hands. Is there a future novelist or scholar in your household? Let Advanced My Adventures help you find out. Summer camp can be full of knotty problems--hard sports, strange activities, weird food. But you can untangle the challenges presented on the soccer field, in the craft pavilion, at the horse barn and on the water, as long as you bring along your imagination, your persistence and your favorite pencil. You add the details to make this camp adventure your very own.