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Books published by publisher Wikkid Sexy Cool Books

  • JUKEBOX Volume One

    Camille Leone

    language (Wikkid Sexy Cool Books, June 4, 2012)
    Historical FictionGrowing up during the civil rights movement, fifteen year old Simone Westwood doesn't care about being part of history. She resents going to a recently integrated school where the kids target her. But when she meets Eli and Johnny Burr, two guitar playing, hip swaying Rockabilly teens, their lives become entwined in the novel JUKEBOX Volume One. Simone's in awe when popular senior and soul music fan Eli Burr asks her to become his new singing partner. Their pairing comes with all kinds of complications, because an interracial duo, especially one with a boy and a girl singing love songs to each other is unheard of. If that's not bad enough, the duo's fathers routinely clash over politics in their still segregated hometown. While Simone and Eli's scorching hot vocals bring fame and devoted fans, they also receive death threats. As her career soars, Simone has to fight for the money and respect that Eli easily gets because he's a man. Eli realizes his dream of becoming a teen idol, but it's at the cost of hiding his true sexual orientation. And after his troubled younger brother writes their first number one hit, the lyrics reveal Simone's got a huge crush on one brother, while she's unable to resist the other. In their journey to the top of the music charts, Eli, Simone and Johnny share acceptance, friendship and love. It's what happens to the trio once the music stops, and the media spotlight is on their unconventional relationship that will test their families and each of them. This book contains references to classic Country and R&B songs, dance styles and cultural attitudes of the 1960s. The sequel explores the 70s featuring the same characters popularity in Southern Rock, Funk, and Glam Rock.

    Camille Leone

    language (Wikkid Sexy Cool Books, July 21, 2013)
    This book contains mature subject matter.A service dog transforms the lives of the teen inmate who trains her and the wounded young marine who becomes her owner. After four years in prison, seventeen year old Heaven AKA Nevaeh’s confinement takes an unexpected turn when she joins a program that saves unwanted dogs from being euthanized. Not only does the scrawny puppy she coaches thrive, but Nevaeh finds a talent she never knew she possessed.Josh Duval went from spending summers in Cancun to fighting for his country half a world away. His dream of a military career is derailed after he’s severely injured in Afghanistan. Used to having others indulge him, Josh’s inner demons finally rise to the surface as he acts out chilling death wish scenarios once he returns home. When he’s paired with Myst to assist him with daily routines, the dog trainer and new owner don’t hit it off, with Nevaeh convinced that Myst won’t be happy with the deeply troubled soldier. But when Myst’s nightmares seem to rival his own, Josh decides to visit Nevaeh in prison, hoping to get more information about the dog and just as intrigued by the girl who trained her. While Josh aches for the girl behind bars who proclaims her innocence, when evidence comes to light that could get Nevaeh released, he’s terrified that the one who knows him the best will realize what he’s been hiding the whole time.As the truth is slowly revealed their love must be strong enough to cover a multitude of sins, both past and present. ©
  • The Stone Boy

    Camille Leone

    language (Wikkid Sexy Cool Books, Oct. 6, 2013)
    A girl witnesses the end of her parents marriage, while beginning a tumultuous affair with a troubled boy.Seventeen year old Nicole Torelli should be enjoying her senior year in high school. But tragedy struck this spring, when her eight year old brother and his best friend failed to return from baseball practice, leaving the community devastated and her estranged father under suspicion.In an effort to put some normalcy back in her life, she spends time with her grandparents, the first interracial couple on a street now predominately African American. Listening to her grandfather’s spotty memories, her faith in her father’s innocence grows ever stronger, just as class differences threaten to derail a budding relationship with the Irish teenager living next door. Nicole’s drawn to him even though she goes to a private school, while he sits on the porch all day.She’s busy planning her future, but he seems convinced he won’t make it to age twenty one. And that fatalistic attitude from the boy she’s falling in love with is the last thing she needs with her family coming apart, both emotionally and financially.
  • Sneak Peek: The Stone Boy, with an excerpt from FURIES

    Camille Leone

    language (Wikkid Sexy Cool Books, July 31, 2013)
    Free download 12/29/16 and 12/30/16New Adult - Contains mature subject matterNicole's heard all the reasons why she should stay away from the boy next door. He's too street, he's too raw, he's a thug. In the end, will she listen to what her heart says?Featuring an excerpt from the YA paranormal thriller FURIESTiffany McKee's wayward sister has returned, and she's brought a few creatures of the night with her.They're two daughters of a deity of called a FURY, an instrument of vengeance unleashed when the earth was still young and Zeus ruled through fear and intimidation. Now the youngest daughter, Tiffany, must unravel the mystery of why her mother has been living as a human, and what she's done to set off a centuries long war between immortals, resulting in a battle that threatens to destroy all humanity.