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Books published by publisher Wickid Pissa Books

  • The Dude Who Did Dictionaries

    Josh Mitchell

    language (Wickid Pissa Books, July 21, 2014)
    Frank Flutie is a lexicographer who has waged war on the "perils of adultolescence" by leaving a high-paying job as a copywriter for an advertising company called The Banker and taking a low-paying job in a bookstore instead, ostensibly so he can write the first ever all sexual dictionary. The "war" (and his dictionary), however, aren't going particularly well and, under the stress of his "self-imposed exile" from affluence, Frank has become petty and fatalistic -- "a shit hoarder whose dictionary would be better utilized as a flyswatter, a doorstop, or a paperweight". Always broke, but too proud to accept charity, he rarely sees his few friends and cannot get the virginal Marlene in bed because (or so he believes), "If you got no dough, no woman will love you." On the mantle in Frank's shabby apartment is a sickly but unkillable pet sea lamprey -- a jawless fish he abhors as the banner of the sort of "clockwork universe" he is fleeing from in his downward spiral. In the course of his misadventures, we become grindingly aware that his radical solution to the problem of the money-world is no solution at all -- that in his desperate reaction against a monstrous system, he has become something of a monster himself. THE LINGUISTIC PROMISCUITY OF FRANK FLUTIE is a behemoth valentine to Boston and a gritty, sprawling, depiction of today's recession-inflicted state of affairs.
  • "Roid Rage": The First Dose Is Deadly

    Josh Mitchell

    language (Wickid Pissa Books, Aug. 13, 2011)
    "Roid Rage" is about Billy Beck, a steroid dealer who sells illicit, counterfeit drugs from the UK that are equipped with dangerous livestock byproducts that morph bodybuilders into superhuman killer machines. What happens when you mix a strain of mad-cow disease with an anabolic steroid?The action scenes, gritty dialogue, and thrashing characters cut and illuminate like hatchet blades, inviting the innocent spectator into a world of truculent, flawed outcasts who live and die in a place that looks like Oz after dark.Steroids are being used by criminals as aggression-enhancing drugs. In Norway, enforcers known as "torpedoes" take combinations of steroids and amphetamines to produce a psychopathic state that enables them to kill and maim their victims. Danish motorcycle hoodlums put methyl testosterone capsules under their tongues before gang fights to work themselves into a rage.Such vignettes from the underground steroid world suggest how little we know about the overall social effects of the black market that serves an international industry of action-oriented males that includes a growing number of recreational athletes of all ages. With the recent hoopla about Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, and the BALCO controversy, this is a current and fierce story that has the potential to earn the sort of global buzz that Paranormal Activity received. ROID RAGE - "The First Dose Is Deadly".
  • "The Hellified Hedonist of Hingham"

    Josh Mitchell

    language (Wickid Pissa Books, July 29, 2014)
    A short story about a young adult male who finds himself put in a compromising situation by an alluring female high school student.