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Books published by publisher

  • The Adventures of Angus and Edmond

    Gunna Dickson, Jon McIntosh

    Hardcover ( Publishing, Oct. 20, 2015)
    This lively book of cat tales follows brothers Angus and Edmond on a journey to trace their roots - from a shelter in New York City to the Highlands of Scotland. Their adventures take them to Paris, London, Edinburgh and St. Andrews. While soaking up local history, the lads hit the tourist shops, visit castles and ghoulish sites, and play a round of golf at The Royal and Ancient. Along the way they meet the Loch Ness Monster and the ghost of Hamish McHamish. A feast of fun for animal lovers and children of all ages.
  • Twilite: A Parody

    Stephen Jenner

    language (, May 27, 2009)
    Love between a teenage girl and a vampire can be a beautiful thing. Then again, it can get a little ugly. Just ask Stella Crow. Stella is a clumsy but otherwise ordinary girl whose life takes a radical turn the moment she meets Edweird. Though perfect on the outside, Edweird Sullen is remarkably unrefined on the inside. He also happens to be a one hundred year old vampire, trapped in the body of a teenage boy, who has yet to finish high school. Nonetheless, Stella is unconditionally smitten with him. But not everything is rosy in this gloomiest of towns. Edweird's enemies have sworn to put a tragic end to their romance. Against all odds, the bond between Stella and Edweird is *nearly* strong enough for their love to survive. Most love stories between an impossibly handsome vampire and an ungainly young woman have a magical ending. This one -- not so much.Publisher's Note: May 27, 2009 -- There was a formatting problem with the previous version of the book on some Kindles. For those who purchased this title and had problems with the formatting, please download it again. The newer version works on all Kindle versions.
  • A Far Green Country: Hiking Tips from Isle Royale National Park

    Greg M. Romaneck

    Paperback ( Publishing, May 25, 2009)
    Isle Royale is one of the least visited of America's national parks. Located in the northern reaches of Lake Superior, Isle Royale encompasses over 200 small islands. The main island is approximately fifty miles long and features over 180 miles of hiking trails. On Isle Royale back-packers can follow the rugged basaltic ridgelines that glaciers carved millions of years ago. In-land lakes dot the park landscape and provide scenic vistas that beckon to hikers. The wildlife of Isle Royale is fascinating and is keynoted by the wolves and moose that populate the park. Here, in this northern park, backpackers can walk in isolation on trails that lead them along isolated reaches of the Superior shoreline, past beaver dams, and along the ridges that dominate the landscape. "A Far Green Country" offers veteran and novice backpackers tips and expe-riences aimed at helping them to prepare for an enjoyable journey to this wilderness park.
  • Ham and Eggs in the Garden

    Charles Burns

    eBook (, Nov. 23, 2014)
    See what happens when two young mouse brothers in search of strawberries venture into a forbidden garden and encounter unexpected difficulties with the vegetables they find there
  • Ham and Eggs In The Soup

    Charles Burns, Ed Davis

    language (, Feb. 25, 2015)
    Two small mouse brothers find themselves in the soup when they investigate good smells coming from a forbidden kitchen.
  • Chase: A Special Person & the Discovery of Teddy Downing

    Matt Shea

    Paperback ( Publishing, Dec. 12, 2013)
    Chase Mansfield and Teddy Downing personify a diamond in the rough in today's society. Chase represents those who are naturally deficient in some areas, but graced with compassion. Teddy, on the other hand knows the pain of rejection. He is one of many being raised by a lone grandparent. There is a common thread that the two share. Each juvenile is fully aware that their mere appearance can taunt a social injustice. From there, a stigma will be placed on them; but only from the weak. They do however, possess a strength that dissolves this cruelty. Their first-hand experience of being misunderstood allows them to easily identify the pain in others. Courage, love and understanding are the tools that they incorporate. Chase and Teddy nurture the very insecurities that their critics secretively battle and bring down the wall. What happens next is a beautiful unification. These seemingly insignificant beings touched those who once outcast them. A warm community spawns as a result from this. In the end, everyone is grateful that a 'Chase Mansfield'; or a 'Teddy Downing' entered their life.
  • The Adventures of Sarah Elizabeth and Jason T. Bear

    Elizabeth Wright

    eBook (Virtualbookworm, March 11, 2015)
    When Sarah Elizabeth, a doll living in a small California beach town, meets Jason T. Bear, time-traveler extraordinaire, her adventures begin. Joining his mission of love and kindness, Sarah Elizabeth visits her hometown in the early 1900s. Next, they travel back in time to Cleopatra's Egypt to face unexpected challenges. The magical pairing of this wise bear and brave doll leads to journeys of friendship, fun, danger and good deeds.
  • You Just Got Scammed!: a reality TV screenplay

    Ben Krakora

    eBook (Virtualbookworm, )
  • Fredi's Ride

    Geri Gubkin Johnson

    eBook (Virtualbookworm, )
  • The Goblin Hunters

    Samuel Schiller

    eBook ( Publishing, Feb. 26, 2013)
    At the command of High King Osric, The Queen’s Own Legion marches to the deserts of Xulanct. Aine Ceallaigh and her Maidens take up the Cross and begin a harrowing journey through the Iarlaithe Mountains where their fates intertwine with those of Martin Reamon, Braslav Tlapinski, and Anwend Halfdane. Evan MacKeth follows the Call of Almighty God, toward an uncertain future, and the Red Goblin Klabaga gathers allies for a decisive battle against the world of men.The Goblin Hunters is the sequel to The Queen’s Own and the sixth book in an ongoing series. Follow the adventures of Evan MacKeth, Warrior of the Son, through love and war, triumph and tragedy, and the daily struggle to walk in faith with the One True God and His Risen Son, Iosa Christus.
  • A Stolen Childhood

    Ilmars Salts, Gunna Dickson

    Paperback ( Publishing, Nov. 9, 2012)
    Ilmars Salts was only 10 years old when - on the morning of June 14, 1941 - his father, mother, brother, sister, and grandmother were awakened in their rural Latvia home and put into a cattle train bound for Siberia. To enable Russification, in one day alone, more than 15,000 men, women, children and elderly were rounded up and taken to Gulag death camps and deportation settlements. "A Stolen Childhood" evokes graphic scenes and acts of grave injustice, cruelty and unconscionable inhumanity as the brutal Siberian winters kill deportees, one after the other. There are no coffins and half-naked corpses are dragged by the arms of legs to their final resting place; a newborn is buried, still in the cradle. Dishes are scarce and food is ladled into a hat, or directly onto the table top. When deportees are put to work pulling logs out of the frigid Chulym River, their soaked garments freeze stiff in the Siberian air, but guards won't let them near the bonfire - to hasten their demise. There are no toilets; human waste piles up or is eaten by starving pigs or dogs. The Salts children, orphaned in the third winter, incredibly, withstand the extreme hardships and return to their homeland as living witnesses and the keepers of history. In the decades under the Soviet regime, crimes were deliberately hushed up. Not until 1995-96 did the secret archives gradually become accessible, and deportees were free to speak about their experiences.