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Books published by publisher Vincent

  • Children Stories

    Bill Vincent, John Fedele

    Audible Audiobook (Bill Vincent, Aug. 8, 2013)
    This is a Special Edition Book Series of the fairy tale genre, featuring realistic situation, stories, fantasy and a few other genres as well! All the stories are Christian-based and aimed to put a smile on those children we love. This will sure get you closer as a family as you discover the many tales told in this book. The stories have Jesus overtaking these spiritual battles. It is time for the children of America and the World to know the real difference between good and evil. You are sure to enjoy Bill Vincent's Children Stores in all 10 Special Edition books or if you get the complete book today.
  • Children Stories

    Bill Vincent, Crystal Sershen

    Audible Audiobook (Bill Vincent, Aug. 5, 2013)
    This is a Special Edition Book Series of the fairy tale type stories, realistic situation stories, fantasy and a few other genres as well! All these stories are Christian based and aimed to put a smile on those children we love. This will sure get you closer as a family as you discover the many tales told in this book. The stories have Jesus over taking these spiritual battles. It is time for thechildren of America and the World to know the real difference between good and evil. You are sureto enjoy Bill Vincent's Children Stories in all ten Special Edition books or get the complete book today.
  • Children Stories

    Bill Vincent, Caroline Larson

    Audible Audiobook (Bill Vincent, June 25, 2013)
    This is a Special Edition Book Series of the fairy tale type stories, realistic situation stories, fantasy, and a few other genres as well! All the stories are Christian based and aimed to put a smile on those children we love. This will surely get you closer as a family as you discover the many tales told in this book. The stories have Jesus over taking these spiritual battles. It is time for the children of America and the World to know the real difference between good and evil. You are sure to enjoy Bill Vincent's Children Stories in all ten Special Edition books or get the complete book today.
  • Children Stories

    Bill Vincent, Cheridah Best

    Audible Audiobook (Bill Vincent, Aug. 27, 2013)
    This is a Special Edition Book Series of fairy tale stories, realistic stories, fantasy and a few other genres as well! All the stories are Christian based and aimed to put smiles on the faces on those children we love. This will sure get you closer as a family as you discover the many tales told in this book. The stories have Jesus over taking these spiritual battles. It is time for the children of America and the World to know the real difference between good and evil. You are sure to enjoy Bill Vincent's Children Stories in all ten Special Edition audiobooks, or get the complete audiobook today.
  • Children Stories

    Bill Vincent, Ginny You

    Audible Audiobook (Bill Vincent, Aug. 29, 2013)
    This is a Special Edition Book Series of the fairy tale type stories, realistic situation stories, fantasy and a few other genres as well! All the stories are Christian based and aimed to put a smile on those children we love. This will sure get you closer as a family as you discover the many tales told in this book. The stories have Jesus over taking these spiritual battles. It is time for the children of America and the World to know the real difference between good and evil. You are sure to enjoy Bill Vincent's Children Stories in all ten Special Edition books or get the complete book today.
  • Children Stories

    Bill Vincent, Gregory Kuper

    Audible Audiobook (Bill Vincent, Sept. 5, 2013)
    This is a Special Edition Book Series of the fairy tale type stories, realistic situation stories, fantasy, and a few other genres as well! All the stories are Christian based and aimed to put a smile on the faces of those children we love. This will sure get you closer as a family as you discover the many tales told in this audiobook. The stories have Jesus overtaking these spiritual battles. It is time for the children of America and the World to know the real difference between good and evil. You are sure to enjoy Bill Vincent's Children Stories in all ten Special Edition audiobooks or get the complete audiobook today.
  • For Cats Only: How to Train Your Human and More!

    Kym Kostos, Vincent Stead

    Audible Audiobook (Vincent Stead, June 23, 2014)
    Hello, my little kittens and those cats who have not yet mastered the art of training your human. I, Miss Kitty, will guide you through the world of humans and how to train them. You see, humans don't come with manuals. However, they think they have cornered the market on manuals on how to raise and train us feline masterminds. Correction. Cats can't be trained. I repeat: Cats cannot and will not be trained. Humans seem to have this misconception that we cats are trainable. Wrong! We choose our humans and everyone knows that. Your human did not choose you! You chose them! Whether they knew it or not, we made the choice of going home with our humans. For example; say you were at a pet store and you saw your human come inside the pet store. You think to yourself, "Well, he's a little round around the waist, that means he eats well, which means he will feed me really well. I want to go home with him today." Then, you meow and put on your best kitten face and play with a ball and act really cute. I know, it's demeaning, but you're a kitten, what do you know about anything? You chose your human and made him realize that. Your human sees you and picks you up. You've already staked your claim on him and snuggle up to him and purr and look cute, which of course comes natural for us cats, looking cute and all. Your human takes you home and then the fun begins! This is where you need to learn how to train your human so that you can live in peace and harmony by your own rules. Trust me, it will happen. All you have to do is follow this guide and I will teach you everything you need to know! Just remember, never, never let your human - or humans if you decide to live with a pack of them - never let them see this book. If you do, I shall get out the big water bottle, and we all know that water bottles are evil and have no place in our homes and should be destroyed!
  • The Misadventures of Batty the Cat

    Kym Kostos, Vincent Stead

    Audible Audiobook (Vincent Stead, Aug. 6, 2014)
    When Batty the cat was born, he was the smallest out of his six brothers and sisters. Batty was born on a farm in a barn near the hay stack in the corner. Farmer Joe had put a blanket out for Batty's mom, Pickles. Pickles was named Pickles because she was born near a pickle barrel one summer evening. Much like Batty's mother Pickles, Batty was born on a warm summer night. Farmer Steve had heard Pickles howling really loud as she delivered her litter of kittens. Batty was the last to be born. Batty was a black cat with a little patch of white under his tummy. Even though Batty was the smallest, he still wanted to drink as much milk as he could from his mommy. When Batty and his litter were old enough, Farmer Ted took the box of kittens to the park and put up a sign that read "FREE KITTENS TO A GOOD HOME". The litter of kittens went really quick. Except for Batty. Batty was the last one left. "Well, why won't anyone take me home with them?" Batty thought to himself. "I'm just as good as any other cat." Batty was sad because he thought no one wanted him. But, then, he looked up from the box and he saw someone looking down at him smiling. It was a man. "Well, hello there little guy," the smiling man said. "You look like you need someone to love you." He then picked up Batty and held him and rubbed his cheek against Batty's face. Batty was excited. Someone had finally wanted to take him home! "You are perfect," the man said as he walked back to his car. His new owner took him to his car and placed Batty on the car seat next to him. Batty liked feeling close to his new owner. So, he climbed up the side of the car seat and curled up around his new owner's shoulders, where that would become his favorite place to lie when he was tired. Batty was able to look out the window and see the big world around him as he was driven to his new home.
  • A Glimpse at Being Broken: Part One

    Vincent Reed

    language (Vincent Reed, Sept. 5, 2018)
    This book is a raw, true and painful reflection of my childhood in the foster care system. My mother lost me twice to the system and would go on to give me up a third time. I grew up and aged out as a ward of the State of Minnesota. Throughout my life I have been hiding my history from friends and family. It has never been a part that I wanted to share publicly until recently. I never had the support until now that it required to share my story. I was in eleven different homes in ten years while in the system. Some of those homes good but the ones that were bad really out weighed the good ones. For the few fond memories I have as a child, there are twenty more bad ones. I suffer now from PTSD from my childhood and with the help of therapy and a strong woman by my side, I can share this now. I am not mad about my past and how I was treated, rather I am thankful to be here today. My life could have taken such a different direction and I think of the good and bad places I could have ended up in. My history and childhood is a big part of who I am today. I am writing this book now with reflections of what I have learned and been through in life. This book is the first part of my life, with the second part coming hopefully before the holidays. I hope you read this book and it brings to light the reality that so many foster kids face after aging out. For me when I aged out there was nothing. My life has always been difficult but I hope by releasing this it becomes just another weight lifted off my chest.
  • A "Moo" for You

    Alisha Vincent, Designed by Thara Ali, Dyrani Clark

    Hardcover (Vincent, March 15, 2015)
    A "moo" For You is a flip book with two stories, one told from the boy's perspective and one from the cow's perspective. The proceeds of A "moo" For You will support the "Livestock for Life" program at Dakota Wesleyan University, a program that gives struggling families around the word livestock to help increase income and overcome hunger. Enjoy A "moo" For You!
  • The Secret Castle in the Cloud: Lost Bitcoins

    Vincent Chen

    Hardcover (Vincent Chen, Aug. 31, 2018)
    A lost girl. A digital goldmine. An adventure through virtual reality to find her way home. America, 2028. Seven-year-old Lisa can't wait to spend the whole day with her mom. After a quick stop at a strange repair shop, Lisa's augmented reality glasses start acting a little funny. As the kind-hearted girl steps into a huge department store, she realizes two things: her faulty device accidentally made her rich and her mother is nowhere to be found...Lost and suddenly flushed with bitcoins, Lisa hopes to find her mom quickly before it gets too late. With a digital dancing elephant by her side, she discovers the true value of leading with her heart. Will technology and teamwork help Lisa find her mom before the store closes?The Secret Castle in the Cloud: Lost Bitcoins is a beautifully illustrated children's book that's perfect for readers ages 5 to 9. If you and your child like exploring future technology and a secret castle, then you'll both love this imaginative tale. Buy The Secret Castle in the Cloud: Lost Bitcoins to read a tech-savvy tale today!
  • The Snail with No Trail

    Vincent Moran, Richard Walker

    language (Vincent Moran, Oct. 13, 2014)
    "Let's start at the beginning of this wonderful tale, Say hello to Norman, Norman's a snail."Meet Norman, a snail who doesn't leave a trail. Will leaving no trail be a good or a bad thing?