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Books published by publisher Time-Life International

  • 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible

    Ura Miller

    Hardcover (TGS International, Aug. 16, 2006)
    The parting of the Red Sea, David and Goliath, Jesus and the Samaritan woman, Lazarus being raised from the dead, these stories and many others form a solid foundation for children learning about the Bible for the first time. As children learn about their faith and hear these exciting stories, the Bible truly comes alive for them. The colorful illustrations included with each story will be loved by children of all ages and provide a solid image in children's minds to establish the reality of the stories. These timeless and absolutely true stories such as how Jesus loves the children and the day of Pentecost are loved by children the world over. After each story, you will find helpful questions to spur discussion and to help children commit them to memory. This colorful and delightfully fun book is an essential for any parent who desires to train their child in righteousness.
  • Animal behaviour

    Niko Tinbergen

    Hardcover (Time-Life International, )
  • The desert

    A. Starker Leopold

    Hardcover (Time-Life International, March 15, 1962)
    Non-fiction: science, nature,
  • Imperial Rome

    Moses Hadas

    (Time-Life International, Jan. 1, 1966)
    Excellent Book
  • I need a new bum

    Dawn McMillan, Ross Kinnaird

    eBook (Libro International, Sept. 20, 2012)
    What to do when you need a new bum? Should you get one that’s blue or yellow spotted? A rocket bum that’s all fire and thrust, or a robo-bum?The options are endless – but wait, Dad’s bum crack is showing too? Maybe this is contagious.This is a great book to read to kids – or on your own. The hilarious rhymes from Dawn McMillan and delightful drawings of Ross Kinnaird are guaranteed to raise a smile.
  • The Cooking of Italy

    Waverley Root, Fred Lyon

    Hardcover (Time-Life International, Jan. 1, 1920)
    A detailed survey of the cuisine of Italy accompanied by a spiral-bound kitchen recipe book
  • The Birds

    Roger Tory Peterson

    Hardcover (Time-Life International, March 15, 1967)
    The association of men with birds has been long and close. Birds and men alike are active mostly during the day, so they share a familiar world of color and sound. In ancient times, priests of pagan cults believed that in some way bird flight foretold the future. And for centuries men tried to imitate flight itself - some going so far as to build wings that they attached to their bodies. Though we have finally succeeded in mastering flight, the ponderous machines that take us aloft are no match in grace and flexibility for the soaring, diving, darting, climbing actions of a bird on the wing.Birds have helped men for thousands of years. The warning cries of geese once saved Rome from surprise attack, and even today canaries warn coal miners of the presence of methane gas. Truly, birds touch us in unexpected ways. They are far more to us than game to be shot or chickadees and cardinals to brighten a suburban winter.No man is more aware of the importance of birds than Roger Tory Peterson. His Field Guide to Birds of America and subsequent field guides on birds of other countries have made him the world's best known bird expert; his system of identification and his paintings of bird life have revolutionized bird watching. Small wonder that the Editors of Time-Life Books were delighted to have him as the author of this fine volume.- Dean AmadonLamont Curator of BirdsChairman of the department of OrnithologyThe American Museum of Natural History- the Introduction
  • The Reptiles

    A. Carr

    Hardcover (Time-Life International, March 15, 1968)
  • Birds in my Backyard

    Mike Atnip

    Hardcover (TGS International, April 15, 2016)
    Bright birds aren't only in zoos and faraway places-they are also in your backyard, ready to delight you with their feathers and frolics. Children will enjoy the nature photos and text that invites them to walk with the writer.
  • Classical Greece

    & the Editors of TIME-LIFE Books Bowra C. M.

    Hardcover (Time-Life International, Aug. 16, 1968)
  • Life in the Woods

    Mike Atnip

    Hardcover (TGS International, April 15, 2016)
    Did you know a fly's eye is made up of hundreds of little eyes? Have you ever seen a candy-striped leafhopper, scarlet elfcups, or the details of a crane fly's wings? Learn about many wonders of God's creation as you meander through the summer woods in Ohio. Children's photo book with text.
  • Clean Water For Elirose

    Ariah Fine

    Paperback (Lifewater International, May 15, 2014)
    Maria and her friends love all kinds of drinks, but when they learn a girl their age doesn't even have clean water to drink they set out to help. Read about all the great ways these kids help to make a difference and how you can to.