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Books published by publisher The Electronic Book Company

  • Nobody’s Child

    Andrew Wareham

    eBook (The Electronic Book Company, March 8, 2019)
    Nobody’s Child … Young Giles Jackson’s parents die and he is brought up by an adoptive family who send him to boarding school where he gets expelled for fighting. Instead of returning home, he heads for Poole Harbour, and after saving the life of a sea captain, he voyages to the East Indies by way of the South American colonies and beyond. The ship is a privateer turning pirate in peacetime. Liking his new life, he is determined to exploit all that foreign realms have to offer. Published by The Electronic Book Company
  • A Killing Too Far

    Andrew Wareham

    eBook (The Electronic Book Company, Dec. 14, 2018)
    A Killing Too Far: Sam Heythorne finds the gin trade highly profitable, enabling him to expand into other dubious businesses. However, a savage attack on Uncle Abe’s son by villains of a neighbouring town upsets Sam’s comfortable world, forcing him to take murderous reprisals against those involved. He invests in the growing coal industry, but his criminal past catches up with him later in the book... Trilogy best read in order. Published by The Electronic Book Company
  • The Killing Man

    Andrew Wareham

    eBook (The Electronic Book Company, April 27, 2018)
    The Killing Man… Jacobite rebels engage in a murderous looting spree while fleeing back to Scotland. Young Sam, the son of a poor farmer, is forced to take drastic measures when their actions leave the family facing starvation. Later, Sam joins the local yeomanry who ride out in search of retreating rebels. His experiences make Sam hardened to killing and determined not to face poverty again. After the yeomanry is disbanded, Sam strikes up an unlikely friendship with Josie, a landowner’s daughter, as he sets out to make money. He finds the illegal distilling of gin highly profitable and his ability to ruthlessly deal with rivals hands him control of the local trade. Published by The Electronic Book Company
  • The Friendly Sea

    Andrew Wareham

    eBook (The Electronic Book Company, July 27, 2014)
    The Duty and Destiny Series: By Andrew Wareham, the author of the highly acclaimed, 'A Poor Man at the Gate Series.' Please Note: The novels are best read in series order. . The Duty and Destiny Series is a superbly-crafted collection of historical novels with a strong naval/seafaring theme. The series follows the naval career, loves and business dealings of Englishman, Frederick Harris, a brave but reluctant mariner. Despite his disinclination, he is seemingly destined to become a Master and Commander of his own ship. Book One - The Friendly Sea: The second son of a Hampshire landowner, Frederick Harris has no expectations worthy of the name. He takes to the sea as a profession, rather than from love of the seafaring life. Early in the French Revolutionary War he seizes the chance to shine in a bloody sea battle. After promotion, he is sent to the Caribbean where he gains further promotion and the patronage of a senior admiral. (First published in July 2014)Published by The Electronic Book Company
  • Long Way Place

    Andrew Wareham

    eBook (The Electronic Book Company, Feb. 22, 2015)
    In the early 1900s gutter rat, Ned Hawkins aims to rise from the grinding poverty of an English slum, but is forced to flee the country and ends up in Papua. It is a dangerous place where cannibalism and cannibals are never far away. Despite this menacing backdrop, he prospers and almost by accident, finds love. However, there are ominous stirrings in the land that bode ill for the future...Published by The Electronic Book CompanyA New York Times Best-seller Listed Publisher
  • My Yummy Treats - A Pop-Up Book

    Stuart Martin Sue Whiting

    Board book (The Book Company, Jan. 1, 2004)
    Pop up children's classic book

    Patsy Croxon

    eBook (The Electronic Book Company, Feb. 6, 2012)
    ONENESS: CHOOSING LOVE OVER FEAR By Patsy CroxonThis is one of many true stories while on a journey to self-discovery that gave me insights, skills and knowledge that have helped me further my own self-healing. I questioned myself as to my belief in miracles. The Christ had appeared to me a number of times but on this occasion He presented to me seven scrolls. These scrolls contained knowledge which would furnish me with seven steps to help me progress my journey to Oneness; choosing unconditional love over fear and living in the now.It is a journey that thankfully will never end, a journey that has taken me into many past lives and a journey into the future that will, when God calls, take me home to the place of my beginning. It has been a journey that has taken me to the stars and back, a journey that has filled my life with love. It is my life’s purpose to share those life-changing skills, knowledge, healing and insights gained through life’s rich pattern of challenges and extraordinary spiritual experiences, which have changed my life forever as I discovered my true essence, was shown my Spirit and given my Spirit name, Alitia…. At the age of forty-two years I was diagnosed with an incurable rare form of temporal lobe epilepsy. Unable to cope with the side effects of the drugs I decide to go in search of a cure. My mother questioned my belief in miracles as she relived the experience of my birth when I was put under the bed for dead. To my mum I was a miracle. I looked to the heavens for help. I suddenly became clairvoyant, receiving guidance from the Divine, the Christ, the Angelic Realms and my Guardian Angel, Daniel. I am guided to be in the right place at the right time. My journey leads to a cure and this is confirmed by The Royal Neurological Hospital in London. My faith returns as I begin to experience miracles for myself.I have a car crash and am unable to work full-time for three years. I seek the help of a spiritual crystal healer when I experience the Christ who appeared at my side during a healing session. He presents a gold tube to me which holds seven scrolls. I sit at the requisite time each day to receive a scroll, that holds a step to help me along my journey to Oneness. On the seventh day I receive another miracle!I receive guidance from my teachers and the Divine to help me implement the seven steps from the seven scrolls into my daily life, creating a healthier, happier me.I discover the importance of the aura and 'My Story so Far' at the back of the book is a brief resume of my journey from the day I was born to December 2011. There is no end to my journey, only new beginnings as I seek knowledge from insights of what I believe to be a truly magical Universe! Published by The Electronic Book Company
  • Robinson Crusoe

    Daniel Defoe, AF Lydon

    language (The Electronic Book Company, April 26, 2011)
    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is the classic castaway adventure. The book contains uniquely presented color illustrations and unique cover artwork.Quality Formatting By The Electronic Book

    Steve Sugden

    language (The Electronic Book Company, Aug. 19, 2012)
    ROSIE’S PICTURES‘So who was that fat man?’ asked Sylvie.Mrs Gifford dropped her bombshell. ‘He’s the new owner of the livery yard,’ she said. ‘And he wants me out, so he can knock down the stables and build an office block.’Sylvie was shocked. Who did he think he was, trying to bully Mrs Gifford into leaving the yard? And if he succeeded, where would Rosie, her beloved Welsh pony, go? There wasn’t another livery yard for miles. Then there was Carlo, her eight year old autistic brother. Sylvie and her mum had seen such a change in Carlo’s behaviour since he started coming to the yard. He’d be devastated if he couldn’t visit the horses any more.By the time she’d finished mucking out Rosie’s stable Sylvie’s mind was made up. She’d do everything in her power to stop the fat man’s evil plan. Published by The Electronic Book
  • The World Erupts

    Bernard York Jones

    eBook (The Electronic Book Company, Feb. 27, 2014)
    A reporter looking forward to his forthcoming marriage receives a cable that will change his life and the world for ever! He finds himself among a group of passengers on a high altitude airliner which escapes destruction when the surface of the world is reformed by massive volcanic eruptions. The story continues with their desperate search for land as they encounter terrifying sea and land monsters hitherto unknown. PLEASE NOTE: The World Erupts is a book for adults and young adults, who are not easily scared by tales of hideous monsters.BACKGROUND TO THE BOOK: The family of the late Bernard York Jones came across this cracking adventure story while going through his possessions. They believe he began writing the story in the early 1960’s and after several changes to the ending (depending on his mood), he finally completed the book in the 1970’s. It’s taken this long to publish; firstly as a family memento and secondly to allow the rest of the world to enjoy a unique adventure tale that was destined, at some point in time, to see the light of day.REVIEW: I have read your late father's novel,’ The World Erupts’, with great interest and enjoyment. It must have been an exciting moment to discover this story among his things when you had no idea of its existence. He tells the story well, and it's certainly an unusual and fantastic one - a slight touch of Jules Verne I thought. Thank you for giving me the pleasure of reading it.' Linda Evans, Editor, Transworld Publishers Ltd

    John Free

    eBook (The Electronic Book Company, Feb. 29, 2012)
    THE JEWELLED SWORDBY JOHN FREEThis story takes Tom and Henry on an adventure that started nearly 500 hundred years ago in Scotland with the disappearance of a magnificent jewelled sword during a battle that took place at Castle McDonald in the county of Perthshire.It takes our young heroes on an unforgettable journey to Scotland, travelling aboard the famous train the ‘Flying Scotsman’. On the journey they meet a mysterious person dressed all in black, who hides a dark secret which they later uncover.Joining their cousins Hamish and Fiona, Tom and Henry visit Castle McDonald where they discover what lies behind an old book case and a small wooden door. A daring escape from ‘Devils Pool’, and enduring the trials of crawling through dark unfriendly tunnels, leads to a certain discovery. Managing to foil the plans of two international crooks, they succeed in the recovery of a great treasure that had been lost for hundreds of years.Published by The Electronic Book
  • Wishing Well World

    Ann Parker

    language (The Electronic Book Company, Nov. 6, 2012)
    Two stories in one book. Join Jonathon Grady as he enters the magical world, where his wishes come true. First he's a British Secret Agent in Paris and the next time he's sailing to Jersey, while being chased by a ghost ship from the Spanish Armada! Does he ever make it home?