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Books published by publisher Smallfellow Pr

  • Rip Squeak and His Friends

    Susan Yost-Filgate, Leonard Filgate

    Hardcover (Smallfellow Pr, Dec. 31, 1999)
    When the humans who live in their house go away, Rip Squeak the mouse and his sister Jesse go exploring and dicover that Abbey the kitten has also been left behind, and she introduces them to her theatrical friend Euripedes the frog.
  • It's Fall

    Jimmy Pickering

    Hardcover (Smallfellow Press, Feb. 25, 2015)
    Sally and her dog, Sam, enjoy some of the pleasures of autumn, including the changing leaves, pumpkin pie, a hayride, apple picking, the county fair, and Halloween.
  • Who Asked the Moon to Dinner? by Joe Murray

    Joe Murray

    Hardcover (Smallfellow Press, )
  • Who Asked the Moon to Dinner? by Joe Murray

    Joe Murray

    Hardcover (Smallfellow Press, March 15, 1744)