The Surf Sting
Linda Cuy, ., Drew Kampion
(Blue Sea Publishing, June 15, 2015)
THE SURF STING: travels with Miki Dora, Da Cat, and Don Wilson, The Pirate Captain. Foreword by Drew Kampion. Told in a lightly confounding third-person voice, this autobiography of the single person most deeply imbedded with Miki Dora during his international years is catnip to those fascinated with his story. Linda Cuy, a core, lifelong surfer by anybody's reconking, displays an enviable- if occasionally unbelievable-recollection for dialogue. The introduction of Don Wilson, a lovable sneak-thief with expensive tastes, lends emotional complexity and the third leg of this global menage a trois. Cuy portrays herself as an understandably naive young adventuress, but the reader soon watches her develop into a street-sharp boarder jumper who holding her own with some very sophisticated, exceedingly manipulative hombres. This tale is insider, surf-smart, and with broad appeal, from the YA reader in your house to your S.O.,to you. -S.H. book review, SURFER'S JOURNAL 25.6