Done With Death
David Babineau
(Same Size Shoe, April 2, 2013)
Chuck Robbins never wanted to die. But life has a way with things, and when a death comes knocking and offers him a job, well; you’d be an idiot to pass it up. Living dead in Purgatory was the just the beginning of his troubles. Now Chuck has to reap the souls of people he’s never met, just to make his quota and the corporation he now works for happy or face banishment to the worst company every created—Hell; where there’s no vacation packages or retirement incentives. But Chuck has a skill, and he’s about to use it to do the things he feels is right; rid the world of the those he never liked. Only problem, something in the universe is onto him and it wants Chuck to succeed, because when he does; the system will fail and the universe will collapse. Done With Death contains demons, fallen angels who curse like sailors, Jesus who loves to drink PBR and David Bowie. Who ever said the Afterlife had to suck?