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Books published by publisher Relentlessly Creative Books

  • QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening


    Paperback (Relentlessly Creative Books, Feb. 26, 2019)
    This book is a field guide to an important chunk of reality that’s been carefully hidden and wrongly discredited by the media. It reveals an extraordinary movement underway, a battle of epic proportions. Whether you know it or not, you’re involved because the result of this battle will determine the fate of your children and future generations both in America and around the world. However, you may only be vaguely aware of QAnon or “Q,” if at all.If you value the truth, you will want to learn about the QAnon movement and the battle that is being waged on your behalf to protect you and your children from abuse and enslavement. The war between Good and Evil is no longer merely symbolic. Evil is being, tried and brought to justice in federal courts and military tribunals today. Criminally corrupt government leaders, celebrities, religious leaders, media figures, and corporate heads will be tried and punished for crimes involving treason, human trafficking, ritual sacrifice and unspeakable perversions.QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening tells the history of an anonymous poster on the free-speech websites 4Chan and then 8Chan and how he (or perhaps they) built a following of millions of viewers worldwide. With an insider’s knowledge of the battle plan (see “The Plan to Save the World”), and “Q” level military intelligence clearance, QAnon’s communications are often cryptic and coded. QAnon is a master of the Socratic method, asking questions and imploring followers to do their own research, to be logical and to think for themselves.This book was written by twelve “Anons,” anonymous Q followers, decoders and citizen journalists known collectively as Where We Go One We Go All (WWG1WGA). They each know a great deal about QAnon, each bringing their own unique perspective and experience. Together they give you an overview that may encourage you to learn more. The one thing they are all convinced of: QAnon is not only real, but an insider with White House connections and this book offers many proofs to substantiate this claim.Have you been convinced by legacy media claims that Q is a hoax or a “conspiracy theory?” Instead, consider why the media would insist that you—a thinking and capable adult—should avoid Q at all cost? If a mere “conspiracy theory,” why all the attention? What ideas are so dangerous you should never hear them? Is there another side to the story? Read QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening and judge for yourself.About WWG1WGAWWG1WGA (Where We Go One We Go All) is the collaborative effort of 12 author/contributors and citizen journalists who have YouTube channels, blogs, Twitter followings and/or sub-Reddits, etc. that feature Q decodes, news and commentary. Author bios and contact information are available in the book. Categories Politics & Government Media & Communications Intelligence & Espionage Censorship Political Freedom
  • QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening


    eBook (Relentlessly Creative Books, March 5, 2019)
    This book is a field guide to an important chunk of reality that’s been carefully hidden and wrongly discredited by the media. It reveals an extraordinary movement underway, a battle of epic proportions. Whether you know it or not, you’re involved because the result of this battle will determine the fate of your children and future generations both in America and around the world. However, you may only be vaguely aware of QAnon or “Q,” if at all.If you value the truth, you will want to learn about the QAnon movement and the battle that is being waged on your behalf to protect you and your children from abuse and enslavement. The war between Good and Evil is no longer merely symbolic. Evil is being, tried and brought to justice in federal courts and military tribunals today. Criminally corrupt government leaders, celebrities, religious leaders, media figures, and corporate heads will be tried and punished for crimes involving treason, human trafficking, ritual sacrifice and unspeakable perversions.QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening tells the history of an anonymous poster on the free-speech websites 4Chan and then 8Chan and how he (or perhaps they) built a following of millions of viewers worldwide. With an insider’s knowledge of the battle plan (see “The Plan to Save the World”), and “Q” level military intelligence clearance, QAnon’s communications are often cryptic and coded. QAnon is a master of the Socratic method, asking questions and imploring followers to do their own research, to be logical and to think for themselves.This book was written by twelve “Anons,” anonymous Q followers, decoders and citizen journalists known collectively as Where We Go One We Go All (WWG1WGA). They each know a great deal about QAnon, each bringing their own unique perspective and experience. Together they give you an overview that may encourage you to learn more. The one thing they are all convinced of: QAnon is not only real, but an insider with White House connections and this book offers many proofs to substantiate this claim.Have you been convinced by legacy media claims that Q is a hoax or a “conspiracy theory?” Instead, consider why the media would insist that you—a thinking and capable adult—should avoid Q at all cost? If a mere “conspiracy theory,” why all the attention? What ideas are so dangerous you should never hear them? Is there another side to the story? Read QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening and judge for yourself.About WWG1WGAWWG1WGA (Where We Go One We Go All) is the collaborative effort of 12 author/contributors and citizen journalists who have YouTube channels, blogs, Twitter followings and/or sub-Reddits, etc. that feature Q decodes, news and commentary. Author bios and contact information are available in the book.
  • Conceptual Revolutions in Science: A Collection of Scientific Explorations & Interviews

    Adam Dorfman

    eBook (Relentlessly Creative Books, Sept. 5, 2015)
    In the past, imaginative geniuses made great accounts of their philosophies, so we know they embraced both the nature of things and how to observe the world broadly. In recent centuries, however, we have subjected the phenomenon of nature to specialization. While there is something gained from a narrow focus, in the development of exquisite technologies, the big picture is frequently forgotten and unwitting undertakings such as climate engineering, are pursued.With supporting interviews by Dr. Gerald Pollack (Institute of Venture Science), Dr. Mae Wan Ho (epigenetics), John Stuart Reid (cymatics), MJ Pangman (structured water) and Daniel Schmidt (meditation), Conceptual Revolutions in Science delivers a thoroughly innovative book that follows a path to explore nature’s imagination, as past imaginative geniuses have done, to establish meaningful connections and enable powerful conceptual revolutions to take hold.By providing a modern scientific framework from which to observe the world, Conceptual Revolutions in Science offers an incredible adventure to expansive knowledge that will be on you mind the minute you wake up, and drive your actions throughout the day.Together we’ll explore the established evidence and remarkable connections regarding the new science of epigenetics, sound energy, extremely low electromagnetic frequencies, meditation, structured water and more.You’ll learn how far your reality can be stretched, to go beyond your senses, and examine your personal insights and what it takes to enhance your mission within this Universe. Take this challenge personally by following in the footsteps of past imaginative geniuses and your worldview will be amplified exponentially along the way.
  • White Hats, Swamp Creatures and QAnon: A Who’s Who of SpyGate

    Captain Roy D

    eBook (Relentlessly Creative Books LLC, Oct. 10, 2019)
    This is a book for desperately polarized times.If you are dazed and confused by the events of the day, you are probably on the right track. This book will help you sort things out by offering real information about people and events and hundreds of fact-filled resources. You may not like what you learn, but we can’t build a worthwhile future on anything less than the truth.If you think you know it all already, for example, if you are convinced that Hillary should have won and Trump is (you fill in the blank), please consider the possibility that there is a whole lot more to the story you haven’t a clue about. And unless you prefer sitting in the dark, consider opening your mind just enough to let in a little light and then make up your mind.This is a book that asks and answers a few key questions: Why would the mainstream media, the self-proclaimed providers of truth and accuracy, feed us a daily diet of a lie about Russia, Russia, Russia for three years, especially when they could have discredited that story themselves if they were doing their job? And why did they all agree on the lies? Who were they protecting? What were they covering up?We’ve been listening to masters of deception and creators of a coverup that will blow your mind—multiple times. And when things get weirder (and more evil) than you ever thought possible, you are going to want a guide to all the players and the key events that happened around and since the 2016 election. This book delivers. It is as current as tonight’s new, but a whale of a lot more accurate.White Hats, Swamp Creatures and QAnon: A Who’s Who of SpyGate is an encyclopedia of the intrigues and people involved in lying, leaking, corruption, and treason, and the good guys who oppose them. This book documents perhaps the most important story of our lives and certainly accurately paints the big-picture story of our own economic and mental enslavement.In fact, this book offers truths that could set us free if we’ll let it. So, share it with friends, family, co-workers and anyone you care about. You’ll be giving them a fighting chance to weather the coming storm.
  • Master of the Sky and Sea: The Story of Ted Wells

    James Rix

    eBook (Relentlessly Creative Books, March 3, 2018)
    This is a true story about a man who was passionate about airplanes—flying them, designing them and building them. His innovative designs and creative vision were so much a part of aviation history that his breakthrough biplane design, the Staggerwing, shown on the cover of this book, hangs in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.Ted Wells not only designed the Staggerwing, but also the Bonanza and many other extremely popular and enduring commercial and military aircraft. Beech Aircraft, the company he co-founded with Walter and Olive Ann Beech, continues to build planes to a standard influenced by Ted’s contribution to pioneering aviation.While best known for his career in aeronautics, Ted Wells was equally passionate about sailboats and became a competitive sailor of great skill. He sailed at a level of performance that literally exceeded all others. Twice he was awarded the World Championship for the Snipe class of sailboats after winning against national champions from many countries.Ted Wells was an extraordinarily talented and accomplished individual who put his unique stamp on the most exciting technology of his era. This is his story.
  • White Hats, Swamp Creatures and QAnon: A Who’s Who of Spygate

    Captain Roy D

    Paperback (Relentlessly Creative Books LLC, Sept. 25, 2019)
    This is a book for desperately polarized times.If you are dazed and confused by the events of the day, you are probably on the right track. This book will help you sort things out by offering real information about people and events and hundreds of fact-filled resources. You may not like what you learn, but we can’t build a worthwhile future on anything less than the truth.If you think you know it all already, for example, if you are convinced that Hillary should have won and Trump is (you fill in the blank), please consider the possibility that there is a whole lot more to the story you haven’t a clue about. And unless you prefer sitting in the dark, consider opening your mind just enough to let in a little light and then make up your mind.This is a book that asks and answers a few key questions: Why would the mainstream media, the self-proclaimed providers of truth and accuracy, feed us a daily diet of a lie about Russia, Russia, Russia for three years, especially when they could have discredited that story themselves if they were doing their job? And why did they all agree on the lies? Who were they protecting? What were they covering up?We’ve been listening to masters of deception and creators of a coverup that will blow your mind—multiple times. And when things get weirder (and more evil) than you ever thought possible, you are going to want a guide to all the players and the key events that happened around and since the 2016 election. This book delivers. It is as current as tonight’s new, but a whale of a lot more accurate.White Hats, Swamp Creatures and QAnon: A Who’s Who of SpyGate is an encyclopedia of the intrigues and people involved in lying, leaking, corruption, and treason, and the good guys who oppose them. This book documents perhaps the most important story of our lives and certainly accurately paints the big-picture story of our own economic and mental enslavement.In fact, this book offers truths that could set us free if we’ll let it. So, share it with friends, family, co-workers and anyone you care about. You’ll be giving them a fighting chance to weather the coming storm.
  • Master of the Sky and Sea: The Story of Ted Wells

    James Rix

    Paperback (Relentlessly Creative Books, Feb. 3, 2018)
    This is a true story about a man who was passionate about airplanes—flying them, designing them and building them. His innovative designs and creative vision were so much a part of aviation history that his breakthrough biplane design, the Staggerwing, shown on the cover of this book, hangs in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. Ted Wells not only designed the Staggerwing, but also the Model 18 and many other extremely popular and enduring commercial and military aircraft. Beech Aircraft, the company he co-founded with Walter and Olive Ann Beech, continues to build planes to a standard influenced by Ted’s contribution to pioneering aviation. While best known for his career in aeronautics, Ted Wells was equally passionate about sailboats and became a competitive sailor of great skill. He sailed at a level of performance that literally exceeded all others. Twice he was awarded the World Championship for the Snipe class of sailboats after winning against national champions from many countries. Ted Wells was an extraordinarily talented and accomplished individual who put his unique stamp on the most exciting technology of his era. This is his story.
  • Conceptual Revolutions in Science: A Collection of Scientific Explorations & Interviews

    Adam B. Dorfman

    Paperback (Relentlessly Creative Books, July 1, 2015)
    In the past, imaginative geniuses made great accounts of their philosophies, so we know they embraced both the nature of things and how to observe the world broadly. In recent centuries, however, we have subjected the phenomenon of nature to specialization. While there is something gained from a narrow focus, in the development of exquisite technologies, the big picture is frequently forgotten and unwitting undertakings such as climate engineering, are pursued. With supporting interviews by Dr. Gerald Pollack (Institute of Venture Science), Dr. Mae Wan Ho (epigenetics), John Stuart Reid (cymatics), MJ Pangman (structured water) and Daniel Schmidt (meditation), Conceptual Revolutions in Science delivers a thoroughly innovative book that follows a path to explore nature’s imagination, as past imaginative geniuses have done, to establish meaningful connections and enable powerful conceptual revolutions to take hold. By providing a modern scientific framework from which to observe the world, Conceptual Revolutions in Science offers an incredible adventure to expansive knowledge that will be on you mind the minute you wake up, and drive your actions throughout the day. Together we’ll explore the established evidence and remarkable connections regarding the new science of epigenetics, sound energy, extremely low electromagnetic frequencies, meditation, structured water and more. You’ll learn how far your reality can be stretched, to go beyond your senses, and examine your personal insights and what it takes to enhance your mission within this Universe. Take this challenge personally by following in the footsteps of past imaginative geniuses and your worldview will be amplified exponentially along the way.
  • My Life on Earth: A Memoir

    Monica Rix Paxson

    eBook (Relentlessly Creative Books, May 13, 2017)
    My Life on Earth is a most unusual memoir. It’s magical— like the stories people tell huddled around a campfire under the stars. It’s full of rich, vivid and deeply rewarding stories that make you ponder the world we live in and all its grand synchronicity.You’ll want to take a deep breath and slow down, to relish, to laugh with and think about this book. It promises to share the amazing wonders of the world: the jaw-dropping beauty, the stunning surprises, the sense of destiny, the crazy drama of it all. Whispering in your ear and pointing to the stars, My Life on Earth contributes mightily to your life on Earth.Written as a series of short (one to six page) personal essays about real experiences, these are the perfect bedtime stories for adults. Here's what readers have said about the book— “…be prepared for a mental shifting in your perceptions of reality.”“…you’ll find yourself saying, ‘Holy cow! What just happened?’”“…magical, scary, and filled with joys and wonders.”“...she does not even attempt to explain any of these events. How can she? Not one dictionary in the world has the words.”“a witty and provocative writer”“story-telling par-excellence”“She has her senses open in a way that few people share and that allowed me to have that experience as well.”“These are the kinds of stories that you think about throughout your life after reading them.”“Paxson sees, hears and understands people, nature and life beyond the five senses and you smile, and want to read more.”“Enrich your life, go on, take a read of this. Just click Add to Cart, …worth every penny and more.”
  • My Life on Earth: A Memoir

    Monica Rix Paxson

    Paperback (Relentlessly Creative Books, May 1, 2017)
    My Life on Earth is a most unusual memoir. It's magical-- like the stories people tell huddled around a campfire under the stars. It's full of rich, vivid and deeply rewarding stories that make you ponder the world we live in and all its grand synchronicity.You'll want to take a deep breath and slow down, to relish, to laugh with and think about this book. It promises to share the amazing wonders of the world: the jaw-dropping beauty, the stunning surprises, the sense of destiny, the crazy drama of it all. Whispering in your ear and pointing to the stars, My Life on Earth contributes mightily to your life on Earth.Written as a series of short (one to six page) personal essays about real experiences, these are the perfect bedtime stories for adults. Here's what readers have said about the book-- ..".be prepared for a mental shifting in your perceptions of reality."..".you'll find yourself saying, 'Holy cow! What just happened?'"..".magical, scary, and filled with joys and wonders."..".she does not even attempt to explain any of these events. How can she? Not one dictionary in the world has the words.""a witty and provocative writer""story-telling par-excellence""She has her senses open in a way that few people share and that allowed me to have that experience as well.""These are the kinds of stories that you think about throughout your life after reading them.""Paxson sees, hears and understands people, nature and life beyond the five senses and you smile, and want to read more.""Enrich your life, go on, take a read of this. Just click Add to Cart, ...worth every penny and more."
  • The Secret of the Haunted House: A Tiny Horsies Adventure


    eBook (Relentlessly Creative Books, Dec. 15, 2017)
    Tiny Horsies is a role playing game for kids, fans of My Little Pony and their friends and families. The rule book is for sale under the name Tiny Horsies: The Role Playing Game.Tiny Horsies: The Secret of the Haunted House is an adventure that expands the original game by giving a Horsie Master a guide, a plot, new characters, and maps to run a new adventure through the spooky and mysterious mysteries of an abandoned mansion. The adventure is meant for a small party (2 to 4 players) of levels 1 to 4, although it can be adapted to more players or higher levels easily.The basic premise of the game:Your friend Skip has dared you to spend the night in an old, abandoned house, which is rumored to be haunted by a ghost. You take on the challenge because going to explore an old house is fun, and because ghosts don't really exist, do they? But then, why are there eerie sounds and unexplained events happening in almost every room?In order to play this adventure, the group needs to have at least one copy of Tiny Horsies: The Role Playing Game, published by Relentlessly Creative Books, and be familiar with its rules. Just search for 0989540693 on Amazon.
  • Tiny Horsies: The Role Playing Game


    Paperback (Relentlessly Creative Books, Dec. 5, 2014)
    Tiny Horsies is a pen-and-paper role-playing game for parents and children that allows you to create horsie characters and live exciting adventures. You can be a Unicorn, a Pegasus, a Terra, or a Pegacorn. Wield magic, soar through the air, kick butt, charm others, talk to animals, or use a wide range of other talents in order to solve problems. The game is easy to pick up and play, and it encourages personal interaction, imagination, and story-telling. The book includes an introduction to what a role-playing game is, a guide for the Game Director, character creation rules, explanation of mechanics, a magic section, a guide for the Game Master, and an adventure to get you started. This updated version includes: Character creation steps Newly designed Character Sheet Pre-made Character Sheets so small children can play right away Table that summarizes all aspects of the game for quick reference Guide to awarding experience points Fully indexed