A sixtieth anniversary tribute to "the newspaper of record" for youngsters presents a unique history of young America's thoughts on a range of topics affecting their lives
The members of the Peanuts gang have varying reactions when they learn that their friend Janice has leukemia and they follow her treatment and ultimate recovery.
The noted pundit offers advice on new technologies, including faxes and answering and cash machines, as well as her customarily sage sayings on home and business etiquette
Theodore Rowland-Entwistle, Jean Isobel Esther Cooke
(Pharos Books, July 1, 1990)
An illustrated encyclopedia of concise articles for students of all ages, covering such major areas as the universe, history, the human body, animals, plants, art and entertainment, and sports
A completely updated collection of records and facts provides young fans with a complete history of the game, superstar profiles and statistics, baseball trivia, famous quotes, memorable moments, and a look at Little League. Simultaneous.