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Books published by publisher Paragon Publishers

  • Misty Waters and the Gringles: The Misty Waters series book 1

    James Wilmer

    language (Dragonfly Publishers, Dec. 10, 2017)
    "A darker Harry Potter with more murder and mystery on every page"... "“The Harry Potter for a new generation”...“Outwizards Harry Potter in sheer scale and inventiveness..”...“Misty is the kind of hero you root for, while the baddies are the kind who keep you up at nights”...“A cursed girl maybe, magic probably, vulnerable of course. But still something about her makes you want to know more”...“I am dying to find out more about the curse and her magic and why she is called Misty Waters”...“I loved it. Much more than I thought I would. Can’t wait to read the next”.Misty is the girl next door.... To wizards. She has power that she can never master until she learns to believe in herself. The darkest forces in two worlds are looking for her and a curse that transcends everything is closing in from all directions.
  • Sea Otter Pup

    Victoria Miles, Elizabeth Gatt

    eBook (Publishers, Nov. 21, 2018)
    Follow along as Pup learns how to eat spiky sea urchins, somersault beneath the waves and groom himself. He still needs lots of help from Mother, but one day Pup will be old enough to dive down below the waves and search for food on his ownAccompanied by beautiful illustrations and set in the North Pacific, this heartwarming tale is perfect for little ones who still have lots to learn themselves.
  • Discovery of Flight 19

    Jon Myhre

    eBook (The Paragon Agency, Publishers, June 3, 2012)
    The story of a quarter of a century of research and analysis of Flight 19, the search and discovery of a TBM Avenger, and the raising of the aircraft to the surface. On December 5th of 1945, Flight 19 vanished off the Florida coastline, seemingly forever. The five Grumman TBM Avengers held 14 crew members on a training mission that went bad. Forty-five years later, Aviation Expert Jon F. Myhre discovered Flight 19 and brought an Avenger to the surface. This is the story of one man’s personal mission to bring these men home. Retrace the mission from land to sea and back. See how a TBM-1C was pulled from the sea floor and two crash sites were located on land. None of the men of Flight 19 died within the infamous Bermuda Triangle. Discovery of Flight 19 is the Greatest Aviation Mystery of America. 202 pages with 150 illustrations, 50 of which are unpublished.
  • My Grandma is Great

    Gaby Goldsack, Sara Walker

    Hardcover (Paragon Publishing, June 15, 2001)
    A young boy describes his grandmother's good qualities.
  • Bingo

    Natalie Potter

    Paperback (Paragon Publishing, )
    Bingo is on an adventure and nothing can stop him. Is his journey through the valley reality or is it all just a dream? Bring your children's imagination to life in this beautiful children's story and let them experience Bingo's Adventure.
  • Tripwire

    Lee Child

    Paperback (Paragon Publishers, Dec. 1, 2011)
  • Sir Sydney Dinkum

    Martha Gold, Marc Reilly, Polina Ipatova, Kenny Davis

    eBook (Pendragon Publishers, Sept. 13, 2014)
    AN AWARD WINNING HILARIOUS CHILDREN’S ADVENTURE WITH A “COOL FACTOR THAT’S OFF THE SCALE!” Sir Sydney Dinkum is a story “WORTH CHEERING FOR” which is filled with “LAUGHTER & ADVENTURE.” The page turning tale features “masterful” and “brilliant” full color illustrations. “People of every age can appreciate the fun and charming adventures of Sydney and that folks, is guaranteed!”Sydney is a rascally koala bear from the Outback of Australia. Like Dr. Doolittle he has the super power of being able to talk to any and all animals, including humans! And just like Don Quixote, he has an impossible dream to right the wrongs of the world! He leaves his whacky treehouse and sets off to bring hope and chaos to the world. His high-spirited hijinks cause as much trouble as good, but that's what makes him so much fun! ”A koala bear with a quest, a reluctant wombat and a beautiful deaf dromedary heroine begin their riotous adventures to right the wrongs of the world… should become a chapter book classic…” – Shirley Batenton, Innerstate Library System ”…(the humor is) reminiscent of the Paddington Bear series.…” – R.B. Simpson, Blog Review”Fantastic story, funny for both young and old.…” –Rizwai Assan, Online Book Review ”Readers of this book will be encouraged to follow their dreams and also be creative in life. …one book that everyone should read.…” – Angela Aaron Nyanchamba, Kenyan Children’s Book Review”This trio will steal your heart…” – B.D. Ellington, Kudos ”Well done to the authors Martha Gold and Marc Reilly, you have put together a well written and illustrated children's adventure book.”– Ben Johnson, Australian Review BlogSIR SYDNEY’S WEBSITE OFFERS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!!! SEE ABOUT THE AUTHORS FOR LINKS “…a fantastic website which offers wonderful free activities for kids as well as great guides for teachers and parents...” - Jeannette Marshall, Teacher and ParentSIR SYDNEY SUPPORTS THE AUSTRALIAN KOALA FOUNDATIONThe Australian koala is in danger of extinction. Currently, the number of koalas is decreasing and could be as low as 40,000. Some scientists estimate that the species could be extinct within the next 30 years. A portion of the proceeds are donated to the AUSTRALIAN KOALA FOUNDATIONRead an ExcerptA noise from overhead stopped Sancho in his tracks. At first he thought it might just be his imagination, but as he took another step a voice called out, "Please don't leave us!" He scanned the surrounding trees but he couldn't see a thing. He'd never heard of talking trees, but on such a strange day as this he assumed anything was possible.Just then Sydney returned. "Come on, Sancho! We haven't got all day!"“But, Sydney!" cried Sancho, "I think these trees are talking to me!" Sydney stared up into the thick blanket of leaves. "Hello," he called. "Is anyone up there or has my friend lost his marbles?"To both their amazement, a small boy dropped out of a nearby tree and landed just a few steps from where they stood. "Hello," said the boy. "My name's Chip Horn.""I see," said Sydney, "and do you live all alone up there in that tree?" Chip giggled. "Oh no," he said, "my mother and father are up there as well. But they're too scared to climb down. I told them the crocodile was gone, but now they're not so sure about you."” If you like the Shrek stories and movies, you will enjoy Sir Sydney since it has the same style of wit and humor. …” – Nazmul Hosseine, Kids Read In’t ”… offers the same level of humor that kids love without any of the violence or questionable taste that Kung Fu Panda and others feature…very clever... ” –Nicole Tuhin, PBC (Parents Book Cl
  • My Swan Lake Life: An Interactive Histoir: 80,000 B.C. - May 31, 1965

    Louise Blocker

    Paperback (L&L Publishers, March 13, 2019)
    When Louise Blocker’s then eight-year-old grandson asked her two poignant questions—one about slavery and the other about her childhood—she initially gave him brief responses. But upon further reflection, she realized he deserved more thoughtful answers, which would involve embarking on a fact-finding mission, both into her own ancestry and into the history of slavery itself. My Swan Lake Life is the surprising, moving, and remarkable result. Featuring nearly seven years of dedicated research, the author explores the often hidden history of African Americans that you likely never read in school textbooks. From the origins of the term “race” to the American Revolution, from the era of slavery to the Civil War, and from decades of Jim Crow to the nine-year Civil Rights Movement, Blocker reveals seldom-told history about a multitude of unsung heroes and heroines—including inventors, educators, and activists—who fought in their communities, on battlefields, and in courtrooms for the liberties American citizens enjoy today.But this book is not only a riveting history, it is also an engaging memoir—or what the author has coined a histoir. Tracing her ancestry to 80,000 B.C., and using censuses, DNA analyses, and passed-down stories to round out her family’s history, Blocker takes us on her own journey as a bright but sharp-tongued young child in the segregated South—one who dreamed of going to college and marrying Nat King Cole—introducing us along the way to the resilient, hardworking, and resourceful generations who made her captivating journey possible.
  • My Swan Lake Life: An Interactive Histoir: 80,000 B.C. - May 31, 1965

    Louise Blocker

    eBook (L&L Publishers, March 13, 2019)
    When Louise Blocker’s then eight-year-old grandson asked her two poignant questions—one about slavery and the other about her childhood—she initially gave him brief responses. But upon further reflection, she realized he deserved more thoughtful answers, which would involve embarking on a fact-finding mission, both into her own ancestry and into the history of slavery itself. My Swan Lake Life is the surprising, moving, and remarkable result. Featuring nearly seven years of dedicated research, the author explores the often hidden history of African Americans that you likely never read in school textbooks. From the origins of the term “race” to the American Revolution, from the era of slavery to the Civil War, and from decades of Jim Crow to the nine-year Civil Rights Movement, Blocker reveals seldom-told history about a multitude of unsung heroes and heroines—including inventors, educators, and activists—who fought in their communities, on battlefields, and in courtrooms for the liberties American citizens enjoy today.But this book is not only a riveting history, it is also an engaging memoir—or what the author has coined a histoir. Tracing her ancestry to 80,000 B.C., using censuses, DNA analyses, and passed-down stories to round out her family’s history, Blocker takes us on her own journey as a bright but sharp-tongued child in the segregated South—one who dreamed of going to college and marrying Nat King Cole—introducing us along the way to the resilient, hardworking, and resourceful generations who made her captivating journey possible.
  • Blue Heaven

    C. J. Box

    Paperback (Paragon Publishers, Dec. 1, 2011)
  • The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance. Edmund de Waal

    Edmund de Waal

    Paperback (Paragon Publishers, Feb. 1, 2012)
  • Flemming Go!

    Beatrice Gentry

    Hardcover (Paragon Publishing, Nov. 21, 2017)
    A cute tale about a foster flamingo, that goes out in the world, not knowing who he is and where he is coming from. All the animals are excited to see such a beautiful animal - but having no self confidence, he gets it all wrong ...