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Books published by publisher Outskirts Press

  • The Girl With The Giggling Hair: And Friends

    Nancy Nelson-Ewing

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, July 19, 2019)
    Ms. Nelson-Ewing first began this story of The Girl With The Giggling Hair, when her oldest daughter, Aubrey, was an only child 30 years ago. We've since added, Jordan and Larken to the story. It has had many iterations since its inception that has led to this delightful rhyming romp. It is about us all having innate unique gifts while simultaneously being connected and celebrating our specialness together. This is part of a series of stories that show "Aubrey" and all the special friends in her neighborhood who live, play and work together in love and appreciation of each other.
  • Kimo, The Hawaiian Cat

    Martha Girdany

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, Oct. 15, 2019)
    Kimo, The Hawaiian Cat, is the illustrated true story of how an abandoned feral/community cat, begging for food from tourists on a hiking trail on the island of Kauai, found a loving forever indoor home. The story is told from Kimo's point of view. A tourist contacted the Kauai-based feral/community welfare organization, Kauai Community Cat Project, and that organization arranged to trap and capture the kitten and then bring it back to someone who wanted to adopt it. The person who adopted the kitten named him Kimo, and he became an indoor-only cat, much loved by the woman who adopted him. Kimo grew up to become a beloved member of his mother's multi-cat household, and was the first feral kitty she adopted. Kimo later became big brother and protector to other rescued kitties his mother brought into her expanding family of cats. Kimo's story is about love and family values, and about how an abandoned feral/community cat can become a wonderful and much-loved indoor pet.
  • Girls vs Boys

    Ike Eni

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, May 19, 2015)
    It's that time of the year again, and summer camp is about to begin! An excited Cindy is looking forward to finally leading her team of girls to a victory over the boys' team, led by Bill-her bigger, bullying cousin-at this year's annual games. Never in the three-year history of the outdoor games have the girls beaten the boys, and Cindy and her friends are determined to bring home the trophy this summer. Will they finally be able to break their losing streak against the boys? Fun, excitement, and a healthy dose of rivalry take these kids to another level in Girls vs. Boys, where the competition is on-and so is the fun!
  • On The Wings of a Luna

    Craig Smith

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, Oct. 5, 2017)
    Most people love warm, cuddly creatures such as dogs and cats. These same people are often horrified by insects, spiders and the like, but there is a certain fascination with them all the same. In this fantasy adventure, an unlikely team unite to save their lives and the lives of their woodland friends. There is a praying mantis, a garden spider, a dung beetle and a jumping spider. They have interesting or life threatening encounters with various woodland creatures in an endeavor to build an army to stop a housing development. The story is light hearted and humorous with a story book ending that leaves you wanting to hear more.
  • Narcissistic Confrontations: A Biblical Guide to Your Abusive Family and Church Family's Battle Tactics, Covert Operations, and Nuclear Meltdowns

    Renee Pittelli

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, June 27, 2013)
    Be Prepared For Your Next Encounter With The Bully In Your Family Or Church...In this long-awaited sequel to Narcissistic Predicaments, award-winning author Sister Renee Pittelli not only teaches more lessons on handling abusive birth-families, but expands the discussion to include abusive church families as well, with invaluable insights and information about phony "Christians" and toxic churches, the biblically in-error "Christian" abuser and the ignorant, rude and presumptuous Spiritual Bully. Narcissistic Confrontations is chock full of eye-opening revelations and helpful strategies, including: *The Narcissist's 35 Rules of Engagement *12 Examples of juvenile behavior and mentality in narcissistic confrontations *All Narcissists Are Liars, and the things they lie about *Every interaction with a narcissist is a competition, and only the narcissist is allowed to win *The 3 Basic Principles of Selective Amnesia *3 Things that prove "I Can't Help It" is a lie *What happens when you go to counseling with a narcissist *8 Ways to make a narcissist prove he's really changed *The Business Deal with the hidden clauses *Making abuse sound like a good thing *How to spot and handle a child of Satan who is pretending to be a child of God *When they sense they're losing their grip on you, 5 Surprising Tactics they use to keep you attached *37 Typical Steps in the decline and fall of our abusive relationships *How to handle the Silent Treatment, ultimatums, being "second fiddle," getting disowned, and other narcissistic "punishments" *The Narcissistic Nuclear Meltdown *4 Secret Ways to "change" a narcissist *How to set a trap for the "spy" in your midst, and what to do with her once you figure out who she is *14 Promises to make to ourselves that will help us recognize toxic people and choose healthy relationships from now on *Luke 17:3 Ministries' Abuser/Narcissist/Psychopath FAQ. In Narcissistic Confrontations you will learn about "norm
  • The Old Back Road: A Love Affair

    Benjamin E Hannum

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, April 29, 2018)
    I Was Longing for Adventure... I was cruising down the highway of life when I first heard the call of The Old Back Road. I pulled off at the next exit and never looked back. I road-tripped off the beaten path from Indiana to the Pacific coast of Washington. Along the way I met folks and heard their stories of death, monsters and grizzly bears. I heard their stories of suffering, tragedy and pain. As I neared the mighty Pacific, one question began to haunt me: What would I find at the end of The Old Back Road?
  • Layla the Ridgeless Rhodesian Ridgeback

    Bobby Brewster

    Hardcover (Outskirts Press, Dec. 20, 2010)
    This is a story about being different. Layla shows how perseverance can overcome any self-doubt and rejection. Her faith, hope and love overcome all obstacles. Layla teaches us that love suffers long, endures all things and never fails. I hope you fall in love with Layla as I did.
  • Small Streams and Daydreams: A Contrarian's View of Fly-fishing

    Paul Phillips

    eBook (Outskirts Press, Inc., Nov. 26, 2015)
    For Paul Phillips, not every day on the stream is an idyllic, spiritual experience. Small Streams and Daydreams is a compilation of entertaining essays on the 30 years he’s spent fly-fishing throughout the United States and Canada. Unlike most writers in this genre, Phillips’ back casts are not always flawless, his accuracy is not always unerring, and his footing not always assured. He gets lost, he falls, he loses equipment, his line gets entangled, and he’s admittedly caught more “stick-fish” than most people have trout. With sharp wit and humor, Phillips’ essays combine an abiding love for nature and for fly-fishing with the insight to see the pastime for what it is (an avocation) as well as what it is not (an emblem of distinction). While he waxes philosophical at times, at others he pokes great fun at his favorite target—himself. Phillips is a self-taught, self-described fly-fishing contrarian who eschews instructors, guides, lodges, sanctimonious peers, and matching the hatch. While his aim on stream is all too frequently awry, he can and does draw a steady bead on the grim-faced, the scolds, and the snobs whom he views as too prevalent, and too influential, in the contemporary literature on this wild, beautiful, and relaxing hobby.
  • A Special Gift

    Bob Benson, Josie Safir, Nathan Safir

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, July 28, 2020)
    When Rosie showed up as a stray on Max's doorstep one morning, Max knew they would be best friends for life. What he didn't know was that his new dog had a very special gift. A Special Gift is perfect for 6-10 year olds looking for an exciting story with age-appropriate content.This book stresses the importance of open communication, appreciation of diversity and selfless friendship. More about the plot A Special Gift is set in rural Kansas. It features Max, a young boy in the second grade, his parents and his diverse group of friends.It also centers on Max's adopted dog, who Max finds outside his door on a cold rainy day. He soon begins to form a special bond with his new dog, Rosie. Max first learns Rosie is special while playing basketball in his driveway; Rosie could dribble the ball with her paw! Max even trains Rosie to shoot the ball at a lowered basket, flinging the ball with her front legs. We soon learn, however, that this is not Rosie's most important "special gift." Rather, she has a mysterious ability to warn children about dangerous situations.Rosie first uses this ability to warn Max that he was about to get hit by a car while chasing the basketball into the street. When Max tries to tell his parents that Rosie must have warned him, they do not believe him. Will anyone believe him? This is the first of many times that Rosie will showcase her special gift. As Max and Rosie help more people, more questions arise about Max's ability to detect danger. Will others ever come to understand that it is Rosie's gift, not Max's?A great first chapter book Read this book to learn more about the adventures of Max and Rosie. We have specifically designed our story to be interesting and engaging, yet simple enough for early readers to enjoy. With concise chapters and a captivating plot, it will be hard to put this book down! Will Max ever get anyone to believe in the powers of his incredible best friend?A note from the author: My greatest joy is creating with my grandchildren. In 2010, I proposed to my two grandchildren, Josie and Nathan, that we write a children's book on the topic of their choosing. We saw a need for early learners to have more enjoyable reading materials to develop a lifetime love of books. We set out to author a concise story kids would never want to stop reading! After many brainstorming sessions, we began writing this book about a unique dog who communicates with humans, but only under very special circumstances. I was excited to see my grandchildren as enthusiastic about this endeavor as when we had started our greeting cards company. During that time, they learned the processes of a functioning business.While writing this book together, we learned so much about the many puzzle pieces required to write, illustrate, and publish this book for you! Each step along the way was borne out of a passion for and the love of fostering the imaginations of little ones learning to read. Although I wrote their ideas on paper, the creativity and endless revisions were definitely a team effort. This book would not exist without Nathan's and Josie's ideas, energy, perseverance and commitment to the project. After 10 years of hard work and dedication, our book is now ready for young readers. I hope all who read this will learn about the importance of friendship, diversity and communication. Most of all, I hope it motivates you to create something special with those you love the most. - Bob

    James E Puckett

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, June 21, 2018)
    There was a time in our society when one could see and hear respect without even looking for it. Times have changed. In today's society, respect has to be demanded, and even when it is, most people don't know what it looks like or sounds like. Some people don't know if there is such thing as respect. We live in a time where people are going at a fast pace. It's a time when people have more love for themselves than for their children and fellow people. Many don't respect the constitutional rights of others, yet they demand that their rights not be violated. Many people don't respect the property of others. We live in a society where home invasions are at an all-time high. Businesses are being robbed of their hard-earned dollars. Some people even rob businesses or other establishments seeking drugs and other things of value. We can no longer safely walk down the streets of our neighborhoods and communities without the threat of being mugged, assaulted, or even worse, killed. Little children cannot go outside to play in their own yard without fear of being kidnapped. Many people just don't feel safe anymore. Most don't even know who lives next door to them. This is the type of society children are growing up in every day. Children will have to make some tough choices during their young years. During this time, they will be faced with a multitude of obstacles in their daily living. This is the age when fundamentals, long-lasting beliefs, and ideas are formed. Our children will make choices based on the things and people they associate with. They will have to go through the "basic training" of becoming an adult, and one day they will graduate from adolescence to adulthood. This is the time they really learn about life. It is the parent's responsibility to try and filter out the bad influences and pour in the good, which is not an easy task. Every parent wants the best for their child, whether they are adolescents or adults. But to give their childre
  • Asha's Journey to Her Incredible Self: Love, Faith, Hope and Dreams

    Jacqueline S Hutsell, La Vivian Colbert

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, July 27, 2020)
    As children we come into this world and we begin to live the life our parents set before us. Whether this is through instruction or modeling. Our world is shaped by the actions or inactions of our parents. Some people follow the exact route of their parents, some try, and some take a totally different route. Whichever route that is taken it is not only a choice, but God allowing us to exercise our free will.This book is a guide to help children and parents figure out the complexities of life. It is my belief that those complexities can be figured out by using the four tools outlined in this book, as demonstrated by Asha as she goes on the journey to her "Incredible Self", these tools are Love, Faith, Hope and Dreams ...
  • ME PHI ME: A Divine Nine Children's Book

    Adrienne Drummond

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, June 17, 2020)
    Me φ Me is a cross-generational "Divine Nine" children's book that expresses the importance of maintaining individuality when joining social groups with shared goals and interests.