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Books published by publisher Onwards and Upwards Publishers

  • Treasure Tree: A collection of stories and poems based on the Bible

    Martin Smith, Josh Williams

    language (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, April 15, 2014)
    An illustrated book of Bible stories, presented in the form of children's poetry and short stories.Take a leaf from the Treasure Tree,Read a story from the Bible;Take a leaf from the Treasure Tree,Based upon God's Word.Take a leaf from the Treasure Tree,Think about its message;Take a leaf from the Treasure Tree,Enjoy its rhythm and ryhme.For Jesus came to tell us allWhat we most need to know;As He scattered the seeds of lifeThis tree began to grow!So, take a leaf from the Treasure Tree,Read a story from the Bible;Take a leaf from the Treasure Tree,Learn of the love of God!
  • Taste and See - Poems for Children

    Christine Dawling, Howard Garbutt

    eBook (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, Jan. 16, 2012)
    This book is a real treasure. A wonderful combination of poetry, art and wisdom. This is a book that you will buy, read and keep for ever. Each poem is like a proverb - a perceptive word of wisdom told in a straight forward way that everyone will appreciate. The poems of Christine Dawling are complemented wonderfully by the beautiful illustrations of Howard Garbutt.
  • Lisa the Moaner

    Stephen Hilliam, Josh Williams

    eBook (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, Sept. 18, 2013)
    Nothing is ever good enough for Lisa. She moans about everything and everyone from morning ’til night. Even her parents are frightened of her terrible tantrums.But when the strict yet mischievous Aunt Gladys appears with her mysterious flying dustbin, Lisa’s world is about to be turned topsy-turvy. Lisa’s moaning takes her on a journey to a strange land – and into deep trouble…
  • Lisa and the Good Sam Harrison

    Stephen Hilliam, Josh Williams

    language (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, April 13, 2015)
    When Lisa Onions’ magical Great Aunt Gladys turns up unexpectedly in her flying dustbin, Lisa is whisked off on a brand new adventure. This time it is Lisa’s cousin, Gary Spriggs, who seems to be in need of help. He has turned from a kind, helpful boy into the most feared bully at Orange Road Primary School, and his main target is a skinny boy who works hard in class – Sam Harrison. Lisa joins the school as Aunt Gladys’s undercover helper. Together with a new gang of friends, she seeks to unravel the mystery of Gary’s sudden change.
  • Harry and Thomas

    Charles Coulson, Bob Bond

    language (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, Aug. 7, 2012)
    Everything changes for Harry Pritchett when young evacuees from London arrive at his village to be sheltered during the Second World War. Most of the children quickly find homes, but nobody wants Thomas, who seems weak, untidy and short-sighted. At school, too, Thomas is teased and finds it difficult to make friends, but Harry helps him out and sticks close by him through thick and thin. Soon they begin to share the most exciting adventures, from the crash-landing of a fighter plane to a visit from the police. But why has Harry's best friend Emily begun to act so strangely?...
  • My Son, the Messiah

    Raymond Smith

    eBook (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, Feb. 6, 2014)
    Throughout the whole Roman Empire it was what every mother dreaded: crouching at the foot of a wooden stake, waiting for your son to breathe his last and to bring to an end hours of excruciating pain and torture. As well as the usual feelings that somehow it was wrong that the child should die before his mother, there was the confusion as to why my son, my firstborn, should be in that awful situation. Why was he being treated as a criminal? And not just any criminal, but on a par with insurrectionists?“How long?” was in everyone’s thoughts, if not on their lips…
  • Sophie's Friendly Spiders

    Katy Hounsell-Robert

    language (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, Feb. 17, 2016)
    When Sophie is assigned the role of Little Miss Muffet’s spider in a youth group drama game, she is very disappointed. But when she finds herself magically transformed into her play character, she makes new friends and discovered that there is much to love about spiders. Soon she finds herself whisked off to Zimbabwe on an exciting adventure.
  • A Walk with the King

    Isaac Ayodele, Mike Mosedale

    language (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, July 9, 2015)
    This is the story of a King and two very interesting children, one a boy and the other a girl. The children had three things in common. Firstly, they both came from the beautiful kingdom of Siloam. Secondly, they were both rather clever. And finally, each of them had the special privilege of meeting and taking a walk with the King.Find out about their adventures, learn from their stories; then see, enjoy and share the fun and unforgettable tales of the day that they each spent with royalty.
  • Pilgrim: Based on The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

    Mark Jeffery, Josh Williams

    eBook (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, March 23, 2014)
    "Is it true that the city of Hamartia is to be burned up by the Gehenna guard, and that everything will be destroyed?""Quite true," came the old man's reply. "The only hope for the people of Hamartia is that they leave the city and the planet immediately. You have been deceived. You must escape if you value your life."After hacking into the government's computer network, Pilgrim had uncovered the shocking truth concerning the future of his city. Now his only hope was to escape from the totalitarian regime by fleeing the planet and heading for the mysterious Star System Celeste.
  • Ten Stories of Hope

    Diana Jeffery

    language (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, May 30, 2012)
    We all have problems from time to time.We all need help when the problems are too big.What if the problems are too big, even for our parents? In these stories you will find children and adults who had given up all hope until one day they met someone who could really help them. Sometimes we need somebody big enough to help us. When nobody else can. In this book you will find him. His name is Jesus. I hope you enjoy these newly told stories and pictures.Why not ready them to somebody else too?
  • Kingdom Come

    Jenny Rose

    eBook (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, July 30, 2014)
    A MODERN CHILDREN'S PARABLE, BASED ON THE MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL AND THE HOPE OF CHRIST'S RETURN.There was no peace in the King’s face. “My son, I have grim news. Your cousin is dead.” Gideon tried to speak but no words came.“All he did was to speak the truth. He was killed because he would not stop.”Slow anger began to burn in Gideon. “Why do your subjects not rebel against this attack?” he demanded.The face of the King softened. “My son, they no longer want to fight. Some no longer even want a King.”The thought presented itself as quietly and inevitably as the first gleam of dawn. “Let me go, Sire.”So begins a journey of adventure, discovery and friendship, in which Gideon soon encounters a dark and formidable foe.
  • Joel: An Unexpected Hero

    Jane Butcher

    language (Onwards and Upwards Publishers, April 18, 2013)
    Rebecca loves her younger brother Joel, but sometimes she finds it hard to look after him – Joel has Down’s syndrome. One day, when Rebecca and Joel discover a ring of toadstools used by elves, they find themselves transported into a magical world in which Joel is the hero. Soon Rebecca discovers that her brother possesses very special qualities that she had not noticed before…