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Books published by publisher Nozzlehead Books

  • Nozzlehead and the Jaws of Life: Jaws of Life

    TJ Spencer

    Paperback (Nozzlehead Books, June 21, 2016)
    The firefighters are called to an emergency involving a car crash with a fire and a rescue of a trapped victim. Together, multiple crews assist as the Jaws of Life (Jabber-Jaws and Motor-Mouth) get to work and help the firefighters rescue the trapped driver. Firefighters, Police, and Joel the Medic work in seamless harmony as they make this rescue quickly, put out the fire and keep everybody safe. This book shows the reader how the Jaws of Life are used and how Police and Fire work together in their efforts to keep us all safe.
  • Nozzlehead's Big Adventure

    TJ Spencer, Dodot Asmoro

    Hardcover (Nozzlehead Books, March 15, 2013)
    When the fire alarm sounded, firefighters Nozzlehead, Halfcap, and Scout quickly donned their gear, jumped into their fire engine, and were off to the fire, which was a burning barn outside the town. With them was Spotnot, the fire station dog. Arriving at the burning barn, the firefighters first checked for any people or animals who might have been in danger, then proceeded to douse the fire. Meanwhile Spotnot has sighted a kitten who's climbed a tree in fear from the fire. The firefighters rescue the kitten and take it with them back to the station. They'll find a good home for the kitten, but for now the kitten will stay with them. Nozzlehead's Big Adventure is book 1 of a 3 book series written by a Professional Firefighter who shares his emergency calls with kids through the firefighter characters, Nozzlehead, Halfcap and Scout. Each book includes a FREE Video Download by scanning a code on the back cover