Enhancing Stem Motivation Through Citizen Science Programs
Suzanne E. Hiller, Anastasia Kitsantas
(Nova Science Pub Inc, Sept. 27, 2019)
Citizen science programs encourage the general public to help professional scientists to collect data for research studies through training protocol. Most recently, there has been an increase in adolescent student participation in citizen science programs. With the advent of citizen science as an educational platform, researchers have studied the ways this type of initiative influences interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This interdisciplinary edited book entitled Enhancing STEM Motivation through Citizen Science Programs merges research findings, theoretical understandings, and practical applications from the fields of citizen science and educational psychology. The work outlines effective components of citizen science initiatives for both formal and informal educational settings, which promote STEM motivation among youth. Specifically, the chapters describe effective components of citizen science programs, curricula guidelines for K-12 and post-secondary courses, research findings on the impact of citizen science programs for student self-motivational beliefs, achievement, and STEM motivation, as well as guidelines for evaluating citizen science programs. The overarching goal of this work is to encourage partnerships between educators, administrators, students, scientists, naturalists, and stakeholders interested in fostering student motivation in STEM areas through citizen science programs. This edited book is suitable for educators interested in providing students with opportunities to participate in citizen science as well as researchers of education, science, and educational psychology.