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Books published by publisher Nightingale Conant Corp

  • The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less

    Richard Koch, Nightingale-Conant

    Audible Audiobook (Nightingale-Conant, Oct. 14, 2014)
    Secrets of the 80/20 Principle revealed! Find your "critical 20%" and transform your time - and life - forever! The 80/20 principle - also known as the Pareto principle - is the well-verified observation that in business, economics, and life generally, about 80 percent of all results flow from a mere 20 percent of our efforts. In this thought-provoking and highly informative program, Richard Koch unveils the secrets to how this mysterious but practical principle actually works... how it is affecting your life right now... and how you can start using it to your advantage. You'll learn: How to identify the critical 20% in every area of your life How to give up the guilt of not working as hard as you think you're supposed to Why "time management" is a counter-productive fallacy The six things successful 80/20 practitioners do differently than you How to make the 80/20 Principle work for you in your job, even when you don't have total control over your time What the 80/20 Principle can teach you about who to hire How to avoid dooming yourself to life as a wage slave How the 80/20 principle can multiply your money And much more! The unspoken corollary of the 80/20 principle is that little of what you spend your time on actually enriches your life. But by concentrating instead on the few things that do matter, you can unlock the enormous potential of the critical 20 percent and multiply your happiness and fulfillment. When you learn how to systematically apply the 80/20 principle, you will finally have the power to transcend the pressures of modern life: to become more successful and to enjoy more leisure, serenity, and great relationships with friends and loved ones.
  • The Ultimate Self-Discipline Library: How to Eliminate Excuses and Take Charge of Your Life!

    Larry Winget, Earl Nightingale, Dan Strutzel, Nick Hall, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Richard Koch, Nightingale-Conant

    Audible Audiobook (Nightingale-Conant, July 29, 2019)
    Jim Whitaker, the first American to climb Mt. Everest, once said: "You can never conquer the mountain. You can only conquer yourself." Yet, when the vast majority of people encounter obstacles to their goals, or difficulties on the journey of life, they tend to put their focus on the mountain - things that they cannot control, things outside of themselves - rather than turning inward, taking responsibility and conquering the self. That process of conquering the self is another name for that priceless quality of personality we call self-discipline. And, in this priceless collection of great ideas in sound from the world leader in personal development, Nightingale-Conant, you will be provided with all of the essential tools of self-discipline to conquer the self in every major arena of life. Welcome to The Ultimate Self-Discipline Library: How to Eliminate Excuses and Take Charge of Your Life! In this 10-volume library, you will hear some of the best ideas on self-discipline published by Nightingale-Conant over the past 50 years. You'll learn: how to build self-disciplined habits, how to develop beliefs that support a self-disciplined life, how to be disciplined in several areas of your life like your goal achievement, time management, financial success, career success, and health and wellness. And you'll learn how discipline can even help you savor the fruits of your labor - such as a lifestyle of simplicity and happiness. Best of all, you'll discover that developing self-discipline need not be a laborious, tedious, and long process. Rather you'll find that self-discipline can be an exciting adventure where you steer your life in the direction you want to go. And remember what William Feather once said: "If we don't discipline ourselves, the world will do it for us." Make the decision today to be the person who chooses to eliminate excuses and take charge of your life - so you can steer it to your own pre-determined destination. Throughout this 10-volume library, you'll be treated to the wisdom of 19 different Nightingale-Conant authors: Brian Tracy, Kerry Johnson, Denis Waitley, Jim Rohn, Larry Winget, Dr. Nick Hall, John Powers, Peter McLaughlin, Jim Loehr, Richard Koch, Rick Ott, David Allen, Dan Sullivan, Lou Tice, Dr. Eric Plasker, John Cummuta, Thomas Schweich, and of course, a final inspirational word from our company's co-founder, the late Earl Nightingale.
  • Goals

    Zig Ziglar, Nightingale-Conant

    Audible Audiobook (Nightingale-Conant, April 25, 2016)
    Set goals...and reach them! Without clearly defined goals, you simply can't achieve the success you want! In Goals, Zig Ziglar guides you through a clear, beautifully organized "success trip". Along the way you'll learn how to recognize and set your goals. You'll learn techniques for finding extra time you didn't think you had and for cutting down big goals to easy-to-handle size. Now you can take advantage of this all-important opportunity to write your "business plan for life".
  • The 5 Essential People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts

    Dale Carnegie, Nightingale-Conant

    Audible Audiobook (Nightingale-Conant, June 14, 2016)
    Are You as Assertive as You Need to Be in Today's Business Environment? Have you ever walked away from a conversation full of doubts and insecurities? Do you feel as if you've lost a little ground after every staff meeting? Most of us are either too passive or too aggressive in our business lives, and we end up never getting the support, recognition, or respect that we so desire. But this solution-packed program is about to change all that. Seventy years ago, when the legendary Dale Carnegie taught millions of people how to win friends and influence people, he inspired an interpersonal revolution. In The 5 Essential People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts, his legacy continues into the 21st century. The business leaders and trainers from Dale Carnegie Training have discovered that applying appropriate assertiveness to all your interactions is the most effective approach to creating a successful and prosperous career. Once you know and can readily employ these powerful skills, you will be well on your way to new levels of professional and personal achievement. Whatever you've been wishing for - more respect from your peers and supervisors, more money in your paycheck, better performance from your team - you will see nothing short of a transformation once you put these five essential skills to work for you.
  • The Fall of Freddie the Leaf

    Leo Buscaglia, Nightingale-Conant

    Audiobook (Nightingale-Conant, Oct. 31, 2017)
    The Fall of Freddie the Leaf is a warm, thought-provoking tale about how Freddie and his companion leaves change with the passing seasons and the coming of winter. This beautiful and engaging tale symbolizes death and its profound effects on those left behind. The Fall of Freddie the Leaf, by Leo Buscaglia, PhD, touches children and adults alike, illustrating the delicate balance between life and death. He offers a comforting, reassuring message to any bereaved by the death of a loved one. This audio program takes you through the stages of grief and sorrow. Leo shares his experiences and those of others who have found strength in the time of sorrow. With his gentle coaching, a person can begin to put the world back into focus and better understand the complex emotions he or she is going through in such a difficult time. This program can truly help a person deal with and understand his or her emotions and those of relatives and friends in a time of grief. You will hear all about ageless truths, as well as fresh insights, to encourage and console. As a teacher, speaker, and author, Leo Buscaglia has touched the lives of millions worldwide. His numerous books continue to be reprinted in countless editions in more than 11 languages. Leo's words offer hope to people everywhere. As he tweaks, cajoles, reveals, teaches, and delights, he leads us to realize that every moment of life is precious.
  • Dreams Don't Have Deadlines: Living Your Dream Life, No Matter What Your Age

    Mark Victor Hansen, Mark Hansen, Nightingale-Conant

    Audible Audiobook (Nightingale-Conant, Oct. 14, 2014)
    While the law of large numbers has been applied to fields such as math and science for several decades, its power has just recently begun to be applied to the fields of business and personal growth. Today, people from all walks of life are using the law of large numbers to achieve their highest objectives, with great confidence and complete peace of mind. Now, award-winning speaker and personal performance expert Dr. Gary Goodman has created a full-scale program showing you how to apply this incredible law to every area of your life. After exhaustive research and years of personal experience, Gary shares with you the amazing power this simple philosophy has brought to his life and the hundreds of people he has consulted with. According to Gary, "If you stand second in line in enough lines, sooner or later, even by sheer luck, you are bound to reach the top in at least one, if not several of those lines, over time." In The Law of Large Numbers, Dr. Gary Goodman will show you: A new process of setting clear goals in every major area of your life, areas such as your career, finances, and relationships. How to gain the ability to focus on positive outcomes in all situations. The law of large numbers approach to being more successful in any sales position. How to become an expert communicator by expanding your vocabulary with the law of large numbers. A clear, concise action plan for how you can develop your own personal law of large numbers strategy and apply it to any area of your life. A 31-day action plan to stay positive every day and stay on track with your law of large numbers campaign. And much, much more!
  • Sales Magic: The New Technology of Power Selling

    Kerry L. Johnson, Kerry Johnson, Nightingale-Conant

    Audible Audiobook (Nightingale-Conant, Oct. 14, 2014)
    The New Technology of Power Selling! Master the new technology of exceptional selling! Why is it so important to listen to clients rather than pitch them? What does it really mean when a client breaks eye contact with you? How should you alter your approach when selling to an "auditory" (as opposed to a "visual" or a "kinesthetic") client? In Sales Magic, you'll discover how to actually double your sales volume by combining powerful selling techniques with cutting-edge psychology. Sales Magic introduces you to an entirely different system of selling, fully based on trust. Research shows that trust is critical to successful selling. When trust is present, clients are more likely to schedule your appointments sooner, discuss needs and buying habits, and inform you about future plans. That trust can take place on a conscious level, but more importantly it needs to take place on a subconscious level. Learn how to literally "read" your clients! Kerry Johnson, one of the country's top sales training speakers and consultants, shows you how to build trust by literally "reading" your clients and communicating with them at a subconscious level. So you can predict how and when they'll actually buy. In Sales Magic, you'll discover: How to spot both verbal and nonverbal buying signals. How to employ tactics such as matching, mirroring and reframing. The 15 most persuasive words. The six can't-fail closing techniques. How to overcome the price myopia. How to cash in on client objections.
  • The Born To Win Seminar

    Zig Ziglar

    Audio CD (Nightingale Conant, March 15, 2010)
    15 CDs, 3 DVDs with 5 Sessions, Writable PDF Workbook & Writable PDF Performance Planner Discover your untapped greatness and how to win at life... in TWO DAYS flat! In just 48 hours... Your untapped greatness becomes visible. Your surest path to success is revealed. We're confident in this. Because that's precisely what tens of thousands of people have done who had the fortune to attend Zig Ziglar's 25-year-running and perpetually sold-out Born to Win seminar. Today Zig Ziglar's legendary Born to Win seminar comes alive once again to inspire a whole new generation of achievers. Nightingale-Conant proudly presents a complete audio and video solution to this popular seminar... The Born to Win Seminar: The Ultimate Zig Ziglar Library! For more than 50 years, in a style that is unquestionably his own, Zig Ziglar has used his quick wit, down-home charm, and abundance of energy to inspire excellence in people throughout the world. Zig's nonstop passion inspires and informs throughout 15 audio CDs and five video sessions on 3 CDs. Hour after hour, Zig speaks to you as if you're sitting front-row center in his sold-out seminar. Plus, you'll get Zig's Performance Planner and Workbook, both on CDs. Here's just a sampling of what you'll learn: - To achieve balance by becoming a more complete person in seven key areas of your life - How to develop and maintain a winner's attitude and use it to achieve significant personal growth - How to build stronger professional and personal relationships using your own unique behavioral style - How to become a better leader, parent, and employee by learning the art of effective communications - The seven-step goal-setting process that will empower you to achieve exponentially more in less time
  • The Aladdin Factor

    Jack Canfield

    Audio CD (Nightingale Conant, March 15, 2000)
    Unleash your power to ask! So often, the things that we want in our lives allude us for one very surprising (and deceptively simple) reason. We don't ask for them. From a higher salary... to a better bargain... to a little more help around the house, there are all sorts of desires that we harbor but never achieve, when the fact is, we haven't taken the most important step of all. Now, from the brilliant team who created the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, comes an all new audio program that addresses this perplexing yet universal condition - The Aladdin Factor: How to Ask For and Get What You Want in Every Area of Your Life. What is it that keeps is from asking for what we want? It may seem strange at first. But the act of directly asking for something can be a tremendous challenge that stymies even the most successful people. According to Canfield and Hansen, the difficulty is rooted in a whole collection of psychological barriers, many of which have been with is since childhood. Fears...pride...limiting beliefs...not realizing what is actually available to us...or simply not knowing what it is we want in the first place. These roadblocks are programmed into our subconscious and continually supported by a host of influence schools, the media, even the people closet to us. They hold us back from clearly expressing our true desires to the world - and, consequently, prevent us from achieving the things we want. The Aladdin Factor exposes these roadblocks, and teaches you solid, proven techniques for blasting through them to reach the rewards that lie beyond. You'll learn how to shed self-limiting thoughts, and feel strong and deserving of the things you want. You'll discover how to ask and who to ask in different home, at work, in shops, on the telephone.
  • One Small Step Can Change Your Life - The Kaizen Way to Success

    Dr. Robert Maurer

    Audio CD (Nightingale Conant, March 15, 2006)
    8 Compact Disc & Workbook The Kaizen Way to Change Your Life Discover the potent force of kaizen... and use it to easily, effortlessly achieve any goal or make any change you want to! We've been programmed to believe that change is a "battle" - something hard fought and hard won, something that demands struggle and sacrifice. But as anyone who uses the technique known as kaizen can tell you, nothing could be further from the truth. With kaizen, it's effortless, simple, and inevitable to change your life. In One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way to Success, author, psychologist, and world-renowned kaizen expert Dr. Robert Maurer introduces you to this simple yet extremely powerful transformation technique and gives you a step-by-step system for using it to achieve big and small changes in your life, with a speed and ease that will astonish you. In this exciting mix of studio and live recordings, Dr. Maurer will teach you how to: - CONQUER PROCRASTINATION - even if it's a challenge you've struggled to overcome your entire life. - ELIMINATE DEBT - even if you've racked up huge credit card bills and can't see a time when you'll ever be able to pay them off. - CREATE A MORE BALANCED LIFE - even if you can't see any way to redistribute your time and energy. - WEIGHT LOSS - even if you hate dieting and have never been able to stick to a weight loss program for very long. - BUILD WEALTH - even if you've found it impossi- ble to save money or create wealth up until now. - END BAD HABITS - like smoking or overeating, even if you've tried over and over again without success. - START DOING WHAT YOU LOVE - even if you don't know what it is or can't imagine how it could ever become your main job. - AND SO MUCH MORE!
  • The Fall of Freddie the Leaf

    Leo F. Buscaglia

    Audio Cassette (Nightingale Conant Corp, Sept. 1, 1987)
    This story is a warm, wonderfully wise, and strikingly simple story about a leaf named Freddie--how Freddie and his companion leaves change with the passing seasons, finally falling to the ground with winter's snow.
  • The Strangest Secret

    Earl Nightingale

    Audio CD (Nightingale Conant, Jan. 1, 1976)
    One morning more than 40 years ago, an amazing message was played for a group of salespeople at Earl Nightingale's insurance agency. They were utterly electrified by what they heard. Word of the message spread like wildfire, and everyone who heard it was positively ignited into action. Thousands of requests for a copy of the recording came pouring in.Within no time, more than 200,000 people had called, written, or just walked right into Earl's office to request a copy. As years went by, that number soared above 1,000,000. Today, The Strangest Secret remains one of the most powerful and influential messages ever recorded, and continues to transform the lives of everyone who hears and heeds it.In The Strangest Secret for Succeeding in the World Today, Earl Nightingale expands the themes of that remarkable original message into a comprehensive program that explores the critical question, What does it take to prosper in an ever-changing world? - and answers it with success building discoveries that have stood the test of time. Through Earl's collected wisdom, you'll learn about two categories of successful people and how to determine the category in which you belong.You'll also discover:*Why you are where you think you ought to be*Six words that can change your life*Why hunches pay off*How to know what you do best*Why work and well-being are one and the same*And much more!