How To Choose A College Major: Complete An Easy-To-Use Quiz To Help You Select The College Major That Is Best For You
Brian Harris
(CGS Communications Inc., Jan. 14, 2014)
Have you ever wondered which college major is best for you? With hundreds of possibilities and with the costs of attending college, many students face a great deal of stress related to making this choice. This book can help you in understanding how to choose your college major. It can help to give you a focus for your future. In the process, it can lessen your stress about what you are going to do next in your life. For more than 20 years, as a professional counselor, I have helped students plan their future. This book contains a self-scoring, easy-to-use Aptitude Test that can help you better understand which college major best matches your interests and abilities. The easy-to-understand Aptitude Test in this book is based on similar tests that I developed and that have been used by more than 1 million students. In addition to showing you which college major best matches your interests and abilities, this book goes a step further and shows you a list of careers that best match your strengths. Everything you need to complete and understand the Aptitude Test is provided in the book. You will find the test questions and a section on how to understand and score your answers. In addition you will find charts listing hundreds of college majors, and there will be easy-to-understand instructions on which of these college majors best matches your results on the Aptitude Test. Finally, you will be provided with lists of hundreds of up-to-date career lists, and once again easy-to-use instructions will show you how your results on the Aptitude Test best match a group of possible careers for you. The results you receive on the Aptitude Test can help to point you in the right direction for your future. They can also be an excellent resource that you can refer to if you meet with a counselor, career advisor, or a college mentor/advisor. This book can help you to answer the questions, "Now what? What am I going to do next with my life?"