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Books published by publisher Michael Crowson

  • The Wolf Who Cried Boy

    Michael Crowson

    language (Michael Crowson, Dec. 8, 2010)
    This story for young children is a twist on the original story of the boy who cried wolf. Wolfgang, the wolf cub learns a lesson about raising a false alarm with the wolf pack, and also helps an injured human.
  • How the Wolves Saved Christmas

    Michael Crowson

    eBook (Michael Crowson, Dec. 8, 2010)
    Five children's stories about two wolf cubs in a pack somewhere in Southeast Alaska. The stories are entitled: How the Wolves saved Christmas; The Wolf Cubs are born; The Wolf Cubs are Lost; The Wolf Who Cried Boy; and, The Wolf Cubs and the Mystery at the Zoo.Intended to be read to young children.
  • The Wolf Cubs are Born

    Michael Crowson

    eBook (Michael Crowson, Dec. 8, 2010)
    This story for young children tells of the birth of the wolf cubs, She-Wolf and Wolfgang, and introduces their grandfather, the mysterious Ghost Wolf.
  • The Wolf Cubs are Lost

    Michael Crowson

    eBook (Michael Crowson, Dec. 8, 2010)
    This story for young children tells of the day that the wolf cubs, She-Wolf and Wolfgang, got lost while playing. They encounter a fierce grizzly bear and are rescued by their mysterious grandfather the Ghost Wolf.
  • The Wolf Cubs and the Mystery at the Zoo

    Michael Crowson

    eBook (Michael Crowson, Dec. 8, 2010)
    This story for young children follows the wolf cubs, She-Wolf and Wolfgang as they are captured and taken to a nearby zoo. The wolf pack finds them and secretly swaps them out of the zoo's wolf exhibit with an old pair of wolves who would not have lasted much longer in the wild. The zoo keeper is mystified at the change in his two new wolves.