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Books published by publisher Meyer

  • Kids Best Start 2 to 4+

    Kumutheni Meyer

    eBook (K Meyer, )
  • Kids Best Start 0 to 2+

    Kumutheni Meyer

    eBook (K Meyer, April 5, 2014)
    As babies and toddlers grow they are constantly learning. One of the most wonderful ways to help our little ones learn is by reading to them.My aim in writing this book is to help little children understand that the things that they see in the world around them every day have written names as well as spoken names.If you sit with your baby or toddler for a little while, twice a day, pointing to the pictures then pointing to the words as you say them, you will be introducing them to the idea of written language in an interesting and warmly supportive way.The book is designed not so much for them to learn the words, but for them to become aware of and interested in written words.You can open the book anywhere. Read the heading. Go through the pictures with them, or let them find the pictures they like, and then say the name.Building a good foundation for your kids’ life at school is important. I hope you will find this book helpful – as well as providing an enjoyable learning experience for you and your little ones.
  • Swimming: Training by Katrin Barth


    Paperback (Meyer & Meyer, )