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Books published by publisher Mainstream Publishing

  • Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War.

    Gerry Docherty, Jim MacGregor

    Hardcover (Mainstream Publishing, Sept. 1, 2014)
    A new theory on how World War I started—not with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, but rather 10 years earlier, by power-hungry men whose lies have infiltrated historyHidden History uniquely exposes those responsible for World War I. It reveals how accounts of the war's origins have been deliberately falsified to conceal the guilt of the secret cabal of very rich and powerful men in London responsible for the most heinous crime perpetrated on humanity. For 10 years, they plotted the destruction of Germany as the first stage of their plan to take control of the world. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was no chance happening. It lit a fuse that had been carefully set through a chain of command stretching from Sarajevo through Belgrade and St. Petersburg to that cabal in London. Our understanding of these events has been firmly trapped in a web of falsehood and duplicity carefully constructed by the victors at Versailles in 1919 and maintained by compliant historians ever since. The official version is fatally flawed, warped by the volume of evidence they destroyed or concealed from public view. Hidden History poses a tantalizing challenge. The authors ask only that you examine the evidence they lay before you.
  • Hippy Dippy Doo

    Donald A. Tangborn, Brian k. Larson

    language (Slipstream Publishing, Aug. 3, 2014)
    Looking for a fun bedtime story book?Look no further...Hippy Dippy Doo is a silly rhyme and time book with hand-drawn full color cartoon pictures that I made for my 3 year old and was encouraged to publish it. Great for a quick bedtime (or anytime) read.˃˃˃ Join Hippy Dippy Doo on his adventures while introducing your child to an analog clock.Scroll up and grab a copy today.**** BONUS ****Paperback includes coloring activity pages!!!
  • The House by the Dvina: A Russian Childhood

    Eugenie Fraser

    Paperback (Mainstream Publishing, May 1, 2011)
    Episodes as romantic and dramatic as any in fiction fill this gripping story of a life in Russia before, during, and immediately after the Revolution The riveting story of two families separated in culture and geography but bound together by a Russian-Scottish marriage includes the purchase by the author's great-grandfather of a peasant girl with whom he had fallen in love, the desperate sledge journey in the depths of winter made by her grandmother to intercede with Tsar Aleksandr II for her husband, the extraordinary courtship of her parents, and her Scottish granny being caught up in the abortive revolution of 1905. Brought up in Russia but taken on visits to Scotland, Eugenie Fraser marvelously evokes a child's reactions to two totally different environments, sets of customs, and family backgrounds. With the events of 1914 to 1920—the war with Germany, the Revolution, the murder of the Tsar, and the withdrawal of the Allied Intervention in the north—came the disintegration of Russia and of family life. The stark realities of hunger, deprivation, and fear are sharply contrasted with the adventures of childhood. The reader shares the family's suspense and concern about the fates of its members and relives with Eugenie her final escape to Scotland.
  • A Day to Die For: 1996: Everest's Worst Disaster

    Graham Ratcliffe

    Paperback (Mainstream Publishing, Sept. 1, 2013)
    The truth about the 1996 Everest disaster by one of its survivors, uncovering crucial new information On May 10 and 11, 1996, eight climbers perished in what remains the worst disaster in Everest's history. Following the tragedy, numerous accounts were published, with Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air becoming an international bestseller—but the whole story has not been told. This book reveals for the first time the full, startling facts that led to the tragedy. Graham Ratcliffe, the first British climber to reach the summit of Mount Everest twice, was a firsthand witness, having spent the night on Everest's South Col at 26,000 feet, sheltering from the deadly storm. For years, he has shouldered a burden of guilt, feeling that he and his teammates could have saved lives that fateful night. His quest for answers has led to discoveries so important to an understanding of the disaster that he now questions why these facts were not made public sooner. History is dotted with high-profile disasters that both horrify and capture the attention of the public, but very rarely is the prevailing view of them revised to such devastating effect.
  • The Town Below the Ground: Edinburgh's Legendary Underground City

    Jan-Andrew Henderson

    Paperback (Mainstream Publishing, Sept. 1, 1999)
    The story of the Town Below the Ground is one of the most disturbing in the annals of Scottish history. For almost 250 years, Edinburgh was surrounded by a giant defensive wall and, unable to expand its boundaries, it became the most densely populated city in Europe. When buildings could go no higher, people were forced to construct new edifices over the existing structures. An underground slum developed, where subterranean dwellers lived in darkness and abject poverty, ignored by chroniclers of the time. Edinburgh's population eventually came to believe that the city—out of sight and out of mind since its abandonment in the mid-19th century—had never been there at all. This is the first book to fully chronicle Edinburgh's Town Below the Ground—its history and structure, its inhabitants and the lives they led, the story of its rediscovery, the parts that still remain, and the tales that made it legendary.
  • The Ghost That Haunted Itself: The Story of the McKenzie Poltergeist

    Jan-Andrew Henderson

    Paperback (Mainstream Publishing, July 1, 2001)
    Greyfriar’s Cemetery in Edinburgh has a centuries-old reputation for being haunted. Its gruesome history includes witchcraft, body-snatching, desecration, corpse dumping, and live burial. In 1998, something new and inexplicable began occurring in the graveyard. Visitors encountered “cold spots,” strange smells, and banging noises. They found themselves overcome by nausea, or cut and bruised by something they couldn’t see. Over a period of two years, 24 people were knocked unconscious. Homes next to the graveyard were plagued by smashing crockery, moving objects, and unidentified laughter. Witnesses to these incidents ran into the hundreds. The section of Greyfriars where the attacks occurred is now chained shut, but the poltergeist still grows stronger.
  • Book One: RED

    Glena Faye, Charlie Wade

    eBook (Main Publishing, )
  • The Busby Babes: Men of Magic

    Max Arthur, Sir Alex Ferguson

    Paperback (Mainstream Publishing, Jan. 17, 2008)
    On February 6, 1958, a plane took off from a snowy Munich airport carrying probably the finest club side the world has ever known. Moments later, the aircraft crashed, killing some of the most legendary names in British soccer. This book is dedicated to those players—Roger Byrne, Tommy Taylor, the mighty Duncan Edwards and the others whose lives were cut off in their prime—and their indomitable manager, Sir Matt Busby. Max Arthur has sought out all the players who survived the crash and spoken to the relatives and friends of those who died. From these interviews, sometimes serious but often humorous, he has captured their remarkable spirit and created a unique portrait of all the Busby Babes.
  • Evil Relations: The Man Who Bore Witness Against the Moors Murderers

    David Smith, Carol Ann Lee

    Paperback (Mainstream Publishing, April 1, 2012)
    The chief prosecution witness in the Moors Murders trial gives his account of the case after more than four decades of silenceDespite standing as chief prosecution witness in the Moors Murders trial, David Smith was vilified by the public due to the accusations thrown at him by Myra Hindley and Ian Brady about his involvement in their crimes. Hindley's later confession that she and Brady had lied in an attempt to reduce their sentences did little to diminish the slurs against his name. For more than four decades, Smith was asked by writers and filmmakers to tell his story. Apart from a handful of brief interviews, he always refused. Carol Ann Lee met Smith during her research for One of Your Own, her critically acclaimed biography of Hindley, following which he finally agreed to reveal all. In Evil Relations, previously published as Witness, interviews, archival research, and, most significantly, David Smith's own vivid memoir are fused to create an unforgettable, often harrowing account of his life before, during, and after the Moors Murders.
  • Catch Me If You Can

    Frank Abagnale

    Paperback (Mainstream Publishing, Aug. 2, 2005)
    Frank W. Abagnale, alias Frank Williams, Robert Conrad, Frank Adams and Ringo Monjo, was a daring conman, forger, impostor and escape artist. In his brief but notorious career, Abagnale donned a pilot's uniform and co-piloted a Pan Am jet, masqueraded as a member of hospital management, practised law without a licence, passed himself off as a college sociology professor and cashed over $2.5 million in forged checks, all before he was 21. Known by the police of 26 foreign countries and all 50 US states as "The Skywayman", Abagnale lived a sumptuous life on the run - until the law caught up with him. Now recognized as a leading authority on financial foul play, Abagnale is a charming rogue whose hilarious, stranger-than-fiction international escapades and ingenious escapes - including one from an aeroplane - make "Catch Me If You Can" an irresistible tale of deceit. Abagnale's story has now been made into a film, starring Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • Piano Burning and Other Fighter Pilot Traditions

    Rob Burgon

    language (Slipstream Publishing, Dec. 15, 2016)
    The world of the fighter pilot is steeped in tradition. Over a century's worth of ritual, superstition, and lore permeates the life of modern combat aviators. Every time-honored tradition upheld in today's fighter squadron is infused with deep meaning and strengthens the bonds between our airborne warriors.In Piano Burning and Other Fighter Pilot Traditions, you will be given a rare behind-the-scenes view of the combat aviator's world through the eyes of a modern-day fighter pilot. Get ready to explore the sacred origins of these customs and rituals as practiced by the men and women who fly the deadliest fighter aircraft in the world:•Friday in the Fast Jet Business•Roll Call•The Legend of Jeremiah Weed•Fighter Pilot Songs•Squadron Bar Games•Tactical Call Signs•Mustaches•Challenge Coins•Apologies•Temporary Duty (TDY!)•The Four-Letter "F"-Word (it's not what you may think!)•Piano Burnings•Debriefs•Fighter Pilot VocabularyThis book is written for an audience of all ages. Whether you are a kid contemplating a career in the fast jet business or a retired fighter jock looking to share memories of your world with your family, Piano Burning has got you covered. Check six!
  • Piano Burning and Other Fighter Pilot Traditions

    Rob Burgon

    (Slipstream Publishing, Dec. 11, 2016)
    The world of the fighter pilot is steeped in tradition. Over a century's worth of ritual, superstition, and lore permeates the life of modern combat aviators. Every time-honored tradition upheld in today's fighter squadron is infused with deep meaning and strengthens the bonds between our airborne warriors. In Piano Burning and Other Fighter Pilot Traditions, you will be given a behind-the-scenes view of the combat aviator's world through the eyes of a modern-day fighter pilot. Get ready to explore the sacred origins of these customs and rituals as practiced by the men and women who fly the deadliest fighter aircraft in the world: • Friday in the Fast Jet Business • Roll Call • The Legend of Jeremiah Weed • Fighter Pilot Songs • Squadron Bar Games • Tactical Call Signs • Mustaches • Challenge Coins • Apologies • Temporary Duty (TDY!) • The Four-Letter "F"-Word (it's not what you may think!) • Piano Burnings • Debriefs • Fighter Pilot Vocabulary This book is written for an audience of all ages. Whether you are a kid contemplating a career in the fast jet business or a retired fighter jock looking to share memories of your world with your family, Piano Burning has got you covered.