Bearded Dragon Care: Beginner's Guide to Caring for Your Pet
John Burns, Macken Murphy
Audible Audiobook
(John Burns, March 29, 2019)
Are you a new bearded dragon owner? Are you a seasoned owner and would like more information? If you have just adopted or purchased your first dragon, this is the audiobook for you! You will learn everything you need to get started and become an expert in bearded dragon care. Even if you think you are a professional dragon keeper, you will find much value in this audiobook. These amazing reptiles are very interesting and are some of the best pets for beginners and advanced pet owners. Even though they are some of the lower-maintenance reptiles, they still require much attention and care. You will need to learn how to care for you dragon, what they eat, how to set up their home, how to keep them healthy, and much, much more. Here is a snapshot of the background and history of these dragons: Bearded dragons are how these lizards are commonly known. The name refers to the beard on the underside of their throats. If they are stressed, upset, or feel threatened, the beard turns black and can take some time to return to its normal color. The Latin name is Pogona. There are eight types of lizard in the genus Pogona, all of them found in the wild in Australia. The bearded dragons of today were bred from each of the eight subspecies. Bearded dragons with mainly central or inland bearded dragon genes are more common than some of the other types. Interestingly, in the 1960s, Australia banned the sale of wildlife into the pet trade, which includes all bearded dragons. But it wasn't until the 1990s that bearded dragons became a popular mainstream pet in the US, although some breeders were experimenting with breeding different species, morphs, and sizes in the 1980s. Here is a preview of what you will learn: A brief history of bearded dragons The eight subspecies Before getting your dragon Morphs Colors Patterns Diet Handling Health Abnormal behavior Signs of malnutrition Diseases Breeding And much more!