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Books published by publisher Interactive SMS UNovel By J.K. Johnson

  • KOD: Kids On Drugs: Text

    J.K. Johnson

    language (Interactive SMS UNovel By J.K. Johnson, April 19, 2018)
    YOUR ROLE:Jermaine aka Cold Gang (See Description Below.)Text (912) 268-1890 To Begin Journey. Jermaine aka Cold Gang lives the life of a superstar rapper. He raps the streets and lives the high life. But during a show in Flint Michigan, Jermaine is shocked to see kids at young as 8 years old living on the street addicted to drugs. When he explores the city and encounters the young Travelle, he realizes that the influence of his drug-filled lyrics has played a role in the child’s demise. Haunted by his responsibility, Cold attempts to make a change in his lyrics and persona.But when his record sales and popularity began to wane, both his record label and the drug dealers that funded his career began to pressure him to change back. The question remains, will he revert back to the old Cold or will he stand firm in his new conviction of positivity knowing that it may cost him his career and life.Jomo K. Johnson is an author and Creator of the SMS Interactive UNovel: the first live author story in which YOU are the main character. UNovel allows you to select your story, interact with a live author via text message, and respond with your answers to shape the story. Each UNovel is $2.99 or purchase monthly subscription which includes UNLIMITED UNovels & ENTIRE Jomo K. Johnson E-Book Library (Over 20 Books) for only $9.99. Text (912) 268-1890 to order.FAQ ABOUT LIVE UNOVEL:Q: Is the author a real person?Y: Yes, the authors are always live and respond directly to your responses in the story.Q: How long does it take to read a UNovel?A: Each novel varies depends on how frequent you interact, but usually one or two days.Q: Is the outcome of the story already determined?A: Yes and No. Story has a conclusion but final outcome is determined by your answers.Q: Who does the story belong to when done?A: The story is yours to do whatever you want, even publish it.
  • The Color of Teen Love: Text

    J.K. Johnson

    language (SMS Interactive Novel By J.K. Johnson, April 16, 2018)
    YOUR ROLE:Becky (See Description Below.)Text (912) 268-1890 To Begin Journey. Becky has the perfect life. She is an honor student, has a great relationship with her family, and is on track to attend an Ivy League school after she graduates High School. All of this changes when she meets and begins to date Michael, a black drama student from a performing arts school in her city. When her relationship becomes public she becomes the target of racist bullying from her classmates. When her parents suggest she end the relationship, the stress of their love begins to affect her grades and threatens her college scholarship. She is forced to make a choice, leave Michael and attempt to put her life back together or continue the relationship believing that true love is both colorblind worth the cost.Jomo K. Johnson is an author and Creator of the SMS Interactive UNovel: the first live author story in which YOU are the main character. UNovel allows you to select your story, interact with a live author via text message, and respond with your answers to shape the story. Each UNovel is $2.99 or purchase monthly subscription which includes UNLIMITED UNovels & ENTIRE Jomo K. Johnson E-Book Library (Over 20 Books) for only $9.99. Text (912) 268-1890 to order.FAQ ABOUT LIVE UNOVEL:Q: Is the author a real person?Y: Yes, the authors are always live and respond directly to your responses in the story.Q: How long does it take to read a UNovel?A: Each novel varies depends on how frequent you interact, but usually one or two days.Q: Is the outcome of the story already determined?A: Yes and No. Story has a conclusion but final outcome is determined by your answers.Q: Who does the story belong to when done?A: The story is yours to do whatever you want, even publish it.
  • Don't Text Candyman: Text

    J.K. Johnson

    language (SMS UNovel By J.K. Johnson, April 13, 2018)
    An SMS UNovel is an interactive novel in which you communicate with a live author via text message. The author shapes the story based upon your responses and answers with you as the main character. Once the story is complete, all writing via text message belongs to you.YOUR ROLE:Jonathan (See Description Below.)Text (912) 268-1890 To Begin Journey. DONT TEXT CANDYMANDwight Candy was charged as the notorious Candyman Killer in the late 1970’s. When DNA evidence overturns his convictions, he is released to the solitary mountain town outside of Cheyenne. When Jonathan, a local high school student and employee at a cell phone store realises that he has just sold a phone to the family member of Candy, he understands the phone to be for the alleged murderer. When he dares his best friend and fellow classmate Samantha to text Candy publicly, she does so. Two days later, Samantha goes missing. What follows next is an investigation and a viral challenge that threatens to take the life of not only Samantha, but all those who text Candyman..including Jonathan.