The world's youngest superhero Pajama Sam and his friend, Carrot, discover they turn into firemen, cowboys, and pirates when they try on the hats they find in a tree while exploring the Land of Darkness.
Pajama Sam, the world's youngest superhero, takes a trip to the moon to turn the moonlight up to full, but he has no way to get home until a moon person named Monterey Jack shows him a secret way back to Earth.
After pushing too many buttons on the TV remote control, Pajama Sam is is transported into the TV Zone where he must escape from the evil Dr. Wrenchit, avoid the alligators on the Gator-Guy show, and finish a song for rapper LLPJ before he can return home.
Freddi Fish and his friends can't find Wally the Whale; and after looking all over, they find him on the beach and work together to bring him back into the water.
While Pajama Sam goes on some adventures young readers can scour the side-by-side illustrations that may seem the same, but on closer inspection, contain hidden differences.