I Did It . . . You Can, Too!
Fiona Harewood
(Hope Publishers, Feb. 17, 2012)
If you have already completed your education, or you are actively pursuing that goal, "I Did It . . You Can, Too!" may not be for you, but you could certainly use it as an awesome "anytime" gift to encourage someone you care about to return to school. Maybe you haven't completed your education and thought about going back to school but believed it would be too hard. Maybe you thought that you were too old, or that you simply couldn’t afford it. Perhaps setbacks, challenges and false starts have been unwelcomed companions in your life. Well, I had all the same doubts and fears, but with lots of faith and hard work, I persevered. And so should you! The information in this booklet is designed to inspire you to return to school and will provide you with many insights for your college journey - even before you start!