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Books published by publisher Hollis

  • Kaleidoscope's Light

    Angela Hilario

    language (Hollis House, Dec. 30, 2017)
    A love story through dimensionsIn universe 56, Emma DeNoire and James Scott make a promise to be together. But they just can't seem to get it right no matter how many parallel universes they're given.Each choice that the seventeen year olds make opens up into another universe, another lifetime where they could get it right—all of which they can remember living through. A gingerbread cookie given at the Winter Dance determines whether or not Emma alienates her two childhood friends; a note that starts a rumor affects the sobriety of James's best friend Mike; and whether or not Emma's ex boyfriend chooses a black SUV or a silver convertible impacts whether James will hate Emma forever.However, the two continue to carefully outline the choices they make, until a fatal one forces them to realize that there are just some things out of their control.
  • The Sisters Good

    George Hollis, Kevin Hollis

    language (G E Hollis, March 14, 2013)
    In a land called Good, two young sisters, Angel and Angeli, struggle to bring back their beloved land from what is now a dark and dreary place ruled and controlled by a wicked king. Their ‘gift’ must remain a secret while having to use it every day for good. King Virgil is determined to locate and destroy the source of this ‘good’ that is threatening his authority over the poor people of the land.
  • Kaleidoscope's Light

    Angela Hilario

    Paperback (Hollis House, Dec. 30, 2017)
    A love story through dimensionsIn universe 56, Emma DeNoire and James Scott make a promise to be together. But they just can't seem to get it right no matter how many parallel universes they're given.Each choice that the seventeen year olds make opens up into another universe, another lifetime where they could get it right--all of which they can remember living through. A gingerbread cookie given at the Winter Dance determines whether or not Emma alienates her two childhood friends; a note that starts a rumor affects the sobriety of James's best friend Mike; and whether or not Emma's ex boyfriend chooses a black SUV or a silver convertible impacts whether James will hate Emma forever.However, the two continue to carefully outline the choices they make, until a fatal one forces them to realize that there are just some things out of their control.