The Tale of the Little Lost Puppy: A Beautifully Illustrated Children's Book, A Humorous Story of Friendship
Jane Meadows, Mallory Anderson
(Childrens Books, March 12, 2013)
Morgie and Peej, the amazing two dogs who think and act like humans, are the best of friends and live with Boss and Wife, their two loving owners. They are back again with an exciting new adventure set in the scenic Blue Mountains.Morgie has recently purchased a digital camera so he and Peej decide to go hiking in the Blue Mountains and photograph their journey. On the way to the Blue Mountains they stop at a circus to photograph the animals in their cages and there they meet Malcolm, the Mischievous Monkey.Malcolm, who begins nearly every sentence with the phrase "Ohhhhh My Word!" falls in love with Morgie's shiny new camera. Because the circus will be moving close to where Morgie and Peej will be hiking, he plans to keep a close eye on them. Their hiking trip becomes an exciting adventure when Bella, a young puppy who has become lost, stumbles across their camp in the middle of the night. They offer to help her find her way back home.On their journey they encounter a whole host of memorable Australian animals and enlist their help. Then when they are setting up camp in a beautifully painted ancient cave, the rascally Malcolm reappears, having followed them all day. He is ready to execute his mischievous plan to steal the camera.Will they still be able to help Bella? All will be revealed......This is a happy story for kids about friendship and helping others. Although this book is targeted at the age group 5 to 10, it will be enjoyed by a wider age range. Besides the lovely story, readers said they really had great fun spotting the naughty but lovable Malcolm in some of the scenes as he keeps an eye on Morgie's camera.The author, Jane Meadows, has created some memorable characters that children of all ages will love. Illustrator Mallory Anderson has once more demonstrated her great talents with about thirty five of her beautiful and whimsical pictures of the unique Australian landscape and animals.Don't forget to try the free sample which will introduce you to the main characters including Malcolm. You will no doubt love the illustrations. The one of Morgie taking pictures of the lion is gorgeous and such an amusing concept.Enjoy and please don't forget to review the book after you read it.