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Books published by publisher Gravitas Publications, Incorporated

  • The Souls of Black Folk

    W. E. B. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois

    Paperback (Dover Publications, Incorporated, July 14, 2016)
    This landmark book is a founding work in the literature of black protest. W. E. B. Du Bois (1868–1963) played a key role in developing the strategy and program that dominated early 20th-century black protest in America. In this collection of essays, first published together in 1903, he eloquently affirms that it is beneath the dignity of a human being to beg for those rights that belong inherently to all mankind. He also charges that the strategy of accommodation to white supremacy advanced by Booker T. Washington, then the most influential black leader in America, would only serve to perpetuate black oppression. Publication of The Souls of Black Folk was a dramatic event that helped to polarize black leaders into two groups: the more conservative followers of Washington and the more radical supporters of aggressive protest. Its influence cannot be overstated. It is essential reading for everyone interested in African-American history and the struggle for civil rights in America.
  • Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass

    Paperback (Dover Publications, Incorporated, Aug. 1, 2016)
    Former slave, impassioned abolitionist, brilliant writer, newspaper editor and eloquent orator whose speeches fired the abolitionist cause, Frederick Douglass (1818–1895) led an astounding life. Physical abuse, deprivation and tragedy plagued his early years, yet through sheer force of character he was able to overcome these obstacles to become a leading spokesman for his people. In this, the first and most frequently read of his three autobiographies, Douglass provides graphic descriptions of his childhood and horrifying experiences as a slave as well as a harrowing record of his dramatic escape to the North and eventual freedom. Published in 1845 to quell doubts about his origins — since few slaves of that period could write — the Narrative is admired today for its extraordinary passion, sensitive and vivid descriptions and storytelling power. It belongs in the library of anyone interested in African-American history and the life of one of the country's most courageous and influential champions of civil rights. A selection of the Common Core State Standards Initiative.
  • Candide

    Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet

    Paperback (Dover Publications, Incorporated, April 5, 2016)
    Caustic and hilarious, Candide has ranked as one of the world's great satires since its first publication in 1759. It concerns the adventures of the youthful Candide, disciple of Dr. Pangloss, who was himself a disciple of Leibniz. In the course of his travels and adventures in Europe and South America, Candide saw and suffered such misfortune that it was difficult for him to believe this was "the best of all possible worlds" as Dr. Pangloss had assured him. Indeed, it seemed to be quite the opposite. In brilliantly skewering such naïveté, Voltaire mercilessly exposes and satirizes romance, science, philosophy, religion, and government — the ideas and forces that permeate and control the lives of men. After many trials and travails, Candide is reunited with Cunegonde, his sweetheart. He then buys a little farm in Turkey where he and Cunegonde, Dr. Pangloss and others all retire. In the end, Candide decides that the best thing in the world is to cultivate one's own garden. A selection of the Common Core State Standards Initiative.
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine

    Paperback (Dover Publications, Incorporated, April 22, 1997)
    Among the most influential authors and reformers of his age, Thomas Paine (1737–1809) was born in England but went on to play an important role in both the American and French Revolutions. In 1774, he emigrated to America where, for a time, he helped to edit the Pennsylvania Magazine. On January 10, 1776, he published his pamphlet Common Sense, a persuasive argument for the colonies' political and economic separation from Britain.Common Sense cites the evils of monarchy, accuses the British government of inflicting economic and social injustices upon the colonies, and points to the absurdity of an island attempting to rule a continent. Credited by George Washington as having changed the minds of many of his countrymen, the document sold over 500,000 copies within a few months.Today, Common Sense remains a landmark document in the struggle for freedom, distinguished not only by Paine's ideas but also by its clear and passionate presentation. Designed to ignite public opinion against autocratic rule, the pamphlet offered a careful balance between imagination and judgment, and appropriate language and expression to fit the subject. It immediately found a receptive audience, heartened Washington's despondent army, and foreshadowed much of the phrasing and substance of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Focus On Middle School Chemistry Student Textbook

    Rebecca W. Keller PhD

    Paperback (Gravitas Publications, Incorporated, Sept. 6, 2012)
    The Focus On Middle School Chemistry Student Textbook provides young students with a solid foundation in the concepts of the scientific discipline of chemistry. Students will learn about atoms, how atoms bond to form molecules, types of bonds, chemical reactions, acids and bases, pH, mixtures and how they can be separated, energy molecules in food, polymers and their characteristics, DNA, proteins, and more.The Focus On Middle School Chemistry Student Textbook has 10 full-color chapters. Grades 5-8.
  • My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles

    Martin Gardner

    Paperback (Dover Publications, Incorporated, Feb. 16, 2016)
    Over a period of 25 years as author of the Mathematical Games column for Scientific American, Martin Gardner devoted a column every six months or so to short math problems or puzzles. He was especially careful to present new and unfamiliar puzzles that had not been included in such classic collections as those by Sam Loyd and Henry Dudeney. Later, these puzzles were published in book collections, incorporating reader feedback on alternate solutions or interesting generalizations. The present volume contains a rich selection of 70 of the best of these brain teasers, in some cases including references to new developments related to the puzzle. Now enthusiasts can challenge their solving skills and rattle their egos with such stimulating mind-benders as The Returning Explorer, The Mutilated Chessboard, Scrambled Box Tops, The Fork in the Road, Bronx vs. Brooklyn, Touching Cigarettes, and 64 other problems involving logic and basic math. Solutions are included.
  • Focus On Middle School Physics Teacher's Manual

    Rebecca W. Keller PhD

    Paperback (Gravitas Publications, Incorporated, Sept. 6, 2012)
    The Focus On Middle School Physics Teacher’s Manual accompanies the Focus On Middle School Physics Laboratory Workbook and the Focus On Middle School Physics Student Textbook. The Teacher’s Manual includes directions for each experiment, a list of materials needed, overall objectives for each experiment, suggested questions to use in guided inquiry, and additional information about concepts covered in the Focus On Middle School Physics Student Textbook.The Focus On Middle School Physics Teacher’s Manual contains 10 black and white chapters. Grades 5-8.
  • Real Science-4-Kids, Biology Level 1, Laboratory Worksheets

    Rebecca W Keller Ph.D.

    Paperback (Gravitas Publications, Incorporated, April 13, 2011)
    Level I Biology Laboratory Workbook contains ten hands-on experiments that coincide with the ten chapters in the Real Science-4-Kids Level I Biology Student Text. Students explore plant growth, protozoa movement, and the frog and butterfly life cycles.
  • Focus On Elementary Biology

    Rebecca W. Keller PhD

    Paperback (Gravitas Publications, Incorporated, Sept. 6, 2012)
    The Focus On Elementary Biology Student Textbook introduces young students to the scientific discipline of biology. Students will learn about the characteristics of living things; how scientists sort living things into groups (taxonomy); cells and their makeup and functions; how plants make food; parts of a plant and their functions; life cycles of plants, butterflies, and frogs; microscopic organisms and how they move and eat; and more.The Focus On Elementary Biology Student Textbook has ten full-color chapters. Grades K-4.
  • KWANZAA: How to Celebrate it in your Home

    Kathleen M. Taylor, Charles A. Taylor II

    Paperback (Praxis Publications Incorporated, Aug. 27, 2013)
    One of the most popular Kwanzaa books in the U.S. The original book was featured in the Chicago Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer, Dayton Daily News, Dallas weekly; Black Entertainment Network, and many other national media sources. “This book should be in everyone’s school and home library!” KWANZAA is an African American cultural holiday that is celebrated from December 26 to January 1 annually. It was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, Professor of Africana Studies at California State University-Long Beach. The seven-day celebration has since become a recognized part of the December holiday season, celebrated by millions of people. “Kwanzaa is a time for people to reaffirm the bonds between them; a time of spiritual renewal; a time for honoring our ancestors; a time of recommitment to our highest cultural ideals; and a time to celebrate the good of family, community and culture.”-M.K. This book will show you how to celebrate Kwanzaa in your home. It contains everything you need to participate in this unique and remarkable holiday. Heri za Kwanzaa-Happy Kwanzaa!
  • Real Science-4-Kids Biology Level I

    Rebecca W. Keller Ph.D.

    Paperback (Gravitas Publications, Incorporated, May 16, 2011)
    The Level I Biology Student Textbook is an elementary text for grades 4-6 that introduces students to the scientific discipline of biology. Students will learn about classifying living things, cells and their structures, plants and photosynthesis, single-cell organisms, life cycles of butterflies and frogs, and ecosystems. Level I Biology expands on concepts introduced in the Pre-Level I Student Textbook and also covers additional biology concepts. The Level I Biology Student Textbook has 10 full-color chapters.
  • Focus On High School Chemistry Laboratory Workbook

    Rebecca W. Keller, PhD

    Paperback (Gravitas Publications, Incorporated, March 11, 2013)
    The Focus On High School Chemistry Laboratory Workbook accompanies the Focus On High School Chemistry Student Textbook. The Laboratory Workbook has 10 hands-on chemistry experiments that coincide with the chapters in the Student Textbook and include: analyzing data; building molecule models; chemical reactions; acids, bases, and pH; acid-base reactions; mixtures; separating mixtures; testing foods; cross-linking polymers; and extracting DNA. The Focus On High School Chemistry Laboratory Workbook contains 10 black and white chapters. Grades 9-12.