Discusses why some people might not want to play, how to accept their decision, and the importance of playing fairly and with consideration for others.
Provides answers to common questions about death, including causes, psychological aspects, the rights of the dying, and what happens afterwards, and suggests how children can adjust to the fact of death.
Explains how people can feel angry, distrustful, and frustrated when they are disappointed, how to respond to disappointing people and situations, and how to feel better.
Discusses how to create the perfect body through proper diet and exercise, and warns about eating disorders such as overeating, excessive dieting, and anorexia nervosa.
This book centers on a story about two boys named, AJ and Scott. AJ thinks Scott is superior in status to him and so he doesn't invite Scott to his big sleepover. But one day at school AJ helps Scott out of an embarrassing jam, and AJ then realizes that nobody is perfect. The book does follow up discussion on how we all share similar foibles, such as that suffered by Scott.