The Grand Adventures of Eccentric Aunt Cecil: Book One Aunt Cecil's Mysterious Past
Patricia Gray Diamond
(Diamond, Oct. 14, 2011)
Meet eccentric Aunt Cecil; she's not just an ordinary relative but an extraordinary one. Uniquely charming, she brings with her a hint of mystery, a touch of romance, and a lot of fun. An old maid she may be, but Aunt Cecil is also one adventurous lady. Come along as she travels with her niece, Megan, to Scotland where a romantic mystery is unraveled; one that she may not be willing to share. The first in a series, Aunt Cecil's Mysterious Past is a fast-paced, wholesome story that will take you on a short magical journey. Including a diverse cast of characters, this story highlights Aunt Cecil's teenage niece, Megan, who sees a mystery and can't let it go without a little detective work behind the scenes of a Scottish castle. Patricia Gray Diamond resides in the New River Valley of Southwest Virginia. She is currently working on the sequel to Aunt Cecil's Mysterious Past and has two previously published books for young people, If These Walls Could Talk and Angels For All Time. Visit her website at