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Books published by publisher Crossbones Publications

  • Elementary Geography: Full Illustrations & Study Guides!

    Charlotte Mason, CrossReach Publications

    eBook (CrossReach Publications, Aug. 31, 2016)
    This little book is confined to very simple “reading lessons upon the Form and Motions of the Earth, the Points of the Compass, the Meaning of a Map: Definitions.”The shape and motions of the earth are fundamental ideas—however difficult to grasp.Geography should be learned chiefly from maps, and the child should begin the study by learning “the meaning of map,” and how to use it.These subjects are well fitted to form an attractive introduction to the study of Geography: some of them should awaken the delightful interest which attaches in a child’s mind to that which is wonderful—incomprehensible. The Map lessons should lead to mechanical efforts, equally delightful. It is only when presented to the child for the first time in the form of stale knowledge and foregone conclusions that the facts taught in these lessons appear dry and repulsive to him.An effort is made in the following pages to treat the subject with the sort of sympathetic interest and freshness which attracts children to a new study.A short summary of the chief points in each reading lesson is given in the form of questions and answers.Easy verses, illustrative of the various subjects, are introduced, in order that the children may connect pleasant poetic fancies with the phenomena upon which “Geography” so much depends.It is hoped that these reading lessons may afford intelligent teaching, even in the hands of a young teacher.The first ideas of Geography—the lessons on “Place”—which should make the child observant of local geography, of the features of his own neighbourhood, its heights and hollows and level lands, its streams and ponds—should be conveyed viva voce. At this stage, a class-book cannot take the place of an intelligent teacher.Children should go through the book twice, and should, after the second reading, be able to answer any of the questions from memory.
  • The Bringer of Pain

    Josette Weiss

    language (Crossbones Publications, Nov. 12, 2017)
    The new school year has started off with a bang! Maribele has her hands full with a murdered fellow student haunting the school and a mirror demon bent on destruction. Plus someone from her past makes an unexpected and unwanted appearance in her life. Danger and death lurks around every corner for Maribele nd her friends.
  • The Omega Complex

    Josette Weiss

    eBook (Crossbones Publications, Nov. 15, 2013)
    Leah has come up with a plan to get rid of Karen and her family. Will Leah stay sane enough to pull this difficult plan off?Karen is excited about her mate and the new friendships she has created, but forces beyond her control wreck havoc. First, a betrayal from deep within the Omega Complex shatters her life and then, out of nowhere, Leah strikes. Will Karen survive this horrible ordeal? Will Karen be able to stop Leah before she kills again?
  • The Gathering

    Josette Weiss

    eBook (Crossbones Publications, July 7, 2013)
    Leah continues to struggle with the changes within her life. Her grasp of reality is slipping and a lot of people may pay the price for Leah's crazy revenge filled plan to rid the world of one certain werewolf. Karen graduated high school and has embarked on a long standing tradition within the werewolf clans. The Gathering. She and other werewolves around the same age will gather and fight for a higher status and for the right to have a mate.Along the journey, Karen meets many other wolves, both friend and foe. The only problem is how to tell the difference between the two? Plus, she did the one thing dad told her not to do. She fell in love.
  • The Family Curse and other Stories

    Josette Weiss

    eBook (Crossbones Publications, Aug. 7, 2013)
    Eleven stories full of suspense and twists await you. There are a couple of fairy tales gone...crooked and a few ghost stories. A haunted playground and a few monsters complete this collection.
  • Big Foot Needs Big Shoes and Other Stories

    Josette Weiss

    eBook (Crossbones Publications, Aug. 18, 2013)
    A collection of short stories for children. Stories are about, Big Foot goes back to school shopping, twin brothers help out another boy, Emma gets a birthday surprise, and a mysterious family heirloom passed down from generation to generation.
  • Grandpa's Tall Tales

    Josette Weiss

    language (Crossbones Publications, Sept. 7, 2014)
    Billy is a loner. His mom is too busy with charities to bother with her family. His dad works long hours and his brother is a bully. Then grandpa comes back to town. Billy loves grandpa and his crazy stories.Grandpa has stories about Bigfoot, ghosts, and aliens, but the best thing about grandpa? He brings the family back together.
  • Change

    Josette Weiss

    eBook (Crossbones Publications, June 25, 2013)
    Two years ago Leah's father and brother were killed in a tragic accident. Now her friends have started to behave in a strange way. Her mother has gone insane and maybe the accident, which killed her family members wasn't an accident? Oh, and maybe werewolves are out to get her? What price does Leah have to pay to survive?
  • Almost A Vampire

    Josette Weiss

    language (Crossbones Publications, Sept. 9, 2014)
    A killer has come to town, hiding in the shadows and picking off innocent people. The killer has his sights set on Matt. Matt has a lot to deal with, besides his father abandoning the family, a bully, the girl of his dreams, who doesn't know he exists, he has to deal with his Aunt Marie.Aunt Marie scares him. She knows things. Things she shouldn't know. She says things. Things she shouldn't say.She gives Matt a warning, "Watch out for the vampire."
  • The Early Church: From Ignatius to Augustine

    George Hodges, CrossReach Publications

    language (CrossReach Publications, Sept. 24, 2019)
    These chapters began as Lowell Lectures in 1908. The lectures were given without manuscript, and have been repeated in that form in Cambridge, in Salem, in Springfield, in Providence, Rhode Island, and in Brooklyn, New York. The first, second, third, and fourth were then written out and read at the Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Connecticut, as the Mary H. Page Lectures for 1914. In like manner the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth were given at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, as the Bedell Lectures for 1913. The tenth was given in 1913, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the Baldwin Foundation. Finally, the lectures, as they now appear, were repeated in 1914 at West Newport, California, at the Summer School conducted by the Commission on Christian Education of the Diocese of Los Angeles.The following extracts from a communication in 1880 to the Trustees of Kenyon College indicate the intentions of Bishop and Mrs. Bedell, founders of the Bedell Lectureship:—We have consecrated and set apart for the service of God the sum of five thousand dollars, to be devoted to the establishment of a lecture or lectures in the Institutions at Gambier on the Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion, or the Relations of Science and Religion.The lecture or lectures shall be delivered biennally on Founders' Day (if such a day shall be established) or other appropriate time. During our lifetime, or the lifetime of either of us, the nomination of the lectureship shall rest with us.The interest for two years on the fund, less the sum necessary to pay for the publication, shall be paid to the lecturer.We express our preference that the lecture or lectures shall be delivered in the Church of the Holy Spirit, if such building be in existence; and shall be delivered in the presence of all the members of the Institutions under the authority of the Board. We ask that the day on which the lecture, or the first of each series of lectures, shall be delivered shall be a holiday.We wish that the nomination to this Lectureship shall be restricted by no other consideration than the ability of the appointee to discharge the duty to the highest glory of God in the completest presentation of the subject.The original sources from which a knowledge of this period is derived are readily accessible in translation. In The Ante-Nicene Fathers (8 vols.) the reader will find most of the writings of the Early Church under the Pagan Empire, to the year 325. A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, in two Series (each of 14 vols.), contains the most important works of Christian writers from 325 till the beginning of the Middle Ages. The first series is given to Augustine and Chrysostom. The second series contains the books of the leaders of Christian thought and life from Athanasius to Gregory the Great. The Church History of Eusebius, extending to 324, has been translated and edited by Dr. A. C. McGiffert. The continuations of this history by Socrates (324-439), by Sozomon (324-425), and by Rufinus (324-395) are translated into English,—Socrates and Sozomon in the Second Series of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. Dr. Joseph Cullen Ayer's Source Book for Ancient Church History contains significant extracts from the writers of this period, with interpretive comments. The first volume of the Cambridge Medieval History deals with the fifth century. Professor Gwatkin's Early Church History to 313 and Monsignor Duchesne's Early History of the Church are recent aids to an understanding of these times.My friend and colleague, Professor Henry Bradford Washburn, has read these chapters in proof, and I am indebted to him for many helpful suggestions.CrossReach Publications
  • The Burgess Bird Book for Children: Illustrated

    Thornton Burgess, Louis Aggasisiz Fuertes, CrossReach Publications

    eBook (CrossReach Publications, Sept. 4, 2016)
    This book was written to supply a definite need. Its preparation was undertaken at the urgent request of booksellers and others who have felt the lack of a satisfactory medium of introduction to bird life for little children. As such, and in no sense whatever as a competitor with the many excellent books on this subject, but rather to supplement these, this volume has been written. Its primary purpose is to interest the little child in, and to make him acquainted with, those feathered friends he is most likely to see. Because there is no method of approach to the child mind equal to the story, this method of conveying information has been adopted. So far as I am aware the book is unique in this respect. In its preparation an earnest effort has been made to present as far as possible the important facts regarding the appearance, habits and characteristics of our feathered neighbors. It is intended to be at once a story book and an authoritative handbook. While it is intended for little children, it is hoped that children of larger growth may find in it much of both interest and helpfulness. Mr. Louis Agassiz Fuertes, artist and naturalist, has marvelously supplemented such value as may be in the text by his wonderful drawings in full color. They were made especially for this volume and are so accurate, so true to life, that study of them will enable any one to identify the species shown. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Fuertes for his cooperation in the endeavor to make this book of real assistance to the beginner in the study of our native birds. It is offered to the reader without apologies of any sort. It was written as a labor of love—love for little children and love for the birds. If as a result of it even a few children are led to a keener interest in and better understanding of our feathered friends, its purpose will have been accomplished.
  • Why I Am a Baptist

    Clarence Larkin, CrossReach Publications

    eBook (CrossReach Publications, Jan. 16, 2017)
    Please see the description for this title below. But first...Our promise: All of our works are complete and unabridged. As with all our titles, we have endeavoured to bring you modern editions of classic works. This work is not a scan, but is a completely digitized and updated version of the original. Unlike, many other publishers of classic works, our publications are easy to read. You won't find illegible, faded, poor quality photocopies here. Neither will you find poorly done OCR versions of those faded scans either with illegible "words" that contain all kinds of strange characters like £, %, &, etc. Our publications have all been looked over and corrected by the human eye. We can't promise perfection, but we're sure gonna try! Our goal is to bring you high quality Christian publications at rock bottom prices.Description:This work is not a personal history. For fifteen years I was a layman in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and having had my attention called to the subjects and mode of Baptism, after two years of careful study of the subject I deemed it my duty to unite with the Baptists.In my examination of the subject I found it necessary to read a great many tracts, pamphlets, and books, none of which covered completely the whole ground. Feeling the need of a comprehensive little work to place in the hands of young converts, and those desiring to know the distinctive principles of the Baptists, I prepared the following volume. I claim for it no originality. It is simply a compilation of facts, and the arguments of others, culled from numerous sources after careful and voluminous reading. But as he who would obtain credit for constructing a new edifice largely from old material, with the addition of a little new, must see to it that the old material is not too conspicuous, and as I remember that the class of persons for whom this is written care more to see the finished building than the method, manner, and material of its construction, I have arranged the facts and arguments culled, so that their source and authorship is not evident.At the same time I have acknowledged my indebtedness to all who may recognize their own offspring in the garb of a foreigner.About the Author:Rev. Clarence Larkin (1850–1924) was an American Baptist pastor, Bible teacher and author whose writings on Dispensationalism had a great impact on conservative Protestant visual culture in the 20th century. His intricate and influential charts provided readers with a visual strategy for mapping God's action in history and for interpreting complex biblical prophecies.