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Books published by publisher Clever Fox Press Ltd.

  • Lily the Quarantine Cat

    Lily the Quarantine Cat, René Nel, Ira Grebenschikova, Leonora Bulbeck

    eBook (Clever Fox Press, May 20, 2020)
    My name is Julie G Fox. I am a children's author and a human mummy to Lily, the calico cat. Before the lockdown of 2020, Lily used to cross the road from our house in the village of Guilsborough, Northamptonshire to visit a local preschool and a primary school to play with the children. But then both schools had to close. A week or two later, I started receiving messages from the local parents saying that Lily was now visiting children in their own homes. Not all of the families in Guilsborough, of course, have pets. So Lily was especially appreciated as a play companion and a calming influence on the children during the difficult times the families went through in the spring of 2020. I decided to write Lily's story and to invite the local children to draw the pictures of Lily, as well as of their lives during the lockdown, so I could include these in the book alongside the illustrations by a professional artist. I am now happy to share the finished book not only with the children in our village but also with the children who were affected by the 2020 pandemic around the world.
  • Wildfire

    Julie Fox, Julie Pratten, Aparna Bera, Eleonora Bulbeck

    eBook (Clever Fox Press, March 9, 2018)
    There is a fire in Red Fox Woods. The animals in the nearby forest are worried that the fire is too close to their homes. Lenny, the young grey fox cub, is telling his mum about a red fox cub Zack, a refugee from the wildfire, who is welcomed in Lenny's school. Lenny's classmates, including the school's bully Donald and a brave and kind Angie, have different sentiments about a new student of different fur colour.Wildfire is a special book which was illustrated by children alongside a professional illustrator.
  • The Meowing Chair

    The Meowing Chair, Darina Krisanova, René Nel

    eBook (Clever Fox Press, May 28, 2020)
    When his grandparents tell him that they got a new meowing chair a little boy is curious to find out why this ordinary-looking chair has such an unusual name. He thinks that he knows anything and everything there is to know about furniture already. Nana's knitting chair, Papa's reading chair, Dad's working chair, Auntie Sue's come-in-and-have-a-cup-of-tea chair, eating chairs around the family's dining table, the dog's bed, even mum and dad's hugging chair are all familiar, but the meowing chair is all new. Your preschooler will be intrigued to find out why the new chair got such an unusual name. Darina Krisanova from Chernihiv, Ukraine is a 13-year-old young artist who picked up a paintbrush at just 3 years old. She attends an after-school art studio. She loves ballet, bird watching, and the outdoors. Darina dreams of becoming a famous artist. She wants to travel around the world with her canvas and her paintbrushes. Whether your children decide to try their hand as authors, illustrators, or both, encourage them to do so. And give us a shout by sending their stories and/or art to
  • Bo the Artist

    Julie G Fox

    Paperback (Clever Fox Press, March 10, 2016)
    "Our teacher, Ms. Tilley, wants us to write about what we want to become when we grow up. I don't like to write that much. I like to draw instead. So I decided to draw about what I want to become when I grow up. I hope Ms. Tilley doesn't mind." Little Bo is an artist. He loves to draw and he loves to paint. He paints on..... puddles with his favourite stick. He puts on his tallest rain boots, and off he goes to find the best puddles. The puddles are his canvases and the stick is his paintbrush. Will Ms. Tilley mind Bo drawing his essays instead of writing them?
  • Tim-Tim and the Sickly Monster

    Julia Fox, Aparna Bera, Julia Bruce

    eBook (Clever Fox Press Ltd., April 6, 2017)
    A special book for a special boy. 4-year old Timofey Zlenko is fighting leukaemia. We at Clever Fox Press made a special book dedicated to Timofey and his brave fight against leukaemia. All funds from sale of the book will be donated to Timofey Zlenko and his family.Little Tim-Tim wakes up one morning with the Sickly Monster by his side. The Sickly Monster seems to want to do everything that Tim-Tim does and follows Tim-Tim around everywhere the little boy goes. The Sickly Monster is rather unwell. And when he follows Tim-Tim around, it makes the little boy unwell as well. The Sickly Monster even follows Tim-Tim to school climbing in his backpack just when the little guy is catching a school bus. Mr. Mole, the dig-digging-long-tunnels-under-ground teacher, Mrs. Duck, dive-under-the-water-and-catch-as-much-fish-as-you-can teacher, Mr. Baboon, climb-the-trees-and-jump-from-brunch-to-brunch teacher, and all the other teachers at school try to help Tim-Tim do his lessons by offering to watch or hold the Sickly Monster. And at the end of the day, when Tim-Tim is about to go home, Mrs. Hippo, the school nurse, comes up with the brilliant solution to help Tim-Tim go home monster-free.
  • The Story of Rugby Town in 15 Tail Wags

    Julie Fox, Lika Kvirikashvili, Leonora Bulbeck, Rene Nel

    eBook (Clever Fox Press, July 14, 2019)
    Discover the town of Rugby in Warwickshire with Tommy the Learned Cat and 'The Story of Rugby Town in 15 Tail Wags', a colourful book for children ages 3 to 7 as well as their siblings and favourite grown-ups.Rugby, a bustling Midlands town, is best known for being the birthplace of the game of Rugby Football. But it is so much more than that. From reforming England's public education to inspiring the modern Olympics and Harry Potter, from being a major player in the development of the jet engine to becoming a home to the world's most powerful telegraph transmitter as well as the first international telephone call, this town in the heart of England is the king of Britain's towns. And who is best to tell its story then Tommy the Learned Cat, a smartly dressed feline gentleman whose family could be traced back to Dr Thomas Arnold's favourite pet. So sit back, make yourself comfortable, don't stick your noses, hands, feet or tails out the windows of our fun tour bus, make sure you turn your head left and right, wave at the pedestrians, smile at everyone you meet... and listen. Tommy has a story to tell.